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Iran to US: Stop racism against Afro-Americans

Wut when did i use the term nigger for odumbo? Hain? Chak Bamu you slipping. Heck i didnt even use Odumbo but as a role model for blacks. And that too in a different thread.

Trigger happy strikes again. Kindly be more alert and confirm beforehand when accusing me of racism.

Hain i also support the democrats in the US.

You git me confused with some other member. I am apotty mouth not a racist.

Ok a teenie bit.

I distinctly remember a post of yours with the 'n' word, which I either edited or deleted.

Black people commit a large percentage of crime in the United States and thus are preceived as dangerous criminals.

You will never see an Asian person being shot and killed by the police.

Do not make blanket racist statements.
That was Informant, and he was taken care of. Please do not make such general statements. PDF is not a person who posts here. It is all of us.

duly noted.

Wut when did i use the term nigger for odumbo? Hain? Chak Bamu you slipping. Heck i didnt even use Odumbo but as a role model for blacks. And that too in a different thread.

Trigger happy strikes again. Kindly be more alert and confirm beforehand when accusing me of racism.

Hain i also support the democrats in the US.

You git me confused with some other member. I am apotty mouth not a racist.

Ok a teenie bit.

It wasn't you. I know that. We all make bone headed comments.

But i don't think you are that racist.
duly noted.

It wasn't you. I know that. We all make bone headed comments.

But i don't think you are that racist.

Nah man you breaking my heart :(

I distinctly remember a post of yours with the 'n' word, which I either edited or deleted.

Do not make blanket racist statements.

I said nigger and **** are racist terms, to this ultra left retard. He was calling me and waz **** **** ****.

Or the picture a long while ago was niggawatts :D

Damn man you think so low of me, and yes you are wrong. Admit it. Be a bigger man :D
White America is dying out. In 20 years time America will be majority Latin American. Lets see how Latinos threat the white when they come to power. Lets hope they are humans instead of the animals currently in power.

And btw. Most blacks in America are actually 25% white european genetically. The legacy of slave rape in America.

The dude is on a roll. A STUPID roll, but a roll, anyway.
well if Iran wants afro-americans they can have them if they want
they can show us the proper way of dealing with them

Because they are Afro-Americans, not Afro-Iranians, what it has to do with Iran? Of course, it is America's responsibility to solve these issues.
They killed another guy .:(
these kkkrakers never change .

He got killed because he came at a police officer with a knife.

I got no sympathy for him. You do something that stupid, you get what you deserve.

As for Michael Brown, apparently he tried to snatch the police officer's gun and got shot.

A typical day in the ghetto.
Because they are Afro-Americans, not Afro-Iranians, what it has to do with Iran? Of course, it is America's responsibility to solve these issues.
my point is Iran has much moral high ground to preach to us about civil rights in America as we do for Iran.

black people got problems and it's not entirely white peoples fault.
blacks here are spoiled.
the poorest blacks live better than the average Sub-Sahara African

blacks are more likely to be killed by a fellow black than a white person or cop
most interracial crime is committed by a black

we wronged them by doing slavery, but they can't use that as crutch forever.
my point is Iran has much moral high ground to preach to us about civil rights in America as we do for Iran.

black people got problems and it's not entirely white peoples fault.
blacks here are spoiled.
the poorest blacks live better than the average Sub-Sahara African

blacks are more likely to be killed by a fellow black than a white person or cop
most interracial crime is committed by a black

we wronged them by doing slavery, but they can't use that as crutch forever.

So you are generalizing the black people, is this racism?

Do you think the even most white people were murdered by the blacks? Are you freaking kidding me?

The black people are going nowhere, they are going to stay in America, because their ancestors were brought here.

You wanna kick them out or solve the problems with them?
So you are generalizing the black people, is this racism?

Do you think the even most white people were murdered by the blacks? Are you freaking kidding me?

The black people are going nowhere, they are going to stay in America, because their ancestors were brought here.

You wanna kick them out or solve the problems with them?

am I generalizing black people? no, only the ones who cry racism and say "nigga" over a 100 times a day.

if America is such a bad place for them they can leave and make a better life for themselves and their future families.
^^yet they won't since the poorest American black lives better than 50% of the world's population.
both are facist nation . enemies on media friends in proxy wars , america helped Iranian proxy nothern aliance in afghanistan , america helped iranian puppet maliki in iraq , america is helping iranian proxy in syria wow what a fake enemies ....

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