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Iran to US: Stop racism against Afro-Americans

Ah poor America. Every day your propaganda means less and less. Your double standards just cant be hide from the world anymore. At least one country has some balls to give America a tase of its own medicine.

PressTV - Iran to US: Stop racism against Afro-Americans
cries about racism
is homophobic
White America is dying out. In 20 years time America will be majority Latin American. Lets see how Latinos threat the white when they come to power. Lets hope they are humans instead of the animals currently in power.

And btw. Most blacks in America are actually 25% white european genetically. The legacy of slave rape in America.

A summary of the life of @notgoodenough , Also known by his Black kinsmen as "Lil Baboon":

Hates White people, yet uses White inventions like computers, light bulbs, toilets, electric system, microwaves, electronic calculators, cell phones, batteries, types in English, lives in America.

In other words, he's nothing but a hypocritical ape:

@notgoodenough and his family caught in their natural habitat :lol::


Good thing i'll be putting this ape on my ignore list.
Unless you live in America you don't know what you are talking about.

Afro Americans destroy their own neighborhoods , sell drugs, gangs and they leave their women pregnant without a father. If they come to your town in large numbers they will rape your women, rob you and accuse you of racism.

They are like ISIS. If they lived in Iran they would be all hanged and if they lived in Saudi Arabia they would be all beheaded.
Unless you live in America you don't know what you are talking about.

Afro Americans destroy their own neighborhoods , sell drugs, gangs and they leave their women pregnant without a father. If they come to your town in large numbers they will rape your women, rob you and accuse you of racism.

They are like ISIS. If they lived in Iran they would be all hanged and if they lived in Saudi Arabia they would be all beheaded.

Victimhood is the mentality of troublemakers which doesn't regard any race,ethnicity and country. Both dead person were criminal and i don't cherish their death and see it as a tragedy but that doesn't justify the riot which supposed to be peaceful protest. ( Hypocrite everywhere - Condemn injustice by doing more injustice )
Unless you live in America you don't know what you are talking about.

Afro Americans destroy their own neighborhoods , sell drugs, gangs and they leave their women pregnant without a father. If they come to your town in large numbers they will rape your women, rob you and accuse you of racism.

They are like ISIS. If they lived in Iran they would be all hanged and if they lived in Saudi Arabia they would be all beheaded.
Pretty much why Saudi Arabia doesn't have any such issues with its African/Black minority despite Gulf Arabs having played a major role in the African slave trade for centuries. Its only in White countries where minorities like blacks enjoy the privileges to whine and complain and blame others for their own problems.

@KingMamba and @Hazzy997
Interesting video

Just a reminder, why did many of you choose to live in Europa with the so called evil whites? Why did you not choose to live in Liberia or Nigeria instead?

Who do you feel safer around?

Many hypocrites.
Pretty much why Saudi Arabia doesn't have any such issues with its African/Black minority despite Gulf Arabs having played a major role in the African slave trade for centuries. Its only in White countries where minorities like blacks enjoy the privileges to whine and complain and blame others for their own problems.

@KingMamba and @Hazzy997

Anyone in ghetto's have privileges. It's about upbringing, many people(also non-Africans) take advantage of welfare system, etc...

It's more about culture, in this nation celebrities can influence culture and lets just say they don't have a positive impact on our children. If we raised those in Arabia for example we could discipline them. There aren't many parenting skills anymore.
Anyone in ghetto's have privileges. It's about upbringing, many people(also non-Africans) take advantage of welfare system, etc...

It's more about culture, in this nation celebrities can influence culture and lets just say they don't have a positive impact on our children. If we raised those in Arabia for example we could discipline them. There aren't many parenting skills anymore.
Yes, that is very true. I partially blame the ACS for that lol.
Alright, you guys ask for a black guy's opinion. In my opinion this "kid" is a thug plain and simple. I've seen this "kid's" type a million times already. The idiotic Afro-Americans are extremely hypocritical and yes...racist yet they keep getting benefits and welfare.

These shits already broke into my car when I accidentally left the door lock open, and I'm planning to get a gun.
No he didnt. He raised a knife and told the police " come on and get it over with " and so they shot him 12 times. Twice while he was already dead. Just to make sure. That is murder. They could have shot him in the leg. He was mentally unstable. Police think they have a licence to kill. Little do they know every dropof blood they spill, will have to be paid back. Its the law of the universe. When they or one of theirs dies, they will look back and know why. They will feel the same pain they caused.

This cant and wont go on forever. People will eventually rise up. Its the history of mankind. You must not know history to think this can last for very much longer.

He got killed because he came at a police officer with a knife.

I got no sympathy for him. You do something that stupid, you get what you deserve.

As for Michael Brown, apparently he tried to snatch the police officer's gun and got shot.

A typical day in the ghetto.
When an unarmed teenager gets shot and killed by a cop most of the times it is unheard of. When an African American teen unarmed gets shot and killed by a cop, riots, protests, global media. These same people who protest for the African American teen, will most likely not lift a finger for any other teenager of any other race/ethnicity killed in a similar manner.

If you see nothing wrong with this, then the problem will never be fixed.

Pulling out the race card on an issue that goes beyond races, only encourages racism, when there is no such thing as races to begin with. There is only one race.

Nobody here wants to solve the problem they only want to blame the white race.

American cops using excessive force and killing teens and children, that is the issue
. I dare you to discuss the issue without bringing the race card to the table.

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