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Iran Send 5 Planes of Food, Qatar Sheikh Seeks Good Relations [PIC]


Jul 15, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Iran Air B 747 Cargo - EP-ICD bringing food to Qatar yesterday




Iran has sent four cargo planes of food to Qatar and plans to provide 100 tonnes of fruit and vegetable every day, Iranian officials said, amid concerns of shortages after Qatar's biggest suppliers severed ties with the import-dependent country.

Qatar has been in talks with Iran and Turkey to secure food and water supplies after Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain cut links, accusing Doha of supporting terrorism. Qatar says the allegations are based on lies.
"Following the sanctions ... on Qatar, IranAir has so far transported food and vegetables to this country by four flights," Shahrokh Noushabadi, the head of public relations at Iran's national airline was quoted as saying by Fars news agency on Saturday.

The head of the industries, business and trade organisation in the Fars province was also quoted by the Tasnim news agency as saying on Sunday the first planes carrying food to Qatar had flown from the southern city of Shiraz.
"Every day we will export 100 tonnes of fruits and vegetables to Qatar," Ali Hemmati said.
Qatar, a small peninsular nation of 2.5 million people, was importing 80 percent of its food requirements from bigger Gulf Arab neighbours before they cut ties with it.

Iran, long at odds with Saudi Arabia and a behind-the-scenes target of the move, has called for the sides to overcome their differences.

Good initiative

Saudia and co look like devil's in the month of ramzan they don't care of Muslim brotherhood and closed the doors for daily usage things because of their idiot neglagance Muslims are suffering in planet Earth
Good initiative

Saudia and co look like devil's in the month of ramzan they don't care of Muslim brotherhood and closed the doors for daily usage things because of their idiot neglagance Muslims are suffering in planet Earth

ME states have severed ties with Qatar. Which is no joke, and it was expected to have its impact.
Now Qatar is seeking new suppliers, especially of its food items, for which they were in contact with Iranian and Turkish firms.
Before severing of ties, there must be similar scenes, when food supplies used to come from ME states.
BTW, pictures of plane above are not from Qatari airport, and its not stated on supplies that those are heading to Qatar or coming from Iran.
Anyway, its a choice of Qatar, they must have been quite well prepared for implications of their choices.

Similarly in Pakistan, we all curse and blame Saudi/UAE with/without evidence, but we should be clear on how to expect a reply from Saudi. As i know Saudis, most likely they may forgive, but we must not exploit that phase of tolerance, we may face similar blackout on relationship.
Don't forget, ever since the Islamic alliance, Saudi diplomatic reach has been far more than ever. Apparently, they have capacity to paralyze any of its regional foe without firing a bullet.
Our parliament and media elements are making strikes on Saudi, nation must be prepared for counter strike. If we never thought of it before, now is time to learn lesson.

How i understand Saudis, they may tolerate lies, but never terrorism, conspiracy and killings on their land. If they fail to provide security to its people, they know they are answerable to its public, which expects nothing but best from its govt.
Now since being in alliance, Saudis may not tolerate same to any of its ally.

You may have heard Iranian mod. on this forum periodically cursing one young man in Saudi govt. he may have his reasons, but that young man apparently is very dynamic and result oriented... at all costs. He may not tolerate Pakistan supporting Iran at any level, specially assisting in supplying militias for war in Iraq and Syria, and destabilization of any of Saudi ally state.
Recent arrest in Saudi with connection to WoT, multinational arrests are made where respective states are notified.
If Pakistan would not show seriousness to hunt those channels, which Iran is using to exploit Pakistani citizens, weather those are social media, places of worship, or foreign agents in our parliament and bureaucracy, then I surely expect consequences on state level.
We already see Saudis have stop dealing with foreign office, they only trust Pak army.. even for dispensing aid in Pakistan. Clearly, relationships are not same as they used to be.
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ME states have severed ties with Qatar. Which is no joke, and it was expected to have its impact.
Now Qatar is seeking new suppliers, especially of its food items, for which they were in contact with Iranian and Turkish firms.
Before severing of ties, there must be similar scenes, when food supplies used to come from ME states.
BTW, pictures of plane above are not from Qatari airport, and its not stated on supplies that those are heading to Qatar or coming from Iran.
Anyway, its a choice of Qatar, they must have been quite well prepared for implications of their choices.

Similarly in Pakistan, we all curse and blame Saudi/UAE with/without evidence, but we should be clear on how to expect a reply from Saudi. As i know Saudis, most likely they may forgive, but we must not exploit that phase of tolerance, we may face similar blackout on relationship.
Don't forget, ever since the Islamic alliance, Saudi diplomatic reach has been far more than ever. Apparently, they have capacity to paralyze any of its regional foe without firing a bullet.
We are making strikes, we ought to be prepared for counter strike. If we never thought of it before, now is time to learn lesson.

How i understand Saudis, they may tolerate lies, but never terrorism, conspiracy and killings on their land. If they fail to provide security to its people, they know they are answerable to its public, which expects nothing but best from its govt.
Now since being in alliance, Saudis may not tolerate same to any of its ally.
You may have heard Iranian mod. on this forum periodically cursing the young man in Saudi. That young man is very dynamic and result oriented. He may not tolerate Pakistan supporting Iran in exporting terrorism in destabilization in any of the ally state.
Recent arrest in Saudi with connection to WoT, multinational arrests are made where respective states are notified.
If Pakistan would not show seriousness to hunt those channels, which Iran is using to exploit Pakistani citizens, weather those are social media, places of worship, or foreign agents in our parliament and bureaucracy, then I surely expect consequences on state level.
We already see Saudis have stop dealing with foreign office, they only trust Pak army.. even for dispensing aid in Pakistan.
Pakistan doesn't need warmongers of GCC region. You want Pakistan to destroy itself by acting against Turkey and Iran militarily and bowing to Al-Saud family. You don't need them, you became a shanghay member since yesterday. Don't be coward, put your faith in Allah not an illegal kingdom specifically the upstart boy. The kingdom which gave away 0.5 trillion dollar of Arabian people for a bunch of useless military equipment however for buying Trump's attention and protection against Muslim nations.
Have some self respect man!, your country will experience a sharp shift in economy with being in Shanghay summit. Al-Saud family's hand out is only a leverage on you to rent your soldiers and send them to die in Afghanistan, training blower Jihadists etc. Spare yourself from those goons
Pakistan doesn't need warmongers of GCC region. You want Pakistan to destroy itself by acting against Turkey and Iran militarily and bowing to Al-Saud family. You don't need them, you became a shanghay member since yesterday. Don't be coward, put your faith in Allah not an illegal kingdom specifically the upstart boy. The kingdom which gave away 0.5 trillion dollar of Arabian people for a bunch of useless military equipment however for buying Trump's attention and protection against Muslim nations.
Have some self respect man!, your country will experience a sharp shift in economy with being in Shanghay summit. Al-Saud family's hand out is only a leverage on you to rent your soldiers and send them to die in Afghanistan, training blower Jihadists etc. Spare yourself from those goons

Get lost where you belong, if you can't discuss in civilized and logical way you deserve no reply.
Get lost where you belong, if you can't discuss in civilized and logical way you deserve no reply.
Ok, go blow yourself, because upstart boy is bothered, oh God, the monkey in Al-Saud house will destroy Pakistan with his camel hahhah. You just followed civil way of discussion with insulting LOL
Good initiative

Saudia and co look like devil's in the month of ramzan they don't care of Muslim brotherhood and closed the doors for daily usage things because of their idiot neglagance Muslims are suffering in planet Earth
Sir these bastards are by name Muslim. I am living in Saudis from last 7 years I know their way of thinking. They are using Islam as a cover otherwise their policies are against Muslims.
Good Job by Iran. We need to help our brothers in need. Be it Gaza or Qatar. Both have a blockade.
I hope Pakistan also sends a shipment or plane full of food and medicine. We need to help the Qataris. Keep in mind in our time of need the qataris always helped the Pakistani nation.

The question of upsetting Saudia or uae shouldnt cross our mind because Pakistan is always neutral between our Arab brother nations. But this doesnt mean we shouldnt aid a arab nation on humatarian basis. Noone has a right to dictate us on that.
Sir these bastards are by name Muslim. I am living in Saudis from last 7 years I know their way of thinking. They are using Islam as a cover otherwise their policies are against Muslims.
I think Muslim umah like turkey Pak Iran Qatar start to liberate Mecca and MADINA from them because only Muslims are custodian s of Holly places other wise they use holy mosques as a tool of blackmailing as they did with Iran now Qatari Pilgrim s harassed

I'm against wrong Muslim umah should gel together rather than fight our enemies want us to kill each other iraq Iran Kuwait wars are examples

We should think bigger than Shia Sunni

Wahbism I'm neither against it nor with it but it makes a unnecessary branch of Islam

I'm Muslim neither Sunni nor Shia should be approach

If they keep playing into hands of enemies time to talk and than act

KSA has to get out of madness of war hysteria

ME states have severed ties with Qatar. Which is no joke, and it was expected to have its impact.
Now Qatar is seeking new suppliers, especially of its food items, for which they were in contact with Iranian and Turkish firms.
Before severing of ties, there must be similar scenes, when food supplies used to come from ME states.
BTW, pictures of plane above are not from Qatari airport, and its not stated on supplies that those are heading to Qatar or coming from Iran.
Anyway, its a choice of Qatar, they must have been quite well prepared for implications of their choices.

Similarly in Pakistan, we all curse and blame Saudi/UAE with/without evidence, but we should be clear on how to expect a reply from Saudi. As i know Saudis, most likely they may forgive, but we must not exploit that phase of tolerance, we may face similar blackout on relationship.
Don't forget, ever since the Islamic alliance, Saudi diplomatic reach has been far more than ever. Apparently, they have capacity to paralyze any of its regional foe without firing a bullet.
Our parliament and media elements are making strikes on Saudi, nation must be prepared for counter strike. If we never thought of it before, now is time to learn lesson.

How i understand Saudis, they may tolerate lies, but never terrorism, conspiracy and killings on their land. If they fail to provide security to its people, they know they are answerable to its public, which expects nothing but best from its govt.
Now since being in alliance, Saudis may not tolerate same to any of its ally.

You may have heard Iranian mod. on this forum periodically cursing one young man in Saudi govt. he may have his reasons, but that young man apparently is very dynamic and result oriented... at all costs. He may not tolerate Pakistan supporting Iran at any level, specially assisting in supplying militias for war in Iraq and Syria, and destabilization of any of Saudi ally state.
Recent arrest in Saudi with connection to WoT, multinational arrests are made where respective states are notified.
If Pakistan would not show seriousness to hunt those channels, which Iran is using to exploit Pakistani citizens, weather those are social media, places of worship, or foreign agents in our parliament and bureaucracy, then I surely expect consequences on state level.
We already see Saudis have stop dealing with foreign office, they only trust Pak army.. even for dispensing aid in Pakistan. Clearly, relationships are not same as they used to be.

Saudi policies are anti Islam joining hands with Israel Palestinian freedom they forgotten

Our enemies will destroy us one by one if we fear from Saudi Bach lash today tomorrow we have to face better face it today

Does it justify stopping food supplies of Muslim brothers and sisters in Qatar in ramzan I gurantee u no khulfa rasdeen have done it

Other example harassing qataris in Holly places etc
if u read said family history u get the answer since they came to power Muslim umah never been in together

Remember usmania empire in hejaz
Good for Persian business folks. They should be selling at 4 times the price they would charge locally in some Persian cities. Qatar should also learn the lesson and start investing in local agricultural projects and subsidize that as necessary. I think that will be on their top 5 action list. They also should direct part of their global investment to acquiring controlling stakes in agricultural companies all over the world. They can't rely on us nor on Iran.
Those saggy Maggies ran out of food that quick? I thought they would be fasting.

Cheeky business Iranians. Sly foxes
We Pakistanis sometimes think that it's our bad luck and misfortune to have India to the east and Afghans to the west, and our neighbours I'm sure say the same of us. But I thank God we aren't on the Arab peninsula. If ever there was a land that is now unfortunately cursed by political fighting, war and sectarianism. I can only hope our brothers can sort out the differences they have between them in the name of their common faith if not out of self-interest. Pakistan should steer well clear of that mess.
Always seemed to me that the Subcontinent is where malnutrition flourishes, even in the 21st century. Yeah, I know you are just a frustrated hater, with some childish jealousy. Sorry man, there is nothing we could do to make it less painful for you.

@Jungibaaz apparently they aren't very bright either.
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