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Iran power of proxy warfare

Thank you all the members who contributed in this thread.

Few things to be noted down

  • There is very sophisticated network of khums collection from Gilgit to Karachi and Lahore to Quetta.
  • 50% of this Khums (Shim-e-Imam) get smuggled to Iran. Khums = 20% of savings, quite big amount
  • How Iranian intelligence identify and recruit Pakistanis. Specially bureaucrats and people from security and strategic institutions.
  • Learn and analyze how they created so much sophisticated network of proxies and their ability to mange their expenses.
Sorry, you are running extremely well propaganda against the Shia of Pakistan. Wish they could be rich according to your claim. Helping Iran ....... Pakistani shia has enough people around them to help. Giving you an example of my family, we help many Shia and Sunni poor families, like us hundreds of them who run such programs ... we have enough around us, according to you Shia send Khums money to people who are already rich...seriously ..... I am not in the mood to start Suadi terror funding in Pakistan... one Osma bin Ladin is enough to destroy the image of Pakitan in the world .... The most embarrassing moment for us Pakistan in the world...the most shameful moment.

Please read how ex-wife of Iranian military attaché to Pakistan became the first lady.
Nahid Mirza

Cousin of this women Nusrat Ispahani another Iranian women got married to Zulfiqar Bhutto founder of PPP(2nd or 3rd largest political party) and father of Benazir Bhutto who gave Iran centrifuges in 1992.

So Irani milk is running in veins of Pakistani elite.

Iskender Mirza (President of Pakistan) ,direct descendent of Mir Jaffer of Bengal and x-Army chief Musa Khan are buried in Iran.

So our politicians and establishment were always pro-Iran. The recent anti Iran sentiments are because of incidents in Baluchistan.

Streets of Pakistan

As explained above recent events dominated the topics of discussion.

I posted tweet in response when you asked for proof that member of zainebyon are involved in terrorism in Pakistan.
Its press release from counter terrorism department of police where they mentioned 2 members of sipa-e-muhammad zainebyon brigade Agha Hassan group.
On top is list of crimes(target killing) of karar Hussain and on bottom is list of crimes(political and sectarian target killing) of kamran haider.
both of them were trained in making bombs, firing anti aircraft guns, making suicide jackets and counter surveillance.
basically as the guy said, groups like Hezbollah in different countries including Pakistan.


Uzair Baloch was spying on our naval installations.
again in urdu, sorry for that





Thank you for your input.
Can you tell me why Ahsan Ullah Ahsan is released and sitting in 3rd country and tweeting from there ...after APS school? ... Uzair Baluch works for Zardari to run the land mafia and now is also under agency protective custody ... can you tell us why ?

Enjoy the US govt memo,,the official US document which shows they are extremely concerned about Wahabisim in the US

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Haider sahib

I gave you name of place and identified that particular imam bargah which was built by Iranian funds, why is it not enough?

Regarding terrorism,
All this mess started when Iranian tried to export their ideology to regional countries including Pakistan and still they are doing that.

Sipa-e sahaba was created to counter sipa-e-muhammadi and
lashker-e-jhangvi was created in response to lashker-e-mehdi. But i understand that its over simplification.

TTP is Indian, Afghan and American creation and they are deobandi not wahabi/ehle hadith.
I know that according to your believes Imam Mehdi will not appear until their will be kind of civil war in Saudia but please don't let your hate blind you.
Hazor Janab e aali , You are concerned about one imam bargh in some remote area, where hardly anyone go........here Saudi has raised the whole army of extremists and terrorists with massive funding in madrassah. Every day we are losing Pakistani soldiers who are fighting agast that imported ideology ... who selling tapes in Pakistan madrassah and talk about there own brand of Islamic rule in Pakistan.

Look at this guy right in the middle of Capital


Who provided the fund to build such a massive madrassah right in the middle of capital

Taliban flags found hoisted on rooftop of Jamia Hafsa building in Islamabad

The Newspaper's Staff ReporterPublished August 21, 2021

A file photo of the Taliban flag. — AP/File

A file photo of the Taliban flag. — AP/File
ISLAMABAD: Flags representing the Afghan Taliban were found hoisted on the rooftop of a seminary located in the heart of the capital.
Talking to Dawn on condition of anonymity, officers of the capital administration and police said four to five white flags of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan were found hoisted on the rooftop of Jamia Hafsa in G-7/3.
The seminary has been under the surveillance of the police for long, they added.
“The flags were spotted after Zuhr prayers and shortly the capital administration and police were informed about it,” they said. In response, the issue was brought under the notice of senior authorities concerned who directed the administration and police to act.
Senior officers of the administration and police reached the seminary and held talks with its administration. Later, the flags were removed before Asr prayers, the officials added.
An officer of the administration said the seminary management told the officers that they had nothing to do with the hoisting of the flags. The issue was inquired and later it was revealed that some students were behind it.
The officials asked the seminary’s administration to remain alert so that such activity was not repeated.
Two senior officers of the capital administration and police said hoisting of any flag was not a crime.
However, hoisting of some flags may spread terror among the citizens. Besides, some flags are also disliked by many people, they added.
The seminary was already under surveillance but after the emergence of the flags, vigilance has further been enhanced.
Two weeks ago, a group of people was spotted with Taliban and Afghanistan’s national flags at Lake View Park.
On Sunday, 10 people carrying Afghanistan’s national flags gathered at F-9 Park and chanted slogans which spread fear among the people present there. The police reached the spot but the group managed to escape.
Later, the police arrested five of them from different areas and recovered Afghan cards from them.
Director Media and SSP (operations) Dr Syed Mustafa Tanweer was approached for comments but he did not reply.
The deputy commissioner of Islamabad in a tweet stated: “Lal Masjid affiliated Jamia Hafsa erected Afghan Taliban Flag on the building. Was removed there and then.”
Published in Dawn, August 21st, 2021

Taliban video shows 17 beheaded Pakistani soldiers​

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Cancer dude, proxy cancer
Fighting in ME all day long but can't cross Kashmir to help Thier blood and same sect too (zabiyun)
Yeh, How come there are no Iranian proxies in India , even though there are around 50 Million Shias in India?
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Its reaction to recent events where BLA/BLF terrorists are killed in Iran and in return they launch revenge attacks from there.

We know about this problem but this thread is not for that.

This is a press release from CTD (Counter terrorism department)
Its a list crimes of 2 membrs of zainebyion

Recording and transcript of second video of Kulbhushan Jadhav released by Pakistan army. According to the ISPR, this was recorded in “April 2017”:
I am Commander Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav. Number 41558Zulu of the Indian Navy

I am a commissioned officer in the Indian Navy. And my alias name was Hussain Mubarak Patel. And I was basically..I’d visited Karachi on 2 occasions in 2005 and 2006 for basic intelligence gathering on Naval installations and subsequent detail. Basically gathering information on the landing sites around Karachi and various naval vessels or whatever I could gather about the navy.

The RAW officials had started sniffing that the Modi government will be in power by 2014. So I was inducted and my services were handed over to Research and Analysis Wing (RAW). And the aim was to see that all the activities around the Mekran Coast and Karachi and Balochistan Interior, Turbat and Quetta were to be organized and nicely coordinated.

Subsequently, me along with Anil Kumar had a meeting with Alok Joshi, wherein the plans and the finalization of the activities along the Mekran Coast and Karachi were finalized. I was stationed in Chahbahar, the Iranian Port City under a fictitious name “Hussein Mubarak Patel” and I was running a business there ‘Kaminda Trading company’. It was a discreet non embassy based operation exclusively meant to conduct meetings with Baloch insurgents and terrorists. The aim of these meetings was always to see that the aims and the targets of RAW to conduct the various terrorist activities within Balochistan are conveyed properly to the insurgents and any kinds of requirements of them are conveyed back to the RAW officials.

My purpose of this time visit to Pakistan was to establish and meet the basic leadership of Baloch sub-nationals, the BLA or the BRA and establish and Infiltrate around 30 to 40 RAW operatives along the Makran Coast for Operations along with Baloch sub-nationals and miscreants or Terrorists.

The aim was to have RAW operatives on field so that they could facilitate and help the Baloch sub-nationals in carrying out precision targets to be carried out… precision…I would say sort of a military sort of a connection to the entire Operation.

Balochistan doesn’t have a movement on the sea, so the aim was to raise within the Baloch sub-nationals a sea front, so that the activities could be properly coordinated from the sea side and subsequently taken on further inwards, may be Quetta or Turbat or maybe interiors of various places.

The subsequent activities which were then handed over by RAW when I subsequently started working for Research and analysis wing, the main aim was focused to Balochistan and the Karachi region. The idea was to see to it that the sub-nationals with in this region were facilitated and supported financially and with arms and ammunition, weapons and some kind of maybe man and material movement also across the coast.

So me being a naval officer, I was given the task of seeing that how they could be landed across the Mekran coast, between Gwadar, Jewani or whichever suitable points were there across this belt. And the main ideology beyond this was that the economic and the various activities which go along the CPEC region between Gwadar and China had to be distorted and disrupted and some destabilised so that the aim was to just basically raise the level of insurgency within Balochistan and the Karachi region.

Research and Analysis Wing through Mr Anil Kumar has been financing and sponsoring a lot of activities within Balochistan and Sindh. The entire Hundi and Hawala operations are undertaken from Delhi and Mumbai via Dubai into Pakistan and during one such important transaction was the $40,000 which was transferred to Baloch sub Nationals via Dubai. Also the finances which are coming into Balochistan and Sindh for various anti-national activities are coming through consulates in Jalalabad and Kandhar and the Consulate in Zahidan. These are very important consulates which are used by Research and Analysis Wing to transfer dollars into the Balochistan movement.

And one such instance was where I was directly involved and I was observing the transaction was when $40,000 were recently transferred from India via Dubai to one such Baloch national operative within Pakistan.

Research and Analysis Wing and Mr Anil Kumar on behalf of RAW had been sponsoring regularly the various terrorist activities within Pakistan. Especially Hazara Muslims, Shia Muslims who move around on pilgrimage between Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan were basically to be targeted and killed. They were already being done, it was being done but the level had to be raised to the very high level so that the movement completely stops.

Then the targets on various workers of FWO who were conducting construction of various roads within Balochistan and the third major activity was the IED attacks which were being carried out by the Baloch sub nationals within Quetta, Turbat or various other cities of Balochistan. They were being directly sponsored by RAW.

Mr Anil Kumar has been sponsoring sectarian violence across Sindh and Balochistan and also sponsoring various assassinations across this same region so that instability or some kind of fear is set into the mindsets of the people of Pakistan, and in one such process SSP Chaudhary was assassinated. This was a direct mention by Mr Anil Kumar to me.

The various financing which subsequently happened for the TTP and various other Afghan anti Pakistani terrorist groups led to the attack by TTP on one of the Mehran Naval Bases in which a lot of damage was cost to the Pakistani Navy. Other sort of radar installation attack, the Sui pipeline gas attack, then attacks on civilian bus Stations where some I suppose Pakistani Nationals were being targeted by Sub-Nationals and murdered and massacred so that a sort of disruption in the CPEC is done that was being funded and directly supported by Mr Anil Kumar. He wanted it to be raised to the next level so that complete disruption and complete stoppage of the economic corridor between Gwadar and China is achieved.

One of the operations which was being planned by RAW officials along with Baloch insurgents was a military style attack on Zahedan Pakistani consulate. The aim was to either attack it with a grenade or some kind of RPG or IED attack or then try to harm the consulate General or some kind of vicious attack on the Pakistani consulate in Zahedan. It was being militarily planned, the RAW officials were involved in Iran and the Baloch Sub Nationals who were supposed to carry out the attack or facilitate the entire process were being involved and I was well aware of the plan which was being conducted and how it was being planned.

RAW was sponsoring the setting up of the modern website, a new website which was being already run through Nepal which the Balochistan movement was carrying on, on the Cyber world and the creation of the website, the previous maintenance of the already existing website was being handled by the Research and Analysis wing from Nepal, Kathmandu which was luring people from within Pakistan for various activities to be carried out in the future.

This time while crossing over into Pakistan I travelled all the way from Chahbahar in a private Taxi along with Rakesh to the Iranian Pakistan border near Sarawan. From wherein I crossed into Pakistan along with Baloch Sub Nationals and after about an hour or so I was apprehended by the Pakistani authorities in Pakistan.

Basically the movement into Pakistan for me was, I was on a visa and official visa in Iran and I was moving with my passports so I carried my passports with till the border almost so that if Iranian authorities or Iranian people who are about to check me or I am stopped or checked I should have a legitimate reason for movement within Iran and my subsequent movement into Pakistan and then backwards. While I was not intending to having being caught, so on my movement backwards again I would have had a legitimate reason to go about, with that passport with the legitimate visa of Iran.

During my judicial proceedings which were held under the field General court martial, I was accorded a defence counsel by the officials here which were conducting the entire proceedings.

Today I genuinely after the time having spent in Pakistan I feel very ashamed and I genuinely seek pardon of the acts and sins and crimes I have committed here against the Nation and the people of Pakistan.


In modarba case it was one madrassa. But in Iran case its state sponsored. Its unbelievable that state is not involved into something that constitutes 10-20 % of GDP.

Please see my reply to Hack-Hook

If that true then agencies should also look into this.

Now following Imam bargah is funded by iran
That's just one member of Iranian proxies responsible for targeted killings of so many sunni ulema...

And we hear our own Pakistani compatriots defend this garbage by saying Shia's are the only ones targeted, when in reality the score is reverse Shia's along with their political allies in PPP and MQM have done majority of targeted killings in Pakistan.
Imperialists don't pay medical bills, tuition fees, send food trucks and give nationality.

Is the reward for good [anything] but good?
Quran 55:60

so if we did good then its our right to expect good in return.

Tell me how many Iraqis, Syrians and Yemenis come to Iran for refuge or medical treatment? So how is imperialist?
do you knew how many Iraqi came to Iran after USA attack ?
the answer is more than 3 million .
by the way do you knew how many aid USA
sent to Iraq and Afghanistan does it made their agenda there less imperialistic ?
why you don't apply same logic for Syria?
I apply that also to Syria more than 90 country sent their head chopper and cannibals to Syria did Fatemioun or Zeynabioun or Hezbollah or our Advisers or Russian army personnel , change their nationality to Syrian and changed their population demographic ? but The Head-choppers army did so
Ambassador was from city and not from desert. Basically statement is referring to whole ethnicity and desert dwellers.
the king answered said that sentence not Ferdowsi , why bash ferdowsi and not bashing the king for generalizing ?
This is the thing that I like about your country how you guys build narrative, how you sell your story
you look down upon particular ethnicity or group but same people are ready to die for your cause.


again I suggest read the whole chapter of the book of Kings , it will change your understanding on what Ferdowsi meant when he wrote about those incident
50% of this Khums (Shim-e-Imam) get smuggled to Iran. Khums = 20% of savings, quite big amount
If its Havaleh , then there is no smuggling involved and people can decide what they want to do with their money , you must ask yourself why your propel prefer Iranian Mareja than your own Mareja
How Iranian intelligence identify and recruit Pakistanis. Specially bureaucrats and people from security and strategic institutions.
as if Pakistan don't do such thing
every intelligence agency do so r you bettor close its door.
Learn and analyze how they created so much sophisticated network of proxies and their ability to mange their expenses.
not secret , we promote an Idea that people yearn for . and how we pay for them , we pay with or hard work and our money , not like France that tax Africans or USA that confiscate afghan money . our some countries which get loan from others
same usual " Pakistani " Posters dying hard to protect Iran, itne dil se ager Pakistan ko defend kerte tu aaj Pakistan buhat mefuz hota.
I found out about this topic quite by accident. When looking for information about proxy servers, probably just the words are similar.
So I moved from one site https://soax.com/ to another. I learned, for example, about the Iranian Quds Forces and modern proxy wars. The Quds Force is a special forces unit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, created during the "holy defense" to expand the capabilities of the IRGC to conduct irregular warfare. Since then, the unit has become one of the main means of expanding Iranian "soft power" in the Middle East and worldwide. It bears the Persian name for Jerusalem and symbolizes the eschatological significance of the regional military strategy of the Islamic Republic. Since creating this secretive unit, much more has become known to him. I hope that your families will not be affected and you will live in peace! Good luck to you!
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