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Iran successfully fires satellite rocket

well hope u werent in ur mothers womb even when india iran and others were part of the NON-ALIGNED movement.ask ur ancestors what was it all about and how did countries unlike pakistan and china werent lobbied under superpowers.

i understand iran's anger with old ally india when they are closing their relations with isreal. but understand enemy's friend isnt an enemy always.....

and rest of ur skepticals thots of india using iran for military.....i wud say i dont know.no one knows. in india iran is seen as a old friend and different from fundamantalist muslims.we see iran a progressive country rite for being india's friend. u can say same as turkey.

well as of all the sentiments of ur, i respect it....but i pleade u to get some facts right. plz go thru indian involvement in iran historically.

i understand things have gone cold after india's closeness to isreal and USA but new relations are infants and olt ties are ripe.

plz think rationally.

well historically Iran was closer to Pakistan pre-Gulf Wars.............. (They helped in 1965 war.... there was a treaty between Pak-Iran-Turkey), Bhutto was Shia and Iranians too are shia so he enjoyed very good relationships with Iran) so if you go back to history you will find the relationships of Pakistan and Iran much closer than India-Iran. There had been some bitterness after the gulf wars when Pakistan did not support Iran but similar situation is arising once again where India is becoming ally and strengthning its ties with Israel and America.
^ but iranian relations with pakistan is also not very good, every now and then your president doesnt stop blaming pakistan for its internal problems. indians can use the iranian emotions against pakistan, not forgetting some iranians think about greater persia fantasy which includes balochistan province.

You are right about the quality of Pak-Iran relationship. Do you have any rational explanations as to why that is?

I'm not aware of Iran's president blaming Pakistan for our internal problems. But if you're referring to cross-border attacks by Jundullah based in Pakistan, I will have no choice but to agree with him.

And please tell me how have the Indians managed to "use the Iranian emotions against pakistan"?

And as to the greater Persia fantasy, no sane person in Iran has the appetite or inclination to acquire additional territory through any kind of adventure. As a matter of fact, I'm doubtful that Iranians will even agree to one it if it was offered to them on a platter. We have enough headaches as it is. Keep in mind that Iran is still by and large underpopulated as a country. As a point of reference, it is more than twice the size of Pakistan (1635000KM2 Vs 796100KM2) with less than half the population (68M Vs 156M). So we're not running out of space anytime soon. Our worries are to improve our country and safeguard our independence and protect against the very real threat of American and Israeli military attack.

Listen, my point was that despite all of this, Iran will not allow anybody to use its territory as a staging ground in a physical assault against any of its neighbours. Politics are one thing, but you must take extra care with your next-door neighbour.
well hope u werent in ur mothers womb even when india iran and others were part of the NON-ALIGNED movement.ask ur ancestors what was it all about and how did countries unlike pakistan and china werent lobbied under superpowers.

No I wasn't in my mother's womb when India was a strident member of the NAM. But it seems like you may have been. Because you apparently have no recollections of its founding principles and have no problems selling out one of its member to the wolves, when it suits your interests.

i understand iran's anger with old ally india when they are closing their relations with isreal. but understand enemy's friend isnt an enemy always.....

Well, let's first understand the nature your relationship with Israel. It is not one of equal allies. You are a consumer of their technology and products and global influence. For this you will pay with money and more importantly by following their strategic interests. It is called being a client state. And that's where the problem arises. We don't look at western client states with much respect.

and rest of ur skepticals thots of india using iran for military.....i wud say i dont know.no one knows. in india iran is seen as a old friend and different from fundamantalist muslims.we see iran a progressive country rite for being india's friend. u can say same as turkey.

You don't know. You may not be the sharpest tool in the shed. But we know. But I wouldn't want to rain on your parade. As i said, I do want that bigger garage.

well as of all the sentiments of ur, i respect it....but i pleade u to get some facts right. plz go thru indian involvement in iran historically.

Oh please, what involvement? If anything it's the other way around. It would not be going too far to state that the concept of India as a country owes much to Iranian influence.

i understand things have gone cold after india's closeness to isreal and USA but new relations are infants and olt ties are ripe.

plz think rationally.

As I said earlier, you are becoming a western client state. So we have not much to talk to you about. You are a market. We understand that. We will sell things to you and make a profit. But for more important matters we will have to deal with your master. And that's what we've been doing for the past 30 years.

I thank you not out of total agreement, but more for your straight-to-the-point, and informative style.

I'm in partial agreement with your sentiment, too.
bozorgmehr, emotional replies haha, but u r iranian its understood... no further comments
bozorgmehr, emotional replies haha, but u r iranian its understood... no further comments

Yes, that's right. I'm Iranian. Now if you have a problem with that because we are Shia, too liberal for your taste, have big noses, speak with a funny accent or any other prejudices out of my control, then I leave you to God almighty to be enlightened. But if you can bring yourself to discuss things in a rational and objective manner, then you will find that we are much closer than your preconceived ideas allow you to imagine and that our differences are often no more than glorified misunderstandings.
Truth is we don't care in Pakistan about Shia/Suni its all due to outside agecies conducting bomb blast now and then , what matters is we work together as nation to achive greater hights

Every time our nations in region try to unite , british and us agents spread the lies and slogans of differences

Well the whole Jandulla what ever crap we all know where they are coming from ....

Afghanistan , probbly on American intelligence or even their chinooks -

NATO controls the afghan borders, and these probbly came on helicopters, in mist of night and went thru the large borders - just to derail the Iran/Pakistan/China gas peace pipeline and energy initiatives

That was honestly the frist time anyoen heard about it , these people if they exist should be hanged -

Pakistan Iran relation is above Suni/Shia - they are our eternal friends -

The energy deal is the biggest , bone in Nato/UNCLE sam's throat , since they know if Iran starts to make money they can't claim that iranain gov is not doing enough for its people , they put these sanctions on People of Persia so that can't reach their great past and be leaders in whole region - which they truly deserve to be with such great past and peaceful past

Iranian Man/Women are great symbol of secularism and progressive thought process, Irania women maintain their morals and also actively participate in all aspect of iranain life including playing soccer

We look forward to greater , cooperation between Iran/Turkey/Pakistan/China

As together the four civilizations
Indus Valley

Can be center of commerce and prosperity , infact all Pakistan is very happy on Iranian people's achievement and its a small tribute to their engineering and science and desire to learn -
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Yes, that's right. I'm Iranian. Now if you have a problem with that because we are Shia, too liberal for your taste, have big noses, speak with a funny accent or any other prejudices out of my control, then I leave you to God almighty to be enlightened. But if you can bring yourself to discuss things in a rational and objective manner, then you will find that we are much closer than your preconceived ideas allow you to imagine and that our differences are often no more than glorified misunderstandings.

well u seem to be only iranian in tjis forum and we indians are reluctant to see ur stance as that of an iranian......


have a look.....

also i urge u to be a bit mature to understand india's dilema.....

our political setup is such that 2 different partys support 2 different foreign policy.

indias vote against iran was heavily critisized by the opposition.

well they too are indians like me.

i hope its till the present govt we will be on each others back......

hope future is bright as the past.
Truth is we don't care in Pakistan about Shia/Suni its all due to outside agecies conducting bomb blast now and then , what matters is we work together as nation to achive greater hights

Every time our nations in region try to unite , british and us agents spread the lies and slogans of differences

Well the whole Jandulla what ever crap we all know where they are coming from ....

Afghanistan , probbly on American intelligence or even their chinooks -

NATO controls the afghan borders, and these probbly came on helicopters, in mist of night and went thru the large borders - just to derail the Iran/Pakistan/China gas peace pipeline and energy initiatives

That was honestly the frist time anyoen heard about it , these people if they exist should be hanged -

Pakistan Iran relation is above Suni/Shia - they are our eternal friends -

The energy deal is the biggest , bone in Nato/UNCLE sam's throat , since they know if Iran starts to make money they can't claim that iranain gov is not doing enough for its people , they put these sanctions on People of Persia so that can't reach their great past and be leaders in whole region - which they truly deserve to be with such great past and peaceful past

Iranian Man/Women are great symbol of secularism and progressive thought process, Irania women maintain their morals and also actively participate in all aspect of iranain life including playing soccer

We look forward to greater , cooperation between Iran/Turkey/Pakistan/China

As together the four civilizations
Indus Valley

Can be center of commerce and prosperity , infact all Pakistan is very happy on Iranian people's achievement and its a small tribute to their engineering and science and desire to learn -

HAHA...'indus'..its hilarious to see an islamist, pakistani using this word.....

if u see INDIA is a name derived from word 'indus'.

now even india is of pakistan.....well whole world is owned by pakistan......:hitwall:

are u a student of ZAID HAMEED.. :P

u can find shiv lings in sindh even today.....

can anyone temme bout katasraj temple?

indus valley civilization tells a lot bout hinduism(which muslims cant understand)....

pakis say indus valley ppl eat beef whereas its prohibited in todays hinduism.

well u need to understand the concept of hinduism. its a way of lyf and doesnt has any specific prophet like abrahmic religions.

even that of indus valley was hinduism but of earlier version.

hinduism has changed itself from time to time and thats charactersitic of hinduism.acceot the change.

in mahabharata mother of duryodhan was gandhari who was from GANDHAR empire.....

we know where ancient gandhar was! u can understand extent of hinduism that time..... obviously there werent any abrahmic religions at that time.

but i always see pakistanis always tend to redefine hinduism to their convinience.....

good 4 u.....
HAHA...'indus'..its hilarious to see an islamist, pakistani using this word.....

if u see INDIA is a name derived from word 'indus'.

now even india is of pakistan.....well whole world is owned by pakistan......:hitwall:

are u a student of ZAID HAMEED.. :P

u can find shiv lings in sindh even today.....

can anyone temme bout katasraj temple?

indus valley civilization tells a lot bout hinduism(which muslims cant understand)....

pakis say indus valley ppl eat beef whereas its prohibited in todays hinduism.

well u need to understand the concept of hinduism. its a way of lyf and doesnt has any specific prophet like abrahmic religions.

even that of indus valley was hinduism but of earlier version.

hinduism has changed itself from time to time and thats charactersitic of hinduism.acceot the change.

in mahabharata mother of duryodhan was gandhari who was from GANDHAR empire.....

we know where ancient gandhar was! u can understand extent of hinduism that time..... obviously there werent any abrahmic religions at that time.

but i always see pakistanis always tend to redefine hinduism to their convinience.....

good 4 u.....

I don't want to take away from the great achievment of Persian nation - ^_^ I don't kow why you are you inclined to be part of things didn't you took the American gift and voted against the iranian people's future -

And for the record, I have nothing against old cultures in Pakistan I find it facinating for our tourism industry and beautiful part of our history

But again congrats to Iran's space program wonderful news must be great moment of pride for a nation suffering from illigitamate sanctions against its people from other civilizations - becasue they don't allow them to steal their resouces -

All the other stuff , really is not relevant to the joyous moment for success of persian civilization to stand tall , with their achivement vs agression from United Thugs of Nations

The one thing that is certain is that its another step towards a greater revival of a greater civilization order

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As I said earlier, you are becoming a western client state. So we have not much to talk to you about. You are a market. We understand that. We will sell things to you and make a profit. But for more important matters we will have to deal with your master. And that's what we've been doing for the past 30 years.

What you mean by master..:undecided:
keep your rants to yourself..
No I wasn't in my mother's womb when India was a strident member of the NAM. But it seems like you may have been. Because you apparently have no recollections of its founding principles and have no problems selling out one of its member to the wolves, when it suits your interests.

Well, let's first understand the nature your relationship with Israel. It is not one of equal allies. You are a consumer of their technology and products and global influence. For this you will pay with money and more importantly by following their strategic interests. It is called being a client state. And that's where the problem arises. We don't look at western client states with much respect.

You don't know. You may not be the sharpest tool in the shed. But we know. But I wouldn't want to rain on your parade. As i said, I do want that bigger garage.

Oh please, what involvement? If anything it's the other way around. It would not be going too far to state that the concept of India as a country owes much to Iranian influence.

As I said earlier, you are becoming a western client state. So we have not much to talk to you about. You are a market. We understand that. We will sell things to you and make a profit. But for more important matters we will have to deal with your master. And that's what we've been doing for the past 30 years.

India outrightly rejected Iranian plea to launch its satellite. I can understand the reason for your 'rational' BS.

Your 'rational' rants projects Iran like an humiliated ex-girlfriend of India who has been dumped by India for a better good-looking one (Israel). I have patiently read all your BS comments and I can summarily categorise your opinion as a Typically girly cry "He used me...sob..sob.. and now he is seeing some other bit@h"

when it suits your interests

We don't look at western client states with much respect.

the concept of India as a country owes much to Iranian influence.

you are becoming a western client state. So we have not much to talk to you about

You talk lengths and breadths about India, which is not even related to the topic of discussion in this thread. In a fit of passion, you seem to forget that we are discussing prospects of Iranian space capabilities and not Indian foreign policy priorities and agenda. I can understand your jeleousy with India but It cannot be appreciated.
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indians have ganged up on this only iranian guy of this forum, goodbye hes not coming back lol :)
I didn't read all the Indians' posts. But it's the same lies as usual.

Iran and Inida are not allies. Our relationship is very ordinary and does not compare to those with the likes of China, Germany, Dubai and even Italy. Now, according the the Indians they are building the chahbahar port and a road/railway to the Afghan border (as if we can't do that ourselves). And they claim that will give them some military or strategic access to be used against others. I say if they are stupid enough to think that, let them come. They can build me a bigger garage while they're at it.

It is strictly forbidden in the Iranian constitution to allow any foreign troops to be stationed on Iranian soil. And the reason for that is because most Iranians consider it profoundly insulting to have their country be used as a tool for some other people's agenda. Our soil is sacred and not some toilet paper in the hands of others. But I guess I can't expect most Indians to understand that concept...

I remember when Khatami was invited to their parade, all the indians were working themselves into a frenzy with the rumors of basing their military in Eastern Iran in order to lean on Pakistan and potentially open a secondary front in case of war. So I went to their site and told them if they think Iran will allow them to use its soil to be used against Pakistan, they're crazy.

What bothers me is how easily some Pakistanis are taken in by these rumors, hearsays and outright lies without bothering to seek any concrete evidence or attempting to critically evaluate the situation.

Your posts are very informative friend, I hope you continue to enlighten us to Iranian views as there is a lack of voice there.

Your posts are very informative friend, I hope you continue to enlighten us to Iranian views as there is a lack of voice there.


Ahhhh shyte! I just thanked the Wet Nurse! But I had to because I entirely second "her" view that more Iranian (and hopefull Turkish) perspectives will only benefit this forum and increase its international prestige.

Also, the "emotional" PRC members would perhaps be more inclined to accept genuine criticism from non-European, non-American, and non-Indian "voices", and not be as "defensive".

We shall wait and see.

Just my personal two cents.



p.s., to some "well-meaning" members: pls pls no more multicolored "大字报"
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