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Iran to lodge complaint against US over sanctions on petchem firms: MP

Well , I don't know there were any Qashqaei Turk in Cyrus the great era .... just a though ... go and use your pretty words for who do not know what you wanted in Iran ....

and this is ironic that a qashqaei turks who claim that he is Persian come and talking about nationalism to a pure blood Lure who his roots goes back to 3000-5000 years ago and his grandfathers fought with Alexander the greats , Arabs , Mogouls and Afghans and his father fought to Iraq in Iran-Iraq war and himself living in country and face with all problem and harshness while others spending their nights in some bar in Canada ....

you are rootless people who only go to wherever you can find more fun and talk and saying big words from distance while pride to something that is not belong of you and find in some museum ....

We are living in 21th century not in 2600 years ago , nor in 1600 years ago .....
You would have far more luck complaining about food or medicine sanctions. Petro companies are legit targets.....and a lack of foreign reserves only show they are working.

Yeah they always seem to "work".

BBC News - US targets Iranian currency with fresh sanctions

Here you go "This promises to make Iran's weak currency, even weaker and more volatile," the US official was quoted as saying. "

Quoted from above.

Funny how the economy hasn't been effected over the past few years.

You and your country are all talk pal. End of. You have shot your own economy in the foot and damaged it severely now your sh!tting that China is going to overtake you and scared that Iran will overtake as well.
Yeah they always seem to "work".

BBC News - US targets Iranian currency with fresh sanctions

Here you go "This promises to make Iran's weak currency, even weaker and more volatile," the US official was quoted as saying. "

Quoted from above.

Funny how the economy hasn't been effected over the past few years.

You and your country are all talk pal. End of. You have shot your own economy in the foot and damaged it severely now your sh!tting that China is going to overtake you and scared that Iran will overtake as well.

Lol, yeah....the sanction are having zero effect. Then no need to whine about them....as they only lose us business.
Lol, yeah....the sanction are having zero effect. Then no need to whine about them....as they only lose us business.

Just one thing though..Iran has played a far smaller role in radicalization that KSA..so why just sanction Iran? Iran's nuclear weapons will only bring them on par with Israel..I don't remember that being a crime. Iran plays a vita role in keeping a certain balance in the region within the Islamic fold..something that we people tend to appreciate very little. Perhaps this time the American approach has indeed been ham handed. Weaken Iran and it will not be the US that will flourish..but rather every Salafist scum who ever dreamed of recreating 9/11 will indeed thrive. You guys might want to look into the other more inflammatory nations in the region rather than hounding Iran.
Lol, yeah....the sanction are having zero effect. Then no need to whine about them....as they only lose us business.

No one is whining about them. Maybe they want you to think they are having effect? Ever heard of reverse pyschology?

If they did work your country wouldn't come up with new ones on a weekly basis LMAO
No one is whining about them. Maybe they want you to think they are having effect? Ever heard of reverse pyschology?

If they did work your country wouldn't come up with new ones on a weekly basis LMAO
Of course they are not working! So....stop bringing them up. And yes.....you ARE all whining about them. Boohoo.
Sanctions have zero effect in the sense that its not changing Iran's course in its nuclear program. But they have negative effect on economy, obviously.
Sanctions are having negative impact on ordinary peoples lives, but if history has taught has anything, it is that sanctions very rarely work in changing government policy or even the government itself.

The US is pursuing policies that are against its own interest. US policy towards Iran hare pushing Iran to closer long-term economic and perhaps even strategic relations with China, and its also pushing Iran to work against American interests in ME.
That is damaging US strategic interests, in the long term.

American power is eroding. Compare US standing in the Middle East and North Africa now to what it was 10 years ago. US is in a relative decline. Its influence is in a free fall. And the main beneficiary of that has been Iran.
Eventually the sanctions and their effect, will erode as well.
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