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Iran stations long range 2,200km UAV suicide drones at Yemeni airbase on Red Sea coast aimed at enemies

Just because you're passive in Yemen, that doesn't give you a higher moral position at all. In fact, your inaction against the genocide in Yemen puts you in the same place as the Saudis, while Iran will remain the hero for defending a defenseless people abandoned by everyone. People responsible for the genocide in Yemen and people who are turning a blind eye to it will be taken responsible for it in the future in the eyes of the Yemeni people.
Defenceless heroes? You call the Houthis defenceless heroes?

They're just as guilty.

KSA, Iran and UAE need to be blown up for their power games in Yemen
Defenceless heroes? You call the Houthis defenceless heroes?

They're just as guilty.

KSA, Iran and UAE need to be blown up for their power games in Yemen
They are defenseless heroes. The equipment they own is nothing compared to what Saudis have, and yet they're whooping their asses every day.
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Just because you're passive in Yemen, that doesn't give you a higher moral position at all. In fact, your inaction against the genocide in Yemen puts you in the same place as the Saudis, while Iran will remain the hero for defending a defenseless people abandoned by everyone. People responsible for the genocide in Yemen and people who are turning a blind eye to it will be taken responsible for it in the future in the eyes of the Yemeni people.

Stop being hypocrite, genocide is happening in Syria by Russia, Iran and Shia militias against Sunni Muslim majority. Turkey stepped in to prevent an even more brutal genocide and stopped barbaric Iranian regime and allies from murdering Muslims. Houthi terrorists are a minority in Yemen trying to conquer the whole country. And they steal all the aid and wealth of Yemen(by literally robbing banks). Iran is using this terrorist group to attack Muslims because Iranian regime is too coward to fire one bullet towards Israel in response to Israeli strikes and assassinations against Iran.
90% of news on Turkey is either related to S400, Erdogan, or Europe migrant crisis. By the way, I am not joking. Look it up yourself and you will see I am right. I have posted on those same old subjects enough, Iran keeps coming out with new military equipment to stay in the news and that's a good thing. Their R&D is on fire.

Because you don't follow Turkish media sources. Turkey is churning out lots of new tech. You can see it at Turkish defence forum. You choose to pay attention on Iran because you're extremist Shia who doesn't consider himself Muslim and considers himself Persian. And wants to narrative build for Iran on the forum to steer Pakistani public opinion towards them.
Unlike Palestinians that are OK with their country being invaded, Houthis are showing spine against occupation. That's something that I don't expect you to understand because the concept is clearly over your coward Palestinian head. The only terrorist group that Iran supports is Hamas by the way.

Houthis aren't occupied by no one, they're a terrorist minority in Yemen that overthrew the Yemeni govt initially to govern Sanaa and like the Rafidi kafir liars they are , they went South to commit genocide against Sunni Muslims and establish a Persian state in Yemen. Rafidi subhumans backstabbers like you did such backstabbing acts all throughout Islamic history and history will repeat itself once we put you back into your place again. This time you're gonna be forcefully converted back to Sunni or all your adult makes should be executed.
Iran appears to have sent deadly drones to its allies in Yemen as Middle East tensions heat up across the Red Sea, another major flashpoint where rival forces operate, Newsweek has learned.

Imagery seen by Newsweek and confirmed by an expert who follows Iranian activities in the region indicate the presence of Iranian Shahed-136 loitering munitions, also called "suicide drones," deployed to the northern Yemeni province of Al-Jawf, an area of the country controlled by the Ansar Allah, or Houthi, Zaidi Shiite Muslim rebel movement.

"The Iranians have delivered to their Houthi proxies in Yemen advanced UAVs," the expert, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, told Newsweek. "They are forward deploying or prepositioning these drones in order to stage an attack against a variety of targets they have within range."

The unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs, are weapons assessed to have an effective range of 2,000 to 2,200 kilometers, or roughly 1,240 to 1,370 miles, drawing a massive radius across the region in which a potential attack is suspected to be in the works.

"What they're trying to achieve is plausible deniability," the expert said, "as in being able to strike either a U.S., Saudi, Gulf, or Israeli target and then having the strike traced back to Yemen, and hoping for deniably against any kind of retribution."

yemen, war, jawf, drone

An image shared with Newsweek by an expert who follows Iranian activity in the region purports to show a Shahed-136 unmanned aerial vehicle deployed to Yemen's northern Al-Jawf province, an area under the control the Ansar Allah, or Houthi, movement, on December 25, 2020.NEWSWEEK SOURCE
The latest developments come amid an apparent spike in Red Sea activity, where Iran's top general, Major General Mohammad Hossein Bagheri, revealed Wednesday he was to send warships to patrol.

"We are once again in the region of the Red Sea, where the Islamic Republic's merchant vessels have faced some limited aggression in recent times," Bagheri said. "We will deploy our naval patrol and establish full security for our oil and commercial fleet in that sea."

Look at the size of that vs person standing; if this is more than 80km, they have discovered an amazing source of fuel :)
The thread is about Yemen and Iran, the Professional Zionist troll brings Syria into his equations for further trolling. Ignore the Professional Zionist. He knows how to divert the attentions.
And you aren't popular anywhere in Muslim world except this forum ran by Shia's.


Brother, this member has been banned previously multiple times for spreading such sectarian narrative. Apparently they are not happy being in this forum, which begs the question why they are still here. I recall not long ago, they went on another similar rant accusing forum staff of being Shia agents etc and that he/she will leave this forum.
Stop being hypocrite, genocide is happening in Syria by Russia, Iran and Shia militias against Sunni Muslim majority. Turkey stepped in to prevent an even more brutal genocide and stopped barbaric Iranian regime and allies from murdering Muslims. Houthi terrorists are a minority in Yemen trying to conquer the whole country. And they steal all the aid and wealth of Yemen(by literally robbing banks). Iran is using this terrorist group to attack Muslims because Iranian regime is too coward to fire one bullet towards Israel in response to Israeli strikes and assassinations against Iran.
Mate, there is no genocide happening against sunnis in Syria by Iran. While i am against propaganda from IR itself i am also able to see the Israeli,US hand in making Syria as backward as possible.
Please do not respond to the trolls. Report their comment and lets stay on topic.

On topic, this appears to be a propaganda. It appears like a highly contrived news.
The only thing that will happen is what is happening now. You Palestinians will remain a bunch of miserable vagabonds under occupation, used by us and ordered around by us. You will wag your tail when we throw money at you. This is what is happening and this is what will continue to happen. And you terrorist Arab can rant all you want, but your nation will continue to remain our slaves and Jewish slaves until eternity, like the past 7 decades. Palestine will continue to remain Israel. And now the chance of that is even more because other terrorist Arabs are trying to lick the boots of Israelis, only to get more humiliated.

This is all meaningless drivel you subhuman barking dog. The slipper of one Hamas fighter is more honorable than your whole barking regime which hasn't fired one bullet at Israel since 1979. Only ones getting humiliated is you, they killed your nuclear program chief and you do nothing. Literally zero. You bark like dogs, even against Saudi Arabia. Try attacking Saudi Arabia without hiding behind proxies and you will experience what you did to the Syrian people. So will the Israeli's and whomever else that sought to commit genocide against the people of the region.
Mate, there is no genocide happening against sunnis in Syria by Iran. While i am against propaganda from IR itself i am also able to see the Israeli,US hand in making Syria as backward as possible.

Russians, Iranians, Americans, Kurds, Daesh, all played deadly role in Syria and it will come back to haunt them. I just don't get why this hypocrite support one group overthrowing gov't and conquering country but is against it for others.
This is all meaningless drivel you subhuman barking dog. The slipper of one Hamas fighter is more honorable than your whole barking regime which hasn't fired one bullet at Israel since 1979. Only ones getting humiliated is you, they killed your nuclear program chief and you do nothing. Literally zero. You bark like dogs, even against Saudi Arabia. Try attacking Saudi Arabia without hiding behind proxies and you will experience what you did to the Syrian people. So will the Israeli's and whomever else that sought to commit genocide against the people of the region.
Didn't Saudi Arabia accuse Iran for the devastating Aramco attack directly ? Saudis claimed Iran fired directly from its soil. So why the coward Al Saud did nothing then ?

I agree that Palestinian fighters bravely fought against Israel with the little they have.
Shove it, you're not really worth it, bitch.
Learn it to live with the facts: Your country is occupied, your people are getting killed by Israelis every day, Israelis own you, you are their property to do with you as they please, Hamas are a bunch of bitches that we have created for our interests in the region, you are wagging your tail for us for money, your people are terrorists, nobody wants your terrorist nation and even Arabs are abandoning you, and your Saudi Arabia is getting humiliated by the Houthis. Even Riadh is not safe from their missiles and Houthis are occupying parts of southern Saudi states. Period.
There are some Palestinian factions that are genuine pro-resistance fighters and many got injured and killed fighting against Israel. They are heroes in my eyes... pro-Saudi palestinians are garbage though.
Are you the official Pakistani cheerleader of Iran? I see you posting more about Iran than Pakistan.

And no thanks. We don't need to live under sanctions like shithole Iran
No,instead you live with an economy continually teetering on the brink of collapse requiring constant loans from the saudis or the imf,and naturally these come with a LOT of strings attached.
Effectively you are a vassal state forced to put the interests of others far ahead of your own peoples out of fear that economically you will be destroyed,you could not even build your section of the ip pipeline out of fear of what the americans might do to you economically in retaliation for daring to put your own national interests first.
Iran may live with sanctions but at least they have the will to attempt to overcome these,by comparison pakistan does not even have the will to even risk sanctions.
Reading your post reminded of a certain quote from the movie bladerunner:
"Quite an experience to live in fear,isnt it....."
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