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Iran to rebuild Syria

Tokhme khar

Feb 25, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Envoy Underlines President Assad's Special Attention to Iranian Firms in Reconstruction of Syria

TEHRAN (FNA)- Syrian Ambassador to Tehran Adnan Mahmoud stressed that President Bashar al-Assad has laid special emphasis on the need for Iranian companies' partnership in the reconstruction of the war-torn country.
"Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's emphasis on the partnership of Iranian firms from different government and private sectors in reconstruction of Syria provides a proper opportunity for Iranians' presence in economic activities in our country," Mahmoud said, addressing a joint Iran-Syria forum at Iran's Chamber of Commerce in Tehran on Sunday.

He added that all doors are open to the Iranian firms for trade activities, and said, "Given the endorsement of a long-term agreement, we have taken a wide stride to expand economic activities."

Mahmoud noted that such meetings are a big opportunity for Iranian businesspersons to participate in joint investment projects in Syria given the fact that reconstruction efforts have started in the country.

Tehran and Damascus in a joint ministerial economic committee meeting in Tehran on Saturday exchanged views on long-term strategic trade and commercial cooperation.

The meeting was co-chaired by Iranian Road and Urban Development Minister Mohammad Eslami and Syrian Economy and Foreign Trade Minister Mohammad Samer al-Khalil.

During the meeting, the two sides discussed developing investment cooperation between the two countries.

Eslami and al-Khalil also agreed on a long-term strategic economic cooperation.

The Iranian Road and Urban Development Minister expressed the hope that the agreement would be finalized.

The Syrian economy and foreign trader minister, for his part, said both sides are determined to widen economic ties, including investment, trade, banking and finance.

"We count on Iranian companies to play a major role in reconstruction in Syria," he added.

Senior Iranian officials have repeatedly voiced the Islamic Republic's readiness to help Syria with reconstruction of the war-ravaged country.

In early October, Iran signed an agreement to build a 540-megawatt (MW) gas fired power plant in Syria’s coastal city of Lattakia.

At the request of Damascus, Iran has also been providing military advisory assistance to the Syrian government forces in its fight against foreign-backed Takfiri terrorists.

Envoy Underlines President Assad's Special Attention to Iranian Firms in Reconstruction of Syria

TEHRAN (FNA)- Syrian Ambassador to Tehran Adnan Mahmoud stressed that President Bashar al-Assad has laid special emphasis on the need for Iranian companies' partnership in the reconstruction of the war-torn country.
"Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's emphasis on the partnership of Iranian firms from different government and private sectors in reconstruction of Syria provides a proper opportunity for Iranians' presence in economic activities in our country," Mahmoud said, addressing a joint Iran-Syria forum at Iran's Chamber of Commerce in Tehran on Sunday.

He added that all doors are open to the Iranian firms for trade activities, and said, "Given the endorsement of a long-term agreement, we have taken a wide stride to expand economic activities."

Mahmoud noted that such meetings are a big opportunity for Iranian businesspersons to participate in joint investment projects in Syria given the fact that reconstruction efforts have started in the country.

Tehran and Damascus in a joint ministerial economic committee meeting in Tehran on Saturday exchanged views on long-term strategic trade and commercial cooperation.

The meeting was co-chaired by Iranian Road and Urban Development Minister Mohammad Eslami and Syrian Economy and Foreign Trade Minister Mohammad Samer al-Khalil.

During the meeting, the two sides discussed developing investment cooperation between the two countries.

Eslami and al-Khalil also agreed on a long-term strategic economic cooperation.

The Iranian Road and Urban Development Minister expressed the hope that the agreement would be finalized.

The Syrian economy and foreign trader minister, for his part, said both sides are determined to widen economic ties, including investment, trade, banking and finance.

"We count on Iranian companies to play a major role in reconstruction in Syria," he added.

Senior Iranian officials have repeatedly voiced the Islamic Republic's readiness to help Syria with reconstruction of the war-ravaged country.

In early October, Iran signed an agreement to build a 540-megawatt (MW) gas fired power plant in Syria’s coastal city of Lattakia.

At the request of Damascus, Iran has also been providing military advisory assistance to the Syrian government forces in its fight against foreign-backed Takfiri terrorists.


Rebuilding Syria should be the priority of the whole world. Now since the "great game in Syria" is finally collapsed and exposed fully to the whole world, a stronger Syria is the urgent need of time!
Golan Heights needs to be freed from IsraHelli occupation and a Stronger Syria will be check against the "Cancer of Middle East: IsraHell"
Assad is already turning to the wealthy PGCC to help rebuild his country.

Tragically ironic that the people who support terrorists are now going to have influence and profit from rebuilding the country they helped destroy.

Meanwhile Iran gets the short end of the stick once again with largely face saving deals up to this point. Though secretly IRGC secured land for itself from the government that likely will not be announced.

Nonetheless, it seems the only Arab neighbor that hasn’t backstabbed Iran in some form is Hezbollah.
Assad is already turning to the wealthy PGCC to help rebuild his country.

Tragically ironic that the people who support terrorists are now going to have influence and profit from rebuilding the country they helped destroy.

Meanwhile Iran gets the short end of the stick once again with largely face saving deals up to this point. Though secretly IRGC secured land for itself from the government that likely will not be announced.

Nonetheless, it seems the only Arab neighbor that hasn’t backstabbed Iran in some form is Hezbollah.
Yes is tragic but more PGCC involvement specially economic involvement is positive. The amount of destruction in Syria is beyond imagination and we must welcomed everyone who eager to participate in Syria rebuilding.

Nobody can destroy Iran friendship with Syria, they couldn't do this with arm and war !!!
Yes is tragic but more PGCC involvement specially economic involvement is positive. The amount of destruction in Syria is beyond imagination and we must welcomed everyone who eager to participate in Syria rebuilding.

Nobody can destroy Iran friendship with Syria, they couldn't do this with arm and war !!!

Make no mistake about it, these Arabs(minus Lebanonese) have short memory and backstab. It is the reason why no Arab coalition could challenge a weak Israel. These guys are all Vatan fooroosh.

Qassem solemani and Quds force single handily saved Baghdad and the holy sites of Iraq from ISIS destruction and now in iraq they are chanting against solemani and Iran!

There is a reason IRGC rather fight alongside Shiite miltias, HZ, And NDF rather than Syrian army corps. There was animosity between the two sides at the troop level. Given that SAA is predominantly Sunni, all it takes is one vatan fooroosh in that group to jeopardize a whole platoon’s operation. Just look at amount of insider attacks in afghanistan against allied troops.

Arabs (minus lebanonese) will never be Iran’s friend. They are just too short sighted and stubborn. They rather cut their own nose off on their own face to prevent Iran from asking them if they need a tissue.

Persians and Arabs historically don’t get along. As much as Islam could be something that bridges neighbors, with the rise of Sunni terrorist ideology like Wahhabism, Iran might as well have had atheist neighbors. It would have been better off.
Qassem solemani and Quds force single handily saved Baghdad and the holy sites of Iraq from ISIS destruction and now in iraq they are chanting against solemani and Iran!
And US Air Power never counts.
Make no mistake about it, these Arabs(minus Lebanonese) have short memory and backstab. It is the reason why no Arab coalition could challenge a weak Israel. These guys are all Vatan fooroosh.
Arab couldn't challenge weak Israel b/c Zionists know for what they are fighting also they were ready to die for their goals but Arabs come to fight with Israel for low level values such as Arabness and pan Arabism, nobody in Arab world were ready for dying such pissy Ideology.
Stupid Arabs (Naser gangs in Egypt and Ba'thist) thought real war is like movie, they were not ready to tolerate human and equipment loses and at same time half of their leaders were Zionist spies. now after yrs we know for sure Jordan king was Zionist spy and spies were reach very high ranking positions in both Egypt and Syria military.
Arabs lost to themselves while they had better equipment and more human resources.
Hezbollah and Hamas are resisting. first, b/c they are not racist group like pan Arabs thugs. second, they are ready to tolerate and resist human and resources damages, and finally amount of Zionist influences in their military rankings are very low.
Today Syria military is different than 2011 Syria military. today they are experienced very bloody war and they are ready to resist against heavy damages. Secondly the Syrian army mainly refreshed from Spies however I don't think it is totally clean.
Qassem solemani and Quds force single handily saved Baghdad and the holy sites of Iraq from ISIS destruction and now in iraq they are chanting against solemani and Iran!
That is not new in Iraq, Americans bring them to power but they are now anti Americans.
However I believe there is many exaggeration about Anti Iran feeling in Iraq. Also nobody can reach total support in any country even in Lebanon many people do not speak well about Iran.
There is a reason IRGC rather fight alongside Shiite miltias, HZ, And NDF rather than Syrian army corps. There was animosity between the two sides at the troop level. Given that SAA is predominantly Sunni, all it takes is one vatan fooroosh in that group to jeopardize a whole platoon’s operation. Just look at amount of insider attacks in afghanistan against allied troops.
That is not true Iran and Iran friends had many joint operation w/ SAA for example Aleppo war or second joint operation to free Palmyra when Fatemyoun from north and SAA from south reached to city. and many more in Eastern ghouta or south.
however difficulties and disagreement is usual and can happen even b/w for example Fatemyoun and Hezbollah. For that reason It is good to separate forces and give responsibility for different fronts for each of them.

Arabs (minus lebanonese) will never be Iran’s friend. They are just too short sighted and stubborn. They rather cut their own nose off on their own face to prevent Iran from asking them if they need a tissue.
That is not true, I know many Arabs, and I can Assure you that I witness more anti Arab feeling among Iranian than Arabs toward Iranian. Also we can not sum feeling of group of Arabs or Iranian to all.

Persians and Arabs historically don’t get along. As much as Islam could be something that bridges neighbors, with the rise of Sunni terrorist ideology like Wahhabism, Iran might as well have had atheist neighbors. It would have been better off.
again, that is not true. This is exact reason why American miscalculate their war against Iraq. They thought Iran and Iraq fought for 8 yrs against each other so they hate each other so Iran can not enter Iraq. Iranians and Arabs always had cultural and science and .... distribution.and that does not mean we become Arab or Arab become Iranian or etc.
Yes is tragic but more PGCC involvement specially economic involvement is positive. The amount of destruction in Syria is beyond imagination and we must welcomed everyone who eager to participate in Syria rebuilding.

Nobody can destroy Iran friendship with Syria, they couldn't do this with arm and war !!!
Exactly,both the syrian people and their government know that without the huge efforts of iran and russia,that there wouldnt be a syria today.The alawites,the christians and the shiites all know that without iran and hezbollah that their entire communities would`ve been mass murdered and ethnically cleansed,or worse the young women and children enslaved,like the yazidis in iraq,to be used as nothing more than sex slaves.The syrians also know full well whos money paid for all of the weapons that the terrorists used to lay waste to syria,and I have no doubt that they will never ever forget who was responsible for that.I also have no doubt that they will never ever forget who stood with them,fighting shoulder to shoulder,while their so called "brother arabs",along with the west/nato actively supported the terrorists trying to destroy syria.
And US Air Power never counts.

when ISIS had the momentum only old age IRIAF did some meaningful air strike against it which was costly for it due the age of fleet .... Iran simply gave up all of her Su-25 to Iraq which are not replaceable for Iran due the sanctions ...

Nobody can destroy Iran friendship with Syria, they couldn't do this with arm and war !!!

don't fool yourself with this kind of heart warming words ...
Bossnia , Sudan , Jibouti , Tajikestan and etc .... are the recent example of IR wasting Iranians money for nothing ....

I can see a day that Assad name Iran as " enemy of Syria" in one of his public speech ... IR policy always end like this ...
Start with Kermanshah first.
This is how a taxi driver talks of politics...

Kermanshah reconstruction is underway and it is almost (ALMOST) done..

Second, foreign contracts are always preferred over local ones due to the nature of short term flow of money and huge long term benefits it provides companies who were in charge there in Syria.

Don't forget that like Iraq, a big part of products and projects being done in Iraq are private sector people.. so, it is always preferred to be out than in.. This is why all companies regardless of where in this globe, desperately seeking more foreign work and exports...
Its simple economics if not political-social-economics...
when ISIS had the momentum only old age IRIAF did some meaningful air strike against it which was costly for it due the age of fleet .... Iran simply gave up all of her Su-25 to Iraq which are not replaceable for Iran due the sanctions ...

don't fool yourself with this kind of heart warming words ...
Bossnia , Sudan , Jibouti , Tajikestan and etc .... are the recent example of IR wasting Iranians money for nothing ....

I can see a day that Assad name Iran as " enemy of Syria" in one of his public speech ... IR policy always end like this ...
This would be the case, I firmly believe in the stupidity of our ummatis.
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