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Iran seized two Greek tankers in response of seizure of iranian tanker by USA + Greece.

Russian Tanker Stuck in Greece Switches Flag ‘to Avoid Sanctions’​

The Russian oil tanker becalmed in Greek waters for over a month has since changed its flag to an Iranian one – in what appears a move to duck Westsern sanctions on Moscow.

A Russian-flagged oil tanker stuck off the Greek island of Evia since April 8 has changed its flag, BIRN has found out, most likely to avoid EU and US sanctions on Moscow.

Claire Jungman, Chief of Staff of the US advocacy group United Against Nuclear Iran, UANI, told BIRN that the Lana “is now flying an Iranian flag while anchored in Greek waters”.

Many Russian vessels have changed flags lately to conceal their ties to Moscow and avoid being sanctioned, Bloomberg has reported.

Miltiadis Sarigiannidis, Associate Law Professor at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, northern Greece, told BIRN: “Changing the Russian flag for an Iranian one may be a Russian manoeuver to facilitate Russians exports”.

The vessel is not impounded by Greece and is stuck off Evia because of mechanical problems; A source with knowledge about the case told BIRN on Tuesday under condition of anonymity that the Lana has no fuel and the cargo will have to be transferred to another ship. This will not be easy as the cargo is Iranian crude oil.

Greek authorities detected the ship on April 8. Under EU sanctions against Russia, it was seized, but then released, as its new owner, TransMorFlot LLC, a Russian maritime shipping company, was not included on the EU sanctions list.

However, the US State Department on May 8 imposed new sanctions and targeted eight Russian maritime-related companies, including TransMorFlot LLC, owner of the Lana. The 16 vessels in which TransMorFlot LLC has an interest are therefore blocked as a result of this action, the State Department has said.

“The sanctions imposed by the US on the Russian shipping company do not apply in Greece,” a lawyer dealing with maritime law told BIRN. “However, sanctions are indirectly imposed,” he added.

Companies providing services to the vessel, including shipping insurance companies covering liabilities including fuel leaks, shipwrecks and personal injuries, have in these complex circumstances decided to stop trading with the ship, to avoid to be included in the US black list. As a result, the ship can do nothing, the same lawyer told BIRN.

Under Donald Trump’s administration, the US in 2018 reimposed sanctions on Iranian oil sales.

The EU, unlike the US, has not imposed sanctions on Iranian oil. However, no European shipping company dares to transfer Iranian crude oil, nor will any refinery in Europe process it, and no international bank wants to handle the payment, media have reported.

A court ruling in the US is pending, which will help determine the ship’s fate, BIRN has found out.

Greek media outlet Kathimerini reported that the US asked Greek judicial authorities to order seizure of the cargo and an investigation. As a result, the case is before the Greek prosecutor’s office.

My criminal State? 😂 You're looking for every chance to insult Serbia,Greece and Russia. You come like the shark who smells blood.
For this particular case stop stealing others state properties and it would be insult, right now it is fact that you are no better then ordinary thief as state.
For this particular case stop stealing others state properties and it would be insult, right now it is fact that you are no better then ordinary thief as state.
We didn't steal anything. Americans consficated the cargo. The ship wasn't even Iranian to begin with. From what they said on the news today,our authorities were notified that the cargo was to be delivered to a designated "terrorist organisation" and under some law (don't know which),our Coast Guard had to act. The rest are for the Americans. Maybe it was going to Lebanon? Maybe somewhere in the Black Sea? I don't know. But when you get notified that there's a suspicious ship,you have to act. What the Americans will do with the oil,that is their problem.
And at least another 17 more tankers coming up :pleasantry:



:pleasantry: USA will be running out of doggies to do USA dirty work.

And I bet you USA will not dare to try to get back those 2 tankers from Iran



:pleasantry: Or maybe USA poking and prodding Greece to go themselves to Iran to get those tankers back.
In the same manner USA instigated and prod Ukraine to poke the Bear in the eye as we know
USA are cowards through and through and good only at tell lies and cheating and stealing

Not just Pompeo.

All Americans are as good as Pompeo

Male or Female or trans or gays or lesbians
We didn't steal anything. Americans consficated the cargo. The ship wasn't even Iranian to begin with. From what they said on the news today,our authorities were notified that the cargo was to be delivered to a designated "terrorist organisation" and under some law (don't know which),our Coast Guard had to act. The rest are for the Americans. Maybe it was going to Lebanon? Maybe somewhere in the Black Sea? I don't know. But when you get notified that there's a suspicious ship,you have to act. What the Americans will do with the oil,that is their problem.
Dude, you have already brought up this argument and your fallacy was shown to you.

Even if the Americans confiscated it, you allowed them to do it. Turkey wouldn't have allowed them to do that in their territory, for instance. That makes you "co-criminals" in the thievery.
Meanwhile, the US is not part of the EU. So, stop with this Russia nonsense. And for once more, the EU laws are not internationally binding. Only the UN Security Council resolutions are binding for all member states and since Russia is a permanent member of the UNSC, no resolution could ever be passed against her.
Dude, you have already brought up this argument and your fallacy was shown to you.

Even if the Americans confiscated it, you allowed them to do it. Turkey wouldn't have allowed them to do that in their territory, for instance. That makes you "co-criminals" in the thievery.
Meanwhile, the US is not part of the EU. So, stop with this Russia nonsense. And for once more, the EU laws are not internationally binding. Only the UN Security Council resolutions are binding for all member states and since Russia is a permanent member of the UNSC, no resolution could ever be passed against her.
Are you saying the ship was Iranian originally?
Well Greece is a NATO member, not only Americans' warships in Persian gulf didn't help them no other NATO member raised a finger to come to their aid apparently everyone knows who is the boss in Persian gulf except Greece ... Korea and England learned it in the same way ...
Funny is even Greece being a NATO member didn't change Iran's red line which is its security and interests ... even Iran creates a new equation 2 in return of 1.
Even isreal backed down after tasting Iranian responses after several attempts to attack Iranian tankers ...
Still what I wonder is why americans push these countries to do these sort of things despite being well aware that Iran would respond???? why is that???? lack of brain???
We didn't steal anything. Americans consficated the cargo. The ship wasn't even Iranian to begin with. From what they said on the news today,our authorities were notified that the cargo was to be delivered to a designated "terrorist organisation" and under some law (don't know which),our Coast Guard had to act. The rest are for the Americans. Maybe it was going to Lebanon? Maybe somewhere in the Black Sea? I don't know. But when you get notified that there's a suspicious ship,you have to act. What the Americans will do with the oil,that is their problem.
All late exuzes meanwhile your tankers will be legitimate target for confiscation by Iran in their zone of influence and you have to cope with that, whish you luck to persuade them in justification of your actions.
What it carried (oil) was.
So if the ship was Russian and you got your money,what's the big deal? :P

All late exuzes meanwhile your tankers will be legitimate target for confiscation by Iran in their zone of influence and you have to cope with that, whish you luck to persuade them in justification of your actions.
Ok,now get back to your corn flakes and cartoons.
What the South Koreans did? Can you share a link?

South korea an Iran have had very good economic relations for decades

Korean electronic appliances and cars flooded Iran. And this was before they were even popular globally

Iran believed it had solid relations worh s korea. Despite having closer political/military ties to the honorable korean.

Out of nowhere the south koreans blocked 7 billion dollars of Iranian oil payments that had accumulated in korean banks

While korea said this wAs due to “american sanctions”. Iran was understandbly infuriated by the theft. After diplomatic efforts failed, a south korean ship was captured in the persian gulf

The koreans first sent senior diplomats. then the pm himsef had to go to Iran to get the issue resolved. And it appears some kind of face saving scheme was worked out where the koreans would quietly pay Iran back. Otherwise the persian gulf would be de facto closed to korean shipping

This however completely destroyed Iran korea relations. And made korea extremely unpopulAr in Iran. Korean economic ties to Iran will never be the same again
So if the ship was Russian and you got your money,what's the big deal? :P
Who says that we were paid?
Even if so, if our shipments are confiscated and our customers don't get their money's worth of oil, they'll stop buying from us.
This move does threaten our interests and we didn't expect it from Greece.
Who says that we were paid?
Even if so, if our shipments are confiscated and our customers don't get their money's worth of oil, they'll stop buying from us.
This move does threaten our interests and we didn't expect it from Greece.
What I heard on the news today(and mentioned earlier),was that supposedly the Americans told our authorities that the ship was going to deliver the cargo to some organisation designated as "terrorist". By some law,our authorities had to act about it and that's what happened. Maybe it was bound for Hizbollah? Maybe somewhere in the Black Sea? I don't know. But now the yankees have the oil.
It's interesting that every Iranian here,who has been supportive of me or agreed with my posts or generally has been relatively pro-Greek on many subjects,has turned against us in the blink of an eye over an incident concerning a ship that has more to do with Russia and the war in Ukraine,rather than Iran.

Unbelievable! So quick to turn hostile! 🤔
Yeah, we were allies in the 80s, they decided to Islamize themselves and declare us and every other western country as bad.

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