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Iran science output 4th worldwide in 2018

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Probably it is too difficult for an individual who has strict regimented upbringing thus impairing his reasoning abilities but


why do you feel you have to resort to these personal off topic rants?? Are you jealous of Iran's achievements? Are you trying to make Americans happy by irrational anti Iranians statements?

I thought this was suppose to be a healthy discussion?? Or is merely his flag presence is considered a troll to you???

You have always made me sick and you always will.

Hi Mossa what was the weather like in London today? Back on topic are you proud of our Iranian brother's scientific achievements??

Is it because he is squeezing your fake pan arab view ?

Mate the guys had a hard day in London cut him some slack. in due course he will appreciate the scientific achievements of the Islamic Republic
Hi Mossa what was the weather like in London today? Back on topic are you proud of our Iranian brother's scientific achievements??
You have a skill of asking stupid question. Why would a Saudi be proud of an Iranian achievement?
Why would an Iranian be proud of a Saudi achievement?
You are mistaken. The misconception of the "growth rate" you talk about is not that it is "growing" in the case of Iran but is stagnating, whereas for India it is on the ascendancy. Which means effectively in 2011, the growth rate would have further dropped for Iran and increased for India. This by no way is denigrating the efforts of Iran. Mind you, Iran is the flag-bearer of science and tech. in the Islamic world, no doubt on that. All i am saying is that the claims in this writeup is vacuous. One point of concern here however. Given that the publication count of Iran is laudable, the patents they file annually is of concern. Source :: Patents By Country, State, and Year - All Patent Types. Can someone shed a light on this ?
well can't it be because of that we are not so keen on patents and patent laws ?
let tell you about some patent in USA
Patently Silly - The Humor of Invention - presented by Daniel Wright
its a more complete list
Archive - Totally Absurd Inventions & Patents, America's Goofiest Patents
You have always made me sick and you always will !!! :whistle:

but you know he was telling me on another thread he is close up to a very high level with the sauds and he knows he knows. But I accept Iranzamins information on Mossa. Iran's science achievements are creating a lot of jealousy with America's allies
What is wrong in what he said? And why are you overlooking what mess IbnAlwaled started here?

Argue based on merits, not personal standpoints.

He said something then prove him wrong. All you did was start an insulting barrage.
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