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Iran supports Armenia over Karabakh

No one is emotional but its funny if you see the big boss (USA) failing over and over again to handle Iran, but yet somehow its puppets in the NATO (they know who they are) think they can challenge Iran... funny

Well, hopefully it will stay as "funny" for good.
What the "Christian Western World" Thinks About "Muslim Generals" Means Nothing: It just shows that to feel good about yourself you have to have a Zionist or Christian in Texas tell you they like Attaturk. This shows weakness.

Why don't you write about what the Christian world thinks about Attaturk's Hidden Jewish Past?

You read too much conspiracy sites. I still wait for Iranians to Show their bravery against western forces Jews included.

I think the same as Atatürk. Islam needs reforms. Am I a Jew as well?
Just another mess in the ME. If Muslims would unite these problems would resolve,we should be able to agree and come to a consensus Azerbaijan's territorial integrity should be respected. ME countries need to learn to put their ethnic and political differences aside and come to border agreements. As for Armenia, they should be forced by every ME power to give up NK region, whether outside powers like it or not, Armenia's grip can be pried open on NK, then problem would be solved. A powerful country like Turkiye should have already assisted Azerbaijan in it's military efforts against Armenians.

Though ME countries will continue undermining each other and continue to be used as pawns by outsiders.
What the "Christian Western World" Thinks About "Muslim Generals" Means Nothing: It just shows that to feel good about yourself you have to have a Zionist or Christian in Texas tell you they like Attaturk. This shows weakness.

Why don't you write about what the Christian world thinks about Attaturk's Hidden Jewish Past?

It is funny that ajamis describe themselves as pro muslims while their history fully consists of backstabbing other Muslims. They are barking loud for protect their petrol reserves and suddenly reminded Palestinians to use them as a shield against Israel. Israel-Azerbaijan relations are rather new as Armenia-Iran collaboration so it is clear that Iran supports Armenia due to azzfear but they can not accept that.
If you want i can show everyone how did Iran backstabbed other Muslims in history.
What the "Christian Western World" Thinks About "Muslim Generals" Means Nothing: It just shows that to feel good about yourself you have to have a Zionist or Christian in Texas tell you they like Attaturk. This shows weakness.

Why don't you write about what the Christian world thinks about Attaturk's Hidden Jewish Past?

WHY DONT YOU SAY HOW PERSİAN REGİME FOUND İN İRAN ? :disagree::disagree::disagree::disagree::disagree:
It is funny that ajamis describe themselves as pro muslims while their history fully consists of backstabbing other Muslims. They are barking loud for protect their petrol reserves and suddenly reminded Palestinians to use them as a shield against Israel. Israel-Azerbaijan relations are rather new as Armenia-Iran collaboration so it is clear that Iran supports Armenia due to azzfear but they can not accept that.
If you want i can show everyone how did Iran backstabbed other Muslims in history.

We will put a foot up the a$$ of anybody who decides to fuch with our country. Or at least we will try our best. It doesn't matter Muslim, non-muslim, martian or from the Andromeda galaxy. You better understand that.

Things could have been very different with Azarbaijan. There was a lot of hope at the time when Soviet Union fell apart about our long separated brothers and sisters in the republic of Azarbaijan. Everybody in Iran was very happy and optimistic about good relations in the future. We didn't realize the extent to which they had been brainwashed with the pan turkist super race ideology. Soon before they could walk they started talking about unifying 'southern Azarbaijan' with them and agitating on racial lines. As if there were a bunch of helpless cripples living in Iran. Now we Iranians are pretty nice and chill people. We don't start aggression and trouble with others unilaterally. But if you fuch with us you can be sure you will be fuched with in return. And this is what happened with Azarbaijan. And this is what is gonna keep happening to them until and unless they change their tone and attitude.
Your mollahs can only "fuch" themselves.

We saw how much Persians Mollahs "love" Azeri Turks even within their own borders since the earthquake yesterday.
Your mollahs can only "fuch" themselves.

We saw how much Persians Mollahs "love" Azeri Turks even within their own borders since the earthquake yesterday.

Right after they "fuch" your mighty warlord turkic warriors.

And what does a mighty warlord turkic warrior know about love? You tough guys are about riding horses and shooting arrows at your enemies, no?
This is how much your state values and respects its own Azeris.

Two powerful earthquakes struck Eastern Azerbaijan province, leaving many dead, injured, homeless, meanwhile Mollah TV channels, as if nothing has happend.

I think Iran is probably Neutral on this issue as are most Muslim countries. Infact the only country after Turkey that I can think of that openly supports Azerbaijan on this is probably Pakistan ! Heck...we don't even recognize Armenia just for you guys...!
ASQ: Welcome to Iran. Mullahs are on the TV night and day, 24/7. They even cut off in the middle of football matches to show what some Mullah is saying. It was the same even when the Bam earthquake hit and killed 50,000. Stop spreading propaganda trying to show Azeris as being disriminated against.

If the government didnt care about Azeris, would the highest budget allocation for any team in Iran go to Teraktor Sazi Tabriz (Tiraxtur)??
ASQ: Welcome to Iran. Mullahs are on the TV night and day, 24/7. They even cut off in the middle of football matches to show what some Mullah is saying. It was the same even when the Bam earthquake hit and killed 50,000. Stop spreading propaganda trying to show Azeris as being disriminated against.

If the government didnt care about Azeris, would the highest budget allocation for any team in Iran go to Teraktor Sazi Tabriz (Tiraxtur)??

On a serious note : Are there any views in Iran that think that the Revolution got hijacked by the Mullahs ? That, in a way, when the Iranians rose up against the Shah they hadn't a theocratic styled government in mind to replace him ?

I'm just curious and I do beg your forgiveness if I inadvertently offend you (or any Iranian !) in asking that question !
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