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Iran to supply Russia with “hundreds” of Drones

Feels to me that they are flying it alittle higher than they need to , and exposing it to more powerful medium range AD. If their is EO/IR optics on the AD system it would also give visual confirmation where they couldn't detect via radar.

Although, just speculating, they understand the use better than I do since they are trained and have a mission in mind when they launch it.

But wait a minute. didn't Israelis claim to have destroyed our drone factory in Syria which was supposedly responsible for delivering these drones to Russia? I remember Ukrainians were thanking them happily.

Yeah, good for you.
Yes, all Iranian factories were exported to Syria, we have 0 factories in Iran. All drones are gone. 2,423 drones were destroyed in airstrike.
Clearly swimming but not shot down. Probably malfunctioned or downed with EW.

Interesting how intact it landed, seems like a controlled landing, perhaps electronic warfare I think, maybe seized control of and landed gently in water (?)
Where is it? Persian gulf?
edited it is in Ukraine
Honestly, we should've expelled the Ukrainian ambassador right after their Ministry of Defense called Iran a despot regime.
You'd think after the death of their artillery field commander they done it right then. I suppose this is the first time they use S-136 over a city, which generates insecurity. Rather than some grasslands in the rural areas.
You'd think after the death of their artillery field commander they done it right then. I suppose this is the first time they use S-136 over a city, which generates insecurity. Rather than some grasslands in the rural areas.
They obviously have every right to be angry at us
But this was predictable. Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs should've predicted it very easily.
They obviously have every right to be angry at us
But this was predictable. Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs should've predicted it very easily.

They just getting started, I don't know about UCAVs but suicide drones will likely continue to be delivered in a stream. Essentially Russia now has free reign to hit any location it wants without worry of losing 60$ million dollar aircraft or using a $300,000 missile. Worse case, it gets intercepted by a $50k-$200k missile and you fire another one.

AAA is frankly to short range to be effective at this battlefront only for point defence, like protecting artillery systems.

If Russia could be so kind as to use them in a swarm of 5, that would be nice.

Any news on what Iran got from Russia for these drones? We know that the Russians are using them very effectively and it has definitely helped them on the battlefield.

But what is Iran getting out of Russia? Reminder : last time Russia sold (offensive) weapons to Iran was 30 years ago.

When are people going to wake up?
First guess would be some sort of barter deal. We heard the news about the ISR satellites, joint production.

For example, the delivery of 1,000 suicide UAVs + UCAVs, Iran gets 5 intelligence gathering satellites with 1m resolution. Those satellites alone are worth tens of millions so, if you assume a cost of 20k per S-136, 1000 Shaheds might be the value of a single Kanupos-5 satellite which is a very critical asset to have and something they really needed.

Also money of course can happen.
FYI for the lads here, don't think 2 UAS over Odessa was the only thing that happened today. We did not give them 50 flights worth of UAVs so they can use them two pieces at a time.

A UAS was also downed around Dnipro which is hundreds of kilometers away from Odessa. These are the videos we know of within a very short time frame.

it would be naive to assume that a large swarm attack (which is what this was made for) was not performed along the whole front from Kharkiv to Odessa going to various places. We already know they were used in Kharkiv region first recently.

I'm guessing the losses from todays attack caused Ukraine to cut the relations down now (speculation).

Unfortunately the Russian MOD is completely silent about what they are doing, leaving us with only Ukrainian and general western sources.
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