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Iran Supporting & Arming the Taliban


Jul 22, 2009
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Iran arming Taliban, U.S. claims
POSTED: 7:17 a.m. EDT, June 13, 2007
Story Highlights
• U.S. has "irrefutable evidence" Iran is arming Taliban, top diplomat claims
• NATO forces have intercepted Iranian-made arms shipments, officials say
• Burns says Iranian actions are in violation of its Security Council commitments
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PARIS, France (CNN) -- The United States has "irrefutable evidence" that Tehran is transferring arms to Taliban fighters in Afghanistan, a top U.S. diplomat told CNN Wednesday, noting that NATO forces have intercepted some of the arms shipments.

"There's irrefutable evidence the Iranians are now doing this and it's a pattern of activity," U.S. Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns told CNN.

"If you see the Iranians arming Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza and the West Bank and, of course, arming Shia militants inside Iraq itself. It's very violent and very unproductive activity by the Iranian government."

And one that puts Tehran contrary to the U.N. Security Council, Burns said.

"Iran is operating against the last Security Council Resolution 1747, passed on March 24, which said that Iran must not transfer arms outside of Iran, and here it is doing it in Lebanon, in Gaza, in Afghanistan, and in Iraq, so Iran is in outright violation of its Security Council commitments," according to Burns.

In late May, U.S. and British officials simply said that weapons crossing the border from Iran to Afghanistan may be winding up in the hands of the Taliban, the hard-line Islamic militia that is battling U.S.- and NATO-led forces in Afghanistan.

Wednesday's accusations took the case against Tehran to the next level.

"It's certainly coming from the government of Iran. It's coming from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard corps command, which is a basic unit of the Iranian government," Burns said.

Previously, coalition officials in Afghanistan said some Iranian-made AK-47s, C-4 plastic explosives and mortars had been intercepted, and a NATO official said they had found one explosively-formed penetrator bomb (EFP) that can pierce American armor.

The EFP is similar to the weaponry the United States says that Iran has provided to militants in Iraq, but the NATO official said that the weapon has not been traced directly to the Iranian regime.

Some analysts question whether the top echelons of the Iranian government are behind any transfer of arms from the Islamic Republic to the Taliban, Iran's long-time foe, suggesting that rogue elements -- perhaps the Quds force of Iran's Revolutionary Guard -- may be operating on their own.

But a U.S. official who requested anonymity told CNN last month that the United States believes that Iran's supreme leaders certainly know about these operations and could stop them if they wanted to.

Both U.S. officials and outside analysts said that any malicious intentions on Iran's part would only be directed at the United States. The majority-Shiite Iran would not, they said, want the Taliban to gain too much strength. The Taliban are virulently anti-Shiite.

One analyst called it a game of "managed chaos," just enough to bloody America's nose in Afghanistan.
"There's irrefutable evidence the Iranians are now doing this and it's a pattern of activity," U.S. Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns told CNN.

"If you see the Iranians arming Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza and the West Bank and, of course, arming Shia militants inside Iraq itself. It's very violent and very unproductive activity by the Iranian government."

I guess this proof is being Manufactured as we speak other wise it would have been all over the news and second before this yet another expert questions iranians arming there allies what would he say about ARMS shippment to Israel by the americans or thats a No go area:rofl:
they blame every one after they kicked from taliban ohhh so sad USA you have to pack your bags from occupy lands sooner or later.
they blame every one after they kicked from taliban ohhh so sad USA you have to pack your bags from occupy lands sooner or later.

you can bet those weapons find their way to Pakistan. and kill Pakistani soldiers as well. lol, and don't think for a minute the U.S. is going away from Afghanistan anytime soon. maybe once Osama is dead and the Afghan Government asks NATO to leave we might. But not until then.
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my dear sir can you please remember widrow of US forces from many countryes in last 60 years.is not USA kicked from vetnam somaliya cuba etc

they will go from afghanistan one day remember.

Cuba, and I think you are referring to the bay of pigs. was a CIA operation that was misguided from the beginning. They should have simply let the U.S. military take Castro out rather then support a ragtag force of Cuban exiles. Had it not been for the Cuban missile crisis. We probably would have eventually taken Cuba out.

Vietnam, the VC and North Vietnamese never even came close to defeating us. what caused the U.S. to leave is allowing politicians to micro manage the war. They never allowed the military to go all out hitting and taking North Vietnam. This sapped support at home.

Somalia, was a U.N. mission that tried to bring famine relief. and some level of stability to war torn Somalia. Many countries participated in it besides the U.S. including Pakistan who had upwards of 7000 troops there. The U.N. authorized the confiscation of arms and arrest of those behind the violence. what was not realized was how fanatical the followers of the warlords were. Pakistan was the first to find this out.

The Pakistani troops were asked by the United Nation Force Headquarters to carry out an inspection of the weapon storage sites of Farah Aideed, to whom the date and time of inspection had been communicated in advance. Nobody at the United Nation Force Headquarters was able to foresee his reaction and his power to arouse the feelings of his followers against those who were carrying out the inspection. Even as their colleagues were engaged in distributing food at one of the feeding points, the Pakistani inspectors were ambushed by Aideeds followers.

The ambushers were using children and women as human shields to prevent being fired back while the road-blocks they had set up made Pakistanis withdrawal difficult. Though taken by surprise and totally exposed, the Pakistanis fought their way back, avoiding civilian casualties. In the process twenty-three Pakistanis were killed and sixty-seven sustained injuries. Eventually the U.N. considered the situation untenable and pulled out.

So I guess if you consider the U.S. to have been beaten in Somalia then you must consider Pakistan defeated as well. Personally I don't think it was a defeat for any of the countries involved.

You are right though eventually the U.S. will leave Afghanistan. But it won't be under the conditions you long for in your heart. People thought the same concerning Iraq but it didn't happen.
Sounds like manufactured "evidence" as part of the media buildup to an Israeli attack on Iran.

Many people are talking about the Israeli attack almost as a fait accompli, to desensitize people.
Shia majority country supporting talibans. When did that start to happen? Last time i checked they were both enemies.

This is as bogus as the news that was floated many months ago that Osama bin Ladin was in Parachinar(a shia majority region in Pakistan).

These guys should write for comic books.
Shia majority country supporting talibans. When did that start to happen? Last time i checked they were both enemies.

This is as bogus as the news that was floated many months ago that Osama bin Ladin was in Parachinar(a shia majority region in Pakistan).

These guys should write for comic books.

Whats so hard to believe? have you not heard the saying "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"?
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Me thinks Iran will not support the Taliban.It is in Irans best intrests to keep the Taliban out of Afghanistan
Cuba, and I think you are referring to the bay of pigs.
Tom, you want to rephrase this before someone ***** slap on your face? You think you are walking tall anywhere being an alpha pig?

the CIA operation is referred to as the bay of pigs.

Bay of Pigs Invasion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sorry. It's a place, isn't it?
Yes. In fact the name 'Bay Of Pigs' is apparently a translation from La Batalla de Girón from Cuban Spanish.
This is amazing. People bloviate about military history, particularly for the US, and does not even know about the famous Bay of Pigs, let alone pretend they know anything about Vietnam or Somalia or even Iraq.

It is no secret that iran is supplying weapons to taliban---and it is no secret the the radical muslims from different countries are using iran as a land route to enter pakistan and then they join the pakistani taliban.
my dear sir can you please remember widrow of US forces from many countryes in last 60 years.is not USA kicked from vetnam somaliya cuba etc

they will go from afghanistan one day remember.
Somalia, was a U.N. mission that tried to bring famine relief. and some level of stability to war torn Somalia. Many countries participated in it besides the U.S. including Pakistan who had upwards of 7000 troops there. The U.N. authorized the confiscation of arms and arrest of those behind the violence. what was not realized was how fanatical the followers of the warlords were. Pakistan was the first to find this out.

The Pakistani troops were asked by the United Nation Force Headquarters to carry out an inspection of the weapon storage sites of Farah Aideed, to whom the date and time of inspection had been communicated in advance. Nobody at the United Nation Force Headquarters was able to foresee his reaction and his power to arouse the feelings of his followers against those who were carrying out the inspection. Even as their colleagues were engaged in distributing food at one of the feeding points, the Pakistani inspectors were ambushed by Aideeds followers.

The ambushers were using children and women as human shields to prevent being fired back while the road-blocks they had set up made Pakistanis withdrawal difficult. Though taken by surprise and totally exposed, the Pakistanis fought their way back, avoiding civilian casualties. In the process twenty-three Pakistanis were killed and sixty-seven sustained injuries. Eventually the U.N. considered the situation untenable and pulled out.

So I guess if you consider the U.S. to have been beaten in Somalia then you must consider Pakistan defeated as well. Personally I don't think it was a defeat for any of the countries involved.

You are right though eventually the U.S. will leave Afghanistan. But it won't be under the conditions you long for in your heart. People thought the same concerning Iraq but it didn't happen.
In an attack that killed 24 Pakistani peacekeepers, Aideed retaliated for UNOSOM II’s failure to obtain his agreement for the inspection.

CNN.com - Ranger recalls 'insane,' deadly Somalia mission - October 27, 2001
CNN: What was your mission?

THOMAS: We went over there in support of UNISOM, or United Nations, operations in Somalia -- that's the one-sentence answer.

Really what was happening is Gen. Mohamed Farah Aidid, a Somali warlord, was deemed responsible for attacks on U.N. troops, including 25 Pakistanis.
See any Pakistanis Rangers over there? Oh...There are none...? See any Americans here rejoice at the deaths of those Pakistanis peacekeepers the way many of you gloat over US Rangers deaths as we tried to avenge the murders of YOUR countrymen?

How old are some of these 'commentators'? Twelve?
Source? It says in your first post: POSTED: 7:17 a.m. EDT, June 13, 2007

An article from 2007?

Edit: Found the source of the article- Iran arming Taliban, U.S. claims - CNN.com

It is a 2 year old article.

here is one more up to date:

Officials: Discovery of Weapons Cache Suggests Iranian Meddling in Afghan War

Wednesday, September 09, 2009
By Jennifer Griffin

The discovery of a weapons cache in western Afghanistan has raised concerns that Iran is interfering in the war-torn country, much like it did in Iraq, by supplying weapons used to attack and kill U.S. and coalition troops, U.S. officials tell FOX News.

Afghan and NATO forces uncovered the weapons cache on Aug. 29 in Herat. It included a small number of Iranian-made "explosively formed penetrators," hyper-powerful roadside bombs similar to the weapons used to kill U.S. forces in Iraq, a senior U.S. Defense Official told FOX News.

Also seized during the raid were 107 Iranian-made BM-1 rockets and dozens of blocks of Iranian C4 plastic explosives.

There are questions about when these weapons entered Afghanistan, but a top U.S. military official tells FOX News that an Iranian rocket was recently fired at a base in Herat. Additional intelligence suggests that Iranians have been providing support directly to the Taliban.

Other coalition countries allege the Iranian influence is even deeper and that Iranian intelligence is funneling money to Afghan President Hamid Karzai.

"There have been a lot of reports of the Iranian government one way or another having an influence on Karzai, including a lot of reports that they have provided him with a lot of money," said Fred Kagan, a member of Gen. Stanley McChrystal's recent Afghan review and a scholar from the American Enterprise Institute.

"They have succeeded at having a government in Kabul that is rather friendly to them. Karzai was one of the first leaders to acknowledge Ahmadinejad's victory in Iran's contested presidential elections and to congratulate him for it," Kagan said.

The Iranians package the C-4 explosive to look like it is American-made, and the EFP's are machine made, suggesting that Iran is home to a lucrative industry for producing these weapons, sources said. The goal remains to push U.S. forces out of Afghanistan and Iraq and to make both look like defeats.
here is one more up to date:

Officials: Discovery of Weapons Cache Suggests Iranian Meddling in Afghan War

Wednesday, September 09, 2009
By Jennifer Griffin

The discovery of a weapons cache in western Afghanistan has raised concerns that Iran is interfering in the war-torn country, much like it did in Iraq, by supplying weapons used to attack and kill U.S. and coalition troops, U.S. officials tell FOX News.

Afghan and NATO forces uncovered the weapons cache on Aug. 29 in Herat. It included a small number of Iranian-made "explosively formed penetrators," hyper-powerful roadside bombs similar to the weapons used to kill U.S. forces in Iraq, a senior U.S. Defense Official told FOX News.

Also seized during the raid were 107 Iranian-made BM-1 rockets and dozens of blocks of Iranian C4 plastic explosives.

There are questions about when these weapons entered Afghanistan, but a top U.S. military official tells FOX News that an Iranian rocket was recently fired at a base in Herat. Additional intelligence suggests that Iranians have been providing support directly to the Taliban.

Other coalition countries allege the Iranian influence is even deeper and that Iranian intelligence is funneling money to Afghan President Hamid Karzai.

"There have been a lot of reports of the Iranian government one way or another having an influence on Karzai, including a lot of reports that they have provided him with a lot of money," said Fred Kagan, a member of Gen. Stanley McChrystal's recent Afghan review and a scholar from the American Enterprise Institute.

"They have succeeded at having a government in Kabul that is rather friendly to them. Karzai was one of the first leaders to acknowledge Ahmadinejad's victory in Iran's contested presidential elections and to congratulate him for it," Kagan said.

The Iranians package the C-4 explosive to look like it is American-made, and the EFP's are machine made, suggesting that Iran is home to a lucrative industry for producing these weapons, sources said. The goal remains to push U.S. forces out of Afghanistan and Iraq and to make both look like defeats.

Sounds like manufactured "evidence" as part of the media buildup to an Israeli attack on Iran.

Many people are talking about the Israeli attack almost as a fait accompli, to desensitize people.
Funny...Ain't it? We can 'manufacture' or plant evidences like conventional explosives. But we, the world's premier nuclear power, were too stupid to plant or 'manufacture' nuclear evidences for Iraq.

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