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Iran Starts 60% Uranium Enrichment


Oct 21, 2011
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Araghchi who is in Vienna to participate in a new round of talks with the P4+1 and the EU representative within the framework of the JCPOA Joint Commission announced the start of 60% enrichment on Tuesday afternoon.

Iran has announced today in a letter to the Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency that it would begin 60% enrichment, he said.

Another 1,000 centrifuges with 50% more capacity will be added to the machines in Natanz, in addition to replacing the damaged ones, he added.

Earlier, after the recent sabotage of the Natanz enrichment facility, Iran’s permanent representative to Vienna-based international organizations Kazem Gharibabadi announced that a new generation of machines will be installed in Natanz and several other technical measures will be announced this week.

The spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Behrouz Kamalvandi said on Sunday that an incident took place in a part of the electricity distribution network of Shahid Ahmadi Roshan facility in Natanz.

Following the incident, AEOI Chief Ali-Akbar Salehi slammed the “act of sabotage”, noting that the international community, as well as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), must deal with such “nuclear terrorism” that targets Iran’s facilities.

Iran has announced today in a letter to the Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency that it would begin 60% enrichment, he said.
Another 1,000 centrifuges with 50% more capacity will be added to the machines in Natanz, in addition to replacing the damaged ones, he added.
that means something like IR-2 instead of IR-6. it seems some people yet to learn their lessons
that means something like IR-2 instead of IR-6. it seems some people yet to learn their lessons
He could mean 50% more than IR-2m. In that case, since IR-2m has an enrichment capacity of 4 SWU, it is possible that he is referring to IR-6 machines which have an enrichment capacity of 6 SWU.

In any case, the IAEA will definitely prepare a report on this. So, we will find out soon enough.
He could mean 50% more than IR-2m. In that case, since IR-2m has an enrichment capacity of 4 SWU, it is possible that he is referring to IR-6 machines which have an enrichment capacity of 6 SWU.

In any case, the IAEA will definitely prepare a report on this. So, we will find out soon enough.
hope so but as they said the IR-1 centrifuges get damaged then my guess is they want to put IR-2 centrifuges they had in storage into use
hope so but as they said the IR-1 centrifuges get damaged then my guess is they want to put IR-2 centrifuges they had in storage into use
Yeah, but that would be a 100% increase, not a 50% increase. We'll find out soon. We know that Iranian authorities always like to give ambiguous statements that have to be decoded like an encrypted message, but the IAEA will reveal the details soon.
IR-1B @ 1,5 SWU
Where did you read that IR-1B has an enrichment capacity of 1.5 SWU? I searched for it on the internet but I couldn't find any information about it.

It seems that 4,000 IR-1 centrifuges have been damaged. If they're replaced by 1,000 IR-6 centrifuges, then there will be a 50% increase which seems to agree with the official statement.
Where did you read that IR-1B has an enrichment capacity of 1.5 SWU? I searched for it on the internet but I couldn't find any information about it.

It seems that 4,000 IR-1 centrifuges have been damaged. If they're replaced by 1,000 IR-6 centrifuges, then there will be a 50% increase which seems to agree with the official statement.

First gen IR-1 couldn’t shutdown properly so when power was cut most were destroyed. New gen and IR-2 and above can enter proper shutdown and save the centrifuge in the event of little or zero power.

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