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Iran tells allies in the Middle East to avoid provoking the US in the coming weeks

Dariush the Great

Jan 28, 2020
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

BAGHDAD — Iran has instructed allies across the Middle East to be on high alert and avoid provoking tensions with the U.S. that could give an outgoing Trump administration cause to launch attacks in the U.S. president’s final weeks in office, Iraqi officials have said.
So there is an off switch.. good to know.
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Trump is not interested nor mad enough to engage in a direct conflict with Iran, having said that, do not for a second forget that the Saudis, emirates and Israelis are begging him behind the scene to take any sort of actions. They understand that the next 4 years (perhaps 8) will be a democratic administration that will remove sanctions to a great part and rejoin the Iran nuclear deal. They are scared to death because they know even now they cannot stand up to Iran and are being humiliated, never-mind when Iran gets much more powerful and richer.
If it tried hard enough...yea.....france doesn't take that much to be provoked....one beheading and Macron will start flailing like a old lady on meds. :D
You definitely didn't get the point.
Trump maybe will attack Iran and give the responsible of declare war on Iran on Biden shoulder.
Insider attacks can do the job just as well

i would rather say that the israelis/zionist would make false flag like they did with the u.s. liberty in 1967 to drag the u.s. in a war with egypt, which nearly ended with a nuclear strike on egypt.
even someone in the administration would do it with the zionist and not with u.s. personal.
Trump is ready to Tango and attack iran to cause some sort of CAOS to avoid transfer of power under some flimsy pretext. I think he will make a shit fest for Biden just before he leaves office or forced out of it.
Insider attacks can do the job just as well
Thats a hypothetical, so it cant be considered in the realistic context. We dunno if that capability is really possible, and we cant make assumptions either.

BAGHDAD — Iran has instructed allies across the Middle East to be on high alert and avoid provoking tensions with the U.S. that could give an outgoing Trump administration cause to launch attacks in the U.S. president’s final weeks in office, Iraqi officials have said.
Owkaaayyy!!!! US embassy got rocketed though a few days ago,.....is public relations opinions the truth about what IRGC and its allies in Iraq are doing??

also, its way easier for Trump to get US in a war than to get the US out of one..
Trump is not interested nor mad enough to engage in a direct conflict with Iran, having said that, do not for a second forget that the Saudis, emirates and Israelis are begging him behind the scene to take any sort of actions. They understand that the next 4 years (perhaps 8) will be a democratic administration that will remove sanctions to a great part and rejoin the Iran nuclear deal. They are scared to death because they know even now they cannot stand up to Iran and are being humiliated, never-mind when Iran gets much more powerful and richer.
hmm.......this situation makes me subconsciously think of more serious things developing from this. in short, Trump might BE that US president that tests Iran militarily....i feel somehow that he is seriously contemplating something military-related in the Gulf region..But if he drags US into a war with lots of casualties and little chance of declaring honorable victory, he will get hung..
Trump or even Mike are thinking for 24 election as it's clear they have lost the recent one .. and I don't think GOP could ignore his political weight (funny but true and if these 2 remain alive till then) and his supporters in next race so anything that could jeopardize his possible reelection would be avoided by him ... moreover Trump has not really started any war and his campaign promise was to stop all wars to return troops home ... so I think the threats' war or the notion of weekly sanctions are just for keeping pressure on Iran and providing next administration more cards to play in any possible talks.
And since then a news agency knows what has been told by IRGC? esp for a country that provoked Trump for the past 4 years on the daily basis?
But anyhow we must be ready all the time as he is not stable.

u.s. sending b 52 bombers to qatar.

there is also a video from omid dana saying that warship and aircraft carriers left teh persian gulf to go to a safe distance. i will post that video, if i find it.

u.s. sending b 52 bombers to qatar.

there is also a video from omid dana saying that warship and aircraft carriers left teh persian gulf to go to a safe distance. i will post that video, if i find it.

B-52 is the least deadly plane to any modern military.

The plane has an RCS of a god damn space ship. Who is that supposed to scare?

Iran could convert an AC-130 into a bomber plane too. But these types of planes are relics of the past. Good for terrorists and banana country invasions.
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