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Iran seizes Indian shipcarrying oil from Iraq

The ship is owned by the Shipping Corporation of India. The development has stunned authorities here as it was transporting oil from Iraq, a country which has overtaken Iran as the second largest supplier of crude to India after Saudi Arabia.
The government-owned ship was detained in international waters in the Persian Gulf before being coerced into entering Iranian waters. Late Wednesday evening, the ship was on its way to the Bandar Abbas port, guidedby the IRGC.
Sources said Iran claimed to have detained the ship because of environmental concerns. Tehran authorities conveyed to India that the ship was polluting Iranian waters, but this is being seen as flimsy reasoning.
The development has shocked the Indian establishment, which on Wednesday evening was still trying to gather information on the incident.

One side of the “story”。

But I don't blame you for believing account given by one party only that happens to be your own。

The fault is always laid at others' door。:azn:
No wonder other countries slap us left and right, when we elect bast*rds to govern us.
This is bound to happen!

The previous elected bast*rds were no different when then Foreign minister accompanied Terrorist to Kandhar..................

Arrest and Seize are Different Meanings ..

Seizing means It's an act of war or Acting like Hostiles

Indian Respond ..Lets See Possible Actions

Barring Iran From Cricket and IPL ..oh they have No Cricket Players then Other some Athletics

6 or 7 Tea parties with both Countries Official Meeting

If they didn't Respond

after 2017 India Will Not buys Oil from Iran anymore ..

If Modi Comes ..Lets see Some Actions
Ya if he comes he will send his Kachdaris to Capture Iran
Even Iran does not respect India.

Don't try to magnify the situation. Iran, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar and to some extent Oman depend on the Persian Gulf as a source for their drinking water (not to mention fishing), we can't allow oil tankers to just dump oil in its waters. This incident happening wasn't to put any pressure on India, despite what media wants you to believe. If you take BP incident in Gulf of Mexico for instance , even though Britain and U.S. are close allies U.S. sued the hell out of BP.

Iran has always had friendly relations with India and hopefully we will continue to maintain our good relations with India and improve our relations with other neighboring countries as well.

This is the picture of oil slick:


BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/persian/world/2013/08/130816_l03_iran_india_oil_slick.shtml
The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) detained an Indian ship carrying oil in the Persian Gulf.
NEW DELHI: In a development with serious international ramifications, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has detained an Indian ship carrying oil in the Persian Gulf. Sources said the ship,named MT Desh Shanti, was on its way to India from Iraq when it was detained by the IRGC.
The ship is owned by the Shipping Corporation of India. The development has stunned authorities here as it was transporting oil from Iraq, a country which has overtaken Iran as the second largest supplier of crude to India after Saudi Arabia.
The government-owned ship was detained in international waters in the Persian Gulf before being coerced into entering Iranian waters. Late Wednesday evening, the ship was on its way to the Bandar Abbas port, guidedby the IRGC.
Sources said Iran claimed to have detained the ship because of environmental concerns. Tehran authorities conveyed to India that the ship was polluting Iranian waters, but this is being seen as flimsy reasoning.
The development has shocked the Indian establishment, which on Wednesday evening was still trying to gather information on the incident.Although India has taken steps to reduce its crude imports from Iran, Tehran had never hinted that it could resort to such drastic actions.
India has cut crude importsfrom Iran, a fallout of sanctions imposed by the US and the EU. The cut, in fact, helped India -- along with China and South Korea-- win a waiver from the US allowing it to continue toimport crude from Iran.
In 2012, India is estimated to have imported crude from Iraq worth more than$15 billion. IOC is the largest importer of crude oil from Iraq. In October 2010, Iraq replaced Iran asthe country with the third largest proven reserves of 143.1 billion barrels of oil.
For India, it is not far-fetched to draw the conclusion that Tehran is peeved with India's rising crude imports from Iraq and that the seizure of theship may be a way of showing its displeasure. But this doesn't just have consequences for India-Iran ties but also internationally, as it will raise questions about whatTehran intends to do in the Persian Gulf where it has even threatened use of force in the past to show its influence in the oiltrade.
Iranian authorities are known to have recently threatened that Tehran willblock the crucial Strait of Hormuz oil trade route in the face of sanctions imposed by western countries. The Strait of Hormuz links the Gulf with the Indian Ocean, facilitating transport of oil from major oil producing countries like Saudi Arabia,Bahrain, Kuwait and Qatar. Iran's vice-president Mohammad Reza Rahimi hadwarned in 2011 that "not adrop of oil'' would be allowed to pass through the Strait of Hormuz if more sanctions were imposed on Iran.
Iran seizes Indian ship carrying oil from Iraq - The Times of India
No wonder other countries slap us left and right, when we elect bast*rds to govern us.
This is bound to happen!

WOW! Iran wants to sell Oil to India and China.... lolz... :)

If IN had some P-8Is then it might give some limited escort over Persian Gulf...
Even Iran does not respect India.

when the indian govt can backstab its allies for USA and Israel , why should Iran respect India? Tommorrow ,when the sunnis revolt to balkanize India further ,the shias of India will be the ones to contain the Sunnis and if we alienate Iran we might end up alienating the loyalty of Shias to India. Sunnis ,their loyalty is with Saudi Arabia and the Ummah.

India also alienated the tribals by ethnic cleansing and outright genocidal policies and pushed them into the arms of the maoists.

India alienated the sikhs with 1984 and its corresponding genocide.
India is in the rule of Jaichands and Prithirogues who are running us into the ground and if current situation continues India will Balkanize for sure and end up with a bloody civil war like Yugoslavia.

Hindus? forget the north indians , those hindus are a bunch of cowards.On the other hand,the marathas and the hindus of the south and northeast will sure shot survive the coming chaos as they are much braver than their north indian counterparts.
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