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Iran to Build the First Mega Nuclear Medicine Hospital in the Middle East

Gotta love all these PDF Indian/Chinese posters that go around spreading kumbaya without any value for internet brownie points.

Countries with economies 10 times as large and achievements 50 times greater don't talk 1/100000th of the amount Iran talks. A 1 reactor nuclear program with 100 foreign "agha bala sar" inspectors and a thousand restrictions has turned into a national obsession. What will you guys do if you actually achieve something? Instead of running your mouths and talking all the time, actually do something.
Envy is such a powerful source of hate! Some Afghani members here having the long lived dream of becoming an Iranian and when Iran could not do that, they start to show their face!!

To all Pakistani/Indian brothers... There is 1 member here that uses Iranian flag while he is a false flagger... he is not neither Iranian nor living in Iran.... Be careful of such false flaggers...
Sincerely yours,


Who the hell is this guy? He looks like a proper Jahel :lol:
Iran’s nuclear chief added that the hospital will be equipped with a variety of machines to provide radiotherapy services to patients and that different types of centrifuges will also be installed in the complex.

Why would a nuclear medicine and radiotherapy hospital need "different types of centrifuges" in the same complex? Something is not quite right here. Centrifuges are used for isotope enrichment, and have no practical uses in a medical setting. And yes, I know what I am talking about, just a little bit. :D
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Why would a nuclear medicine and radiotherapy hospital need "different types of centrifuges" in the same complex? Something is not quite right here.

Do you know what these centrifuges will be used for? Or are you commenting out of your behind here?
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