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Iran presidential election 1400-2021

mohammad javad jahromi could be very dangerous competitor for saeed mohammad.
he is working in rouhanis administration, but i am sure people won't connect him to that.
he is a libarial and will talk about more "freedome" better economy and good ties with the world.
what makes him successful is his age and that he is not a sepahi nor a akhoond. people in Iran are getting so much dissinformation from monato, voa, radio esrail, bbc, ccn etc. that lots of them really think sepah is spending Iranian peoples money and give it to iraq, syria, yemen, palestine and venezuella (alot of people i am talking to really think Iran is giving the gas to venezuela for free). and this group unfortunatly is the majority of young people in Iran, who would vote for jahromi.

this election will be the first time that i will go to vote.
mohammad javad jahromi could be very dangerous competitor for saeed mohammad.
he is working in rouhanis administration, but i am sure people won't connect him to that.
he is a libarial and will talk about more "freedome" better economy and good ties with the world.
what makes him successful is his age and that he is not a sepahi nor a akhoond. people in Iran are getting so much dissinformation from monato, voa, radio esrail, bbc, ccn etc. that lots of them really think sepah is spending Iranian peoples money and give it to iraq, syria, yemen, palestine and venezuella (alot of people i am talking to really think Iran is giving the gas to venezuela for free). and this group unfortunatly is the majority of young people in Iran, who would vote for jahromi.

this election will be the first time that i will go to vote.
He used to work at the Ministry of Intelligence. He is an Ettela'atee. In people's dictionary, that is as unpopular as military personnel or clerics.
He used to work at the Ministry of Intelligence. He is an Ettela'atee. In people's dictionary, that is as unpopular as military personnel or clerics.
You should elaborate on the military part Arian jan. Artesh is still beloved, IRGC not so much.

OT : the presidential elections really do not matter as long the incompetent guy sits at the top. He needs to die and nationalist IRGC men need to take over. Only then there is some hope for real progress and ''resistance''.
You should elaborate on the military part Arian jan. Artesh is still beloved, IRGC not so much.

OT : the presidential elections really do not matter as long the incompetent guy sits at the top. He needs to die and nationalist IRGC men need to take over. Only then there is some hope for real progress and ''resistance''.
Yeah, Artesh is more popular, but there are "vatan-forush" people who dislike both, but pretend to like the Army to only create discord and division between the two.

I think Khamenei is a smart guy, but he became more cautious and wary of direct conflicts and confrontations as he aged.
Yeah, Artesh is more popular, but there are "vatan-forush" people who dislike both, but pretend to like the Army to only create discord and division between the two.

I think Khamenei is a smart guy, but he became more cautious and wary of direct conflicts and confrontations as he aged.
I don't think Khamenei is at the rudder anymore.

From my studies of Iranian political system, I can tell it's very far from "Qom running the country." The government is very much on its own, though the guard, and the military is too.
He used to work at the Ministry of Intelligence. He is an Ettela'atee. In people's dictionary, that is as unpopular as military personnel or clerics.

i don't know what he did in the past.
he is now the minister of information and communication. but he is a liberal and that makes him popular again. and i think omid dana is right, when he says that they will adverstise with internet freedome and things like that.
people who elected rouhani still don't see that he created the most economical problem for Iran. only 20% of the economical crisis in Iran is due to sanctions, the rest is mismanagement due the liberals and gharb garah. (there are some nice videos where hassan abbasi ist talking about this topic)
so this type of voters blame rahbari or IRGC for the ecomical situation. cause they think khamenei is controling everything and press every single button in Iran.
so the liberals with the help of the western media have still big supporters in Iran and lets not forget that Iranian living outside Iran also can vote and we know for tehy will go.
i don't know what he did in the past.
he is now the minister of information and communication. but he is a liberal and that makes him popular again. and i think omid dana is right, when he says that they will adverstise with internet freedome and things like that.
people who elected rouhani still don't see that he created the most economical problem for Iran. only 20% of the economical crisis in Iran is due to sanctions, the rest is mismanagement due the liberals and gharb garah. (there are some nice videos where hassan abbasi ist talking about this topic)
so this type of voters blame rahbari or IRGC for the ecomical situation. cause they think khamenei is controling everything and press every single button in Iran.
so the liberals with the help of the western media have still big supporters in Iran and lets not forget that Iranian living outside Iran also can vote and we know for tehy will go.
I see a sinister plot being hatched by the liberal 5th column...by creating a rumored atmosphere that liberals are popular and might win the election the grounds are being prepared so when the conservatives actually win then the liberals will be able to cry wolf and bring people on to the streets.....you remember "where is my vote" fiasco..
i don't know what he did in the past.
he is now the minister of information and communication. but he is a liberal and that makes him popular again. and i think omid dana is right, when he says that they will adverstise with internet freedome and things like that.
people who elected rouhani still don't see that he created the most economical problem for Iran. only 20% of the economical crisis in Iran is due to sanctions, the rest is mismanagement due the liberals and gharb garah. (there are some nice videos where hassan abbasi ist talking about this topic)
so this type of voters blame rahbari or IRGC for the ecomical situation. cause they think khamenei is controling everything and press every single button in Iran.
so the liberals with the help of the western media have still big supporters in Iran and lets not forget that Iranian living outside Iran also can vote and we know for tehy will go.
Don't worry, those people will sanction this year's presidential election. It is clear that the next president of Iran will be from the conservative party. I imagine an easy landslide victory for the conservatives in May. The only question is who? Saeed Mohammad? Saeed Jalili? Or some other guy?

I doubt Ghalibaf would leave his position in the parliament to run for the office, but I know that he's been eyeing the executive body for a long time. Mohsen Rezaee may want to run for the office again, but after all the jokes about him and his defeats in the presidential race, that wouldn't be a wise thing to do. There are rumors that Raeesi has already rejected the idea of running for presidency. He's the head of the judiciary after all.

I have a feeling that the conservatives would finally stand behind Saeed Jalili. But I think the younger generation that will vote would prefer someone like Saeed Mohammad because of the atmosphere created by people like Omid Dana.
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Don't worry, those people will sanction this year's presidential election. It is clear that the next president of Iran will be from the conservative party. I imagine an easy landslide victory for the conservatives in May. The only question is who? Saeed Mohammad? Saeed Jalili? Or some other guy?

I doubt Ghalibaf would leave his position in the parliament to run for the office, but I know that he's been eyeing the executive body for a long time. Mohsen Rezaee may want to run for the office again, but after all the jokes about him, but that wouldn't be a wise thing to do. There are rumors that Raeesi has already rejected the idea of running for presidency. He's the head of the judiciary after all.

I have a feeling that the conservatives would finally stand behind Saeed Jalili. But I think the younger generation that will vote would prefer someone like Saeed Mohammad because of the atmosphere created by people like Omid Dana.
I share your view that conservatives will win...to avoide any "where is my vote"..SL should tell people who he is going to vote for...if that is legal in Iran...
I share your view that conservatives will win...to avoide any "where is my vote"..SL should tell people who he is going to vote for...if that is legal in Iran...
Things have changed greatly since then. The opposition, backed by the US, the UK and Israel at that time, is no longer using theocracy and lack of democracy as its main idea for a potential color revolution. The theme of the next attempts at a color revolution in Iran will be about ethnic rights and the economic situation of the country, not who will run the country.
I see a sinister plot being hatched by the liberal 5th column...by creating a rumored atmosphere that liberals are popular and might win the election the grounds are being prepared so when the conservatives actually win then the liberals will be able to cry wolf and bring people on to the streets.....you remember "where is my vote" fiasco..

yes they did it already 2 times.
1st time ahmadinejad got elected rafsanjani was criying that the elecetion wasn't fair
and the 2nd time ahmadinejad got elected we all know what happend and what plot the rafsanjani liberal gang did.
i really don't know how people can sell their vatan for money and power i never understood those politicians and will never do so.

The only question is who? Saeed Mohammad? Saeed Jalili? Or some other guy?

i think it will be saeed mohammad cause saeed jalili is not so popular among young Iranians.
and don't forget this will be the 1st election with candidates that young. so it's a very new experience for Iran.
it's the 1st election with a new generation of presidents. thats why i really hope that saeed mohammad wins, it will send a big message to the west and will set a new aera in Iran.
also it will be the first time that a military personal "Sarbaze Vatan" will be president. i will defently go and give my vote and really hope all brothers here do the same. as i said it will be the first i go voting.
i think it will be saeed mohammad cause saeed jalili is not so popular among young Iranians.
and don't forget this will be the 1st election with candidates that young. so it's a very new experience for Iran.
it's the 1st election with a new generation of presidents. thats why i really hope that saeed mohammad wins, it will send a big message to the west and will set a new aera in Iran.
also it will be the first time that a military personal "Sarbaze Vatan" will be president. i will defently go and give my vote and really hope all brothers here do the same. as i said it will be the first i go voting.
Traditionally, voters for the conservative party are mainly people from Basij, rural areas and others that would go for whoever that the party chooses as its first choice. They are like conservative old people from the Central US. You can see how conservatives have already started attacking Saeed Mohammad and his reputation. They don't need a new voice. They need someone from their own gang, like the reformists. Look at their history, particularly the most recent one: Ghalibaf had to withdraw in favor of Raeesi even though he really seemed eager about becoming the president.

The percentage of independent voters in Iran is not that high yet. Less than 10% of the people actually follow independent media and journalists like Omid Dana.
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