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Iran seized two Greek tankers in response of seizure of iranian tanker by USA + Greece.

Well, it gets what it deserves.

That may be the consequence of relying on another country for your own defense. That dependency, sooner or later, would make you lose the ability to think for yourself.
The ship was suspicious though. Veerry suspicious. You can't imagine what our Coast Guard has found throughout the years.
I will share a response I gave elsewhere that kind of relates to all this tanker snatching business:

52D antipiracy.JPG
I was betting it with my colleagues that something like this will soon happen the moment we heard of Greek cheap act with Iranian ship.
Once IRGC Navy or IRGC got orders to find a Greek ship, they just went "fishing " in the large Persian Gulf...smh...lol...Iran knows which flag and destination most important ships crossing Persian Gulf are destined for.
The ship was suspicious though. Veerry suspicious. You can't imagine what our Coast Guard has found throughout the years.
only thing "suspicious" to me here is US and Greece CO-BANDITING for oil together. wow. is your economy that bad now? seriously. I know some Greeks in Nigeria, and i know enough about Greece, decent people, this behavios is weird, US probably blackmailed Greece privately over something..
only thing "suspicious" to me here is US and Greece CO-BANDITING for oil together. wow. is your economy that bad now? seriously. I know some Greeks in Nigeria, and i know enough about Greece, decent people, this behavios is weird, US probably blackmailed Greece privately over something..
It says here you're American and you live in USA. Are you a self-hating American?

Oil to Russia? Like bringing kangaroo to Australia?
Persian oil is sweeter ;)
It says here you're American and you live in USA. Are you a self-hating American?
how is this question related to my point? you can be my twin brother or parent, if you're doing bad, i will call you out. I dont like alot of the crap the US govt does, and the results of all that bad are clear today. Back to the topic!!
Man, gas is already too expensive guys.

It's interesting that every Iranian here,who has been supportive of me or agreed with my posts or generally has been relatively pro-Greek on many subjects,has turned against us in the blink of an eye over an incident concerning a ship that has more to do with Russia and the war in Ukraine,rather than Iran.

Unbelievable! So quick to turn hostile! 🤔

Look who's here to mock.
I like Greece, I hope to visit Greece and Turkey one day in one go.

Actually it was in Greek water due to technique problems. Therefore, I would say Greece acted stupidly. They should claim that distressed ship floating into EU water isn't a violation of sanction. Just help the ship get out of the water, instead of acting (as it appears) on behalf of Americans to punish Russians. Why get yourself into the mess when it is really not your concern, unless Greeks really really want to punish Russians, too?
Greece just gets forced to do what the US told them to do. Iranian cargo goes though this area all the time without issue.

Now we have a small crisis, and the US of course is delighted.
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