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Iran stations long range 2,200km UAV suicide drones at Yemeni airbase on Red Sea coast aimed at enemies

Saudi arabias military directly put the blame on Iran. They never retaliated on the same level against Iran though. The point is, Saudi Arabia has a pro US puppet regime and never takes action on its own. We need to be fair and call things as they are.

Saudi regime will not be one to make Iran pay if Iran attacks Saudi Arabia ... and as you see they see Iran 'sponsored' it, so even if they know they don't want to say it. Just like Iran denied it and made Houthi's claim it. I am fair person, I know these regimes are all coward and toxic and we need to get rid of them. And I'm glad to say you call out Iranian regime too.
Inappropriate Language
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Just because you're passive in Yemen, that doesn't give you a higher moral position at all. In fact, your inaction against the genocide in Yemen puts you in the same place as the Saudis, while Iran will remain the hero for defending a defenseless people abandoned by everyone. People responsible for the genocide in Yemen and people who are turning a blind eye to it will be taken responsible for it in the future in the eyes of the Yemeni people.

Pakistanis had the chance to save millions of lives in Yemen.

Pakistan still can save millions of lives in Yemen by securing port of Aden.
These drones are cheap and were always there but it only escalates the situation further and makes the Yemeni gov't and coalition more determined to eliminate the Houthis at all costs. Every move they take will further increase the resolve against them and determination to see them destroyed once and for all.

They have been designate as terrorist group by the US already and few other countries had already designated them. They have lost territories since the Aden attack which only made the Yemeni gov't and the southern separatists allied and determined to see the end of them. The allies against them is just growing.

The Houthis have no future there as the attacks against them will continue none-stop
Houthis are miscalculators chosing to rise up in the wrong place at the wrong time. This is literally called how to say come and exterminate us and by Allah this is what will happen until every single Houthi is killed you will not see this war end.

Yemen's Houthi chief negotiator told Reuters the movement will not abandon peace talks with the United Nations and Saudi Arabia despite the U.S. decision to put it on the Foreign Terrorist Organizations list..

Someone has realized how much they fucked up and that this is nothing but a slow death. You will not find fatigue in Hadi's boys nor the Southern separatist and there is no peace in sight for these terrorists I promise you this.

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Hey knucklehead, he accused Saudi's of committing genocide, even though the war was started by Houthi's who overthrew the gov't, took over Sanaa like ISIS took over Mosul, than threatened to invade cities in Saudi Arabia. Then they went south and invaded Aden, and were killing a ton of Yemeni's that you guys don't care about it. I simply responded to him calling him a hypocrite in post #18 for supporting Syrian regime actions in Syria but supporting Houthi's in Yemen. He than began calling everyone low IQ monkeys, slaves, saying they have low hygiene, stateless, etc.... He can't control his temper so you should direct your frustration at him.

I am actully grateful to that poster. So people can truly see their evil intentions towards mumineen. These people wish nothing but ill and I just wanna these people who haven't come to terms with this to see it. It is mainly Iranian revolution corps guard but not the Iranian people who don't in truth want to take this path.

Everyone saw the vile stuff he was spitting which of it self is good so people can see what they are dealing with and the animosty and ill will
The problem in Middle East is not Shia vs Sunni as its a laughable thing that Zionists have been trying to portray. The main problem is Islam vs American Islam. American Islam exactly is the religion that Sauds believe in. Their Vision of Islam lies within the oil dollars that they receive.

Sauds recognized Hamas and Islamic Jihad of Palestine as terrorist groups. The same about Lebanese Hezbollah. The point is in American Islam hating Israel is terrorism.

On topic, why USA wants Yemen:
1) The unique geostrategic value of Yemen's coastlines.
2) Yemen is a floating island on oil/gas fields.
3) Yemen is historically rich and has the potential of being a threat to Israel.
4) American military industrial complex sells weapons to Arab puppets.

How would USA be able to occupy Yemen?
Saudi and Emirati cannon fodders are doing the job. Obviously getting involved in Yemen's bloodshed has no benefits for people of Arabian peninsula on the contrary their resources are being wasted on American bombs raining over Yemeni airspace. People of peninsula have no will to fight this unfair war thats why Sauds have to buy merceneraies from poor states such as Somalia. In context of American Islam, Yemen has no right for freedom or independence and they have to live in misery while having largest oil fields of Middle East.
It's not surprising for me and you but for others here it will surprise him. Their regime officials and supporters consist of vile people who hoard Iranian wealth and power and use it to for their hateful agenda against mumineen in the region.

GCC welcomes designation of Houthis as terrorist organization

RIYADH: The Secretary General of the GCC Nayef Falah Al-Hajraf described the move as “a necessary step that is consistent with the demands of the Yemeni government [which wants] to put an end to violations that these militias carry out against the brotherly people of Yemen.”


I welcome that and I also welcome this designation as terrorist element and gives the Govt impunity to put an end to them. Terrorists elements can't settle in Yemen which pretty much rules out other outcomes
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These drones are cheap and were always there but it only escalates the situation further and makes the Yemeni gov't and coalition more determined to eliminate the Houthis at all costs. Every move they take will further increase the resolve against them and determination to see them destroyed once and for all.

They have been designate as terrorist group by the US already and few other countries had already designated them. They have lost territories since the Aden attack which only made the Yemeni gov't and the southern separatists allied and determined to see the end of them. The allies against them is just growing.

The Houthis have no future there as the attacks against them will continue you none-stop

Houthis feel at home in the mountains
Houthis aren't occupied by no one, they're a terrorist minority in Yemen that overthrew the Yemeni govt initially to govern Sanaa and like the Rafidi kafir liars they are , they went South to commit genocide against Sunni Muslims and establish a Persian state in Yemen. Rafidi subhumans backstabbers like you did such backstabbing acts all throughout Islamic history and history will repeat itself once we put you back into your place again. This time you're gonna be forcefully converted back to Sunni or all your adult makes should be executed.
no they overthrow a government who refused to hold an election 1 year after it's term finished
Houthis aren't occupied by no one, they're a terrorist minority in Yemen that overthrew the Yemeni govt initially to govern Sanaa and like the Rafidi kafir liars they are , they went South to commit genocide against Sunni Muslims and establish a Persian state in Yemen. Rafidi subhumans backstabbers like you did such backstabbing acts all throughout Islamic history and history will repeat itself once we put you back into your place again. This time you're gonna be forcefully converted back to Sunni or all your adult makes should be executed.

The same mindset isreal calls Palestinian terrorists ... all people have right to fight for their lands and Iran has called out for national dialogue in Yemen which prevented by american and Saudis under the delusion of finishing Yemen in 3 weeks ... the notion of seeing everything as nail and hammer got started in Libya that these Arab states like Saudis and the UAE were involved and ruined the country for good ... after that they thought they are all powerful and practically could mess with everywhere so wanted to repeat the same job in Syria too ... isis, ALQ and all its affiliated have been created by american and Saudis .. so the real problems are those whom created, funded and supported these groups not Iran that has fought them.

And put aside this laughable stupid Arab ego to put us in our place again ... neither you have capability to attack Iran to get what you said nor no Iranians would let you do it .. first find a way to answer Arab world problems that push your youth to join terrorists organizations such as poverty, lack of education, democracy and most importantly getting your independence once for all ... then come over here make threats against a nation like Iran ...
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