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Iran plans to send Fajr satellite into space within a month

Here Iranian Safir:


Here Scud:


Unlike Iran, North Korea does not have money for useless toys, so they directly went for much bigger thing (Iranian Safir is 26 t, while NK Unha is 80 t). But they failed.
a failure as not all the things that are round are Walnut
scud diameter is 0.88m Safir is 1.25
largest scud have a length of 12.29 safir is 22m
scud has a weight of 6.5 ton safir weight is 26 ton
Scud is single stage while safir has two stage

by the way can you tell me in which part of a SCUD missile you can find these parts



and to make it easier for you its without the cover
Hey 500 !

are you a bot ?

Do you know anything about simorgh ? bot ! :what:

Hey 500 !

are you a bot ?

Do you know anything about simorgh ? bot ! :what:
a failure as not all the things that are round are Walnut
scud diameter is 0.88m Safir is 1.25
largest scud have a length of 12.29 safir is 22m
scud has a weight of 6.5 ton safir weight is 26 ton
Scud is single stage while safir has two stage
Safir is Norh Korean Rodong, shich is enlargened Scud.

Rodong-1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Basically Iranians took Rodong, removed warhead and attached second stage instead. Voila.

500 is showing his lack of knowledge about missiles as he doesn't understand that all missile engines have a nozzle.
Nozzle is only similarity u found there? Even marks on boxes are similar there.
Safir is Norh Korean Rodong, shich is enlargened Scud.

Rodong-1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Basically Iranians took Rodong, removed warhead and attached second stage instead. Voila.

Nozzle is only similarity u found there? Even marks on boxes are similar there.

well where is in that wiki article stated that Iran Safir SLV is an enlarged Rodoung-1 missile ?
by the way as a matter of fact in Missile technology and Jet Engines and Turbines you simply cant use the scale feature of Photoshop to increase the size of the ending product.
well where is in that wiki article stated that Iran Safir SLV is an enlarged Rodoung-1 missile ?
by the way as a matter of fact in Missile technology and Jet Engines and Turbines you simply cant use the scale feature of Photoshop to increase the size of the ending product.

Stop arguing with this uneducated troll who can not tell the difference between a spoon and a space launcher. Even the biggest rocket scientist of Israel admits Iran as a missile power and that Iran designs and builds its own rockets which are not found anywhere else. She comes up with pictures showing that since there are wings and thrust deflectors on Scud and Safir then they are the same thing. Well then all cars have wheels and doors too. Israel got its rocket technology from US and to this day gets US technology for its rockets. A simple google search would confirm it. And US got its technology from Nazi Germans after WWII. See "operation paperclip" for that. Hell even the Apollo program which landed US on moon was being run by a Nazi German by the name of Braun, under whom concentration camp Jews were working as slave labor. It is a small world. Israel got its rocket tech from a concentration camp manager.

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Nozzle is only similarity u found there? Even marks on boxes are similar there.

And it seems that all the things you see from a rocket are it's casing and it's miscellaneous assets. Bravo!
well where is in that wiki article stated that Iran Safir SLV is an enlarged Rodoung-1 missile ?
by the way as a matter of fact in Missile technology and Jet Engines and Turbines you simply cant use the scale feature of Photoshop to increase the size of the ending product.
U said that Safir can't be a modified Scud because its 1.25 diameter while Scud is 0.88. So I showed u Rodong which is 1.25 m diameter and is a modified Scud.

Rodong-1 aka Shihab-3 is enlargened Scud. 1.25 m diameter.

Safir is Rodong-1 with second stage instead of payload. 1.25 m diameter.

U can clearly see that comparing their rear sides. Even cross marks on boxes are exactly same.

well Saeqe tail look like f-18 hope you don't have any complain if I call It Enhanced F-18.

by the way I showed you picture of the engine inside Safir now its up to you to show me which part of Scud have those parts , more importantly show me how a SCUD can reach 7.3 km/s at the height of 200km ,its the speed that can safir reach at that height .
after all Russia only could get about 240knt thrust out of Scud Engine while Safir if wanted to be able to put Omid into orbit need at least 360Knt of thrust

by the way these number are based on the calculation that Iran put a 30kg sat into the space but in fact Iran put the 30 Kg satellite plus several hundred kg 2nd stage missile into the space so the Iran get more thrust than that from Safir Engine
That plot shows the change in speed (Delta V) supplied by various engine/propellant combinations that vary in strength ( specific impulse or Isp ) for several different dead weight fractions. This dead weight not only includes the engine masses and the propellant tank masses but also the navigation and control units and the satellite mass. Notice that even a 5% dead weight, which would be an amazing improvement in the stage’s structure, requires an effective Isp of 278 s while an optimistic SCUD-type rocket might have an Isp of 240! More “realistic” dead weights require an even greater improvement in engine/propellant power. This is why some of us have a hard time accepting a two-stage Safir. It is also why a two-stage Safir, which all the experimental data seems to point to, would indicate why the rocket would have to be so much more sophisticated and worrying than what we expected.
Geoffrey Forden • Why Would a 2 Stage Safir Be Surprising?

well maybe you can use this and find a way to made an scud reach orbit
Rocket Thrust Simulator - Version 1.5b
Stop arguing with this uneducated troll who can not tell the difference between a spoon and a space launcher. Even the biggest rocket scientist of Israel admits Iran as a missile power and that Iran designs and builds its own rockets which are not found anywhere else. She comes up with pictures showing that since there are wings and thrust deflectors on Scud and Safir then they are the same thing. Well then all cars have wheels and doors too. Israel got its rocket technology from US and to this day gets US technology for its rockets. A simple google search would confirm it. And US got its technology from Nazi Germans after WWII. See "operation paperclip" for that. Hell even the Apollo program which landed US on moon was being run by a Nazi German by the name of Braun, under whom concentration camp Jews were working as slave labor. It is a small world. Israel got its rocket tech from a concentration camp manager.

that second video is very imformative, thanks. I recommend 500 to watch this and hear what his own fellow country man, who happens to be an expert, has to say about Iran.

At one point the guy shows a picture of a potential ICBM being manufactured (35:22). I was salivating all over my keyboard lol

He also showed 4 domestic missile designs that have no comparison anywhere else in the world and according to him are domestic Iranian designs.

Honestly, 500, if I were you I would stfu and watch this video.
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It doesn't matter who says it since what he is stating here are scientific facts, I understand that it's beyond your capabilities to refute him. We know already that those missiles are fake copies of 70s NK missiles.
Prove it ... I do not understand how every single Iranian missile is a copy of something ... Very easy to say , ai'nt it ? They took a Scud , added 2-3 stages ( as if it is that simple ) and sent a rocket to the orbit :rofl:
that second video is very imformative, thanks. I recommend 500 to watch this and hear what his own fellow country man, who happens to be an expert, has to say about Iran.

At one point the guy shows a picture of a potential ICBM being manufactured (35:22). I was salivating all over my keyboard lol

He also showed 4 domestic missile designs that have no comparison anywhere else in the world and according to him are domestic Iranian designs.

Honestly, 500, if I were you I would stfu and watch this video.
Solid propelled Sejil is indeed indigenous missile as it seems, but Iranian space launchers are based on liquid enlargened North Korean Scuds. Seems Sejil technology is either not powerful enough or not reliable enough for satellite launches.

Cheers :wave:
Solid propelled Sejil is indeed indigenous missile as it seems, but Iranian space launchers are based on liquid enlargened North Korean Scuds. Seems Sejil technology is either not powerful enough or not reliable enough for satellite launches.

Cheers :wave:
well , the only problem is remain is the second stage of Safir ,which don't look like a scud at all , also there is still remain the power output , if Iran simply enlarged a SCUD then the pressure in the combustion chamber would have decreased not increase instead of that .and again still remain the fact that nobody else could manage to use a scud to send anything into space ?
how you are gonna Explain those ?:toast_sign:
In short you only could claim that Safir is an enlarged Scud if it had 3 stage not when it has two Stage .

about Sejjil , let not go into that other wise I also have to go and made comments about nonexistent Jericho II & Jericho III
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