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Iran science output 4th worldwide in 2018

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I do not think its just jealousy being critical of Iran ingratiates Indians with Americans and Israelis cos they hope for assistance against Chinese war because in 1962 Chinese beat India badly in a war

Yeah, they can not even take scientific data with honor of a gentleman. They have to bring in their politics and race and religion and the whole nine yards. It is really shameful.
Did you not vote against Iran at the UN under pressure from Americans??

NO,we got nuclear deal in return.It was fir deal.
IF you want smthing then give smthing.In this way,every country works.

Do not worry about me. This thread is about Iranian achievements in science. So get a life and stop trolling.

A person who brings DICK measurement in b/w discussion accusing me of trolling??
WOW......Thats new standards.I said simply that i dont agree.
Yeah, they can not even take scientific data with honor of a gentleman. They have to bring in their politics and race and religion and the whole nine yards. It is really shameful.

Yea I must say that these traits are not very endearing
A person who brings DICK measurement in b/w discussion accusing me of trolling??
WOW......Thats new standards.I said simply that i dont agree.

Well you started as a troll then you came here and challenged me to think of "something else". I thought hard and it came to my medical mind that there is really "something else" for Indians to be jealous of Iranians in a quite Freudian way. So I put it out. Any thing else?
Why is it that some Indians feel so insecure in themselves that when we start a thread about any countries achievements they have to try to troll etc. I read that some where that a superiority complex exhibited as in some Indians here is a sign of real insecurity.
Well you started as a troll then you came here and challenged me to think of "something else". I thought hard and it came to my medical mind that there is really "something else" for Indians to be jealous of Iranians in a quite Freudian way. So I put it out. Any thing else?

no..i dont have anything to waste on you..i said nothing ;)
I think he was suggesting that Indians do tend to question Iran's achievements or see Iran in a positive light since they are in a difficult position as result of their friendly relations with America and Israelis and the pressure imposed for example when Clinton was in India asking them to reduce Iran oil imports to India

Probably it is too difficult for an individual who has strict regimented upbringing thus impairing his reasoning abilities but

On Internet everyone represents himself or herself.What Hillary Clinton says does not have any effect on my or anyone's views about Iran.

The question that Indians raise about Iran is because a lot their claims are based on dubious science and we do not have a brotherhood complex which would make us to suck upto them.
Probably it is too difficult for an individual who has strict regimented upbringing thus impairing his reasoning abilities but

On Internet everyone represents himself or herself.What Hillary Clinton says does not have any effect on my or anyone's views about Iran.

The question that Indians raise about Iran is because a lot their claims are based on dubious science and we do not have a brotherhood complex which would make us to suck upto them.

What is dubious science? lol
Why is it that some Indians feel so insecure in themselves that when we start a thread about any countries achievements they have to try to troll etc. I read that some where that a superiority complex exhibited as in some Indians here is a sign of real insecurity.

Freudian or not Freudian? That is the interesting question. God, I am feeling like a psychiatrist today.
Probably it is too difficult for an individual who has strict regimented upbringing thus impairing his reasoning abilities but

On Internet everyone represents himself or herself.What Hillary Clinton says does not have any effect on my or anyone's views about Iran.

The question that Indians raise about Iran is because a lot their claims are based on dubious science and we do not have a brotherhood complex which would make us to suck upto them.

Tell me, if Iran claimed that it shot down the RQ170 without the video, would you have believed the "dubious" claim?

And how do you, sitting in the comfort of your home, classify Iran's claims as "dubious"? Have you ever even went to Iran? Or are you jealous here just because Iran happens to rank higher than india? Would you have reacted the same way if Iran ranked lower than india?
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