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Iran plans 'Islamic Google Earth'

More claims of grandeur from Iran, adding to to stock they have invested in being the world's most entertaining source for news

If this news is true...Let us Congratulate Iran for this technological progress....Keep it up people of Iran...A nation who is creates its own technology always wins the race..Keep it up..

I feel surprising to read the comments fellow Iranian members..If some one posts some posts specific to your nation...Is it necessary that you have right to insult entire nation of that posters??? You can be specific to those posters too...Of course it is your choice....
...because posts from Pakistan members are always expected....
Stop worrying so much about the world and start worrying about how to feed your 500 million + slarving ;)

You seem to forget that Pakistan, like India, has a plethora of starving people. You're not exactly better off.

Why the hell do they stick Islam with everything. Why not just simply call it Iran`s thing. I dont think any other islamic country gives a crap about their islamic google earth.

Anyway, They are capable of feeding their poor which is good. Its getting difficult so hopefully the people in the country doesnt suffer from whatever the Iran leadership is doing.

Ahmedinejad is indeed a strong leader, but is he and Khameini clever ones? We`ll see in the next years.
what is there to comprehend?
Low IQ Indians throwing rocks at other people while not realizing they are living a country with the world's largest starving population

If I lived in a country like India, the last thing I would do is go around bashing other people.

I agree with you. So which country are you comparing India to? Canada?
do you knew we managed an 8 year old war with 9$ Oil against a country which received more Aid than all our income in those years and at the end of the war it was not our economy which was broke

Dont bring your aid BS if you cannot come with something better.
Dont bring your aid BS if you cannot come with something better.

aid BS , Iraq received more than* Milliard Dollar in those years from Kuwait , KSA , UAE and Qatar aside from military aid they recieved and let tell you our budget in those years were 6 milliard dollar each year which half of it were spent for war and with only 3 milliard dollar each year we made our country function and provided necessity for every one .

by the way you think what was the must important reason that Saddam attacked Kuwait
I agree with you. So which country are you comparing India to? Canada?

North Korea, that's a country that throws people in Jail for speaking their mind, like the girl who got thrown in Jail for her Facebook status in India. And Like India, North Korea also has problems feeding it's people.

And more smart@ss questions? ;)

You seem to forget that Pakistan, like India, has a plethora of starving people. You're not exactly better off.

Tell me, when was the last time I or any other Pakistanis started to bash other countries? We don't do stupid things like that because we know that Pakistan has problems, and we don't have an ego we need to feed.

Indian members are always bashing other countries and claiming how India is a supa dupa pawa, yet has the worlds's largest starving population.

It's good to know the facts before you take a side ;)
Man these people in this forum lol.
It's not specifically for Islam. They give it this name to show it is anti-west.
Google earth is zionist owned. In Iranians version, there will probably be no Israel but occupied palestinian land.
All the wrong reasons to make a new mapping service.
Tell me, when was the last time I or any other Pakistanis started to bash other countries? We don't do stupid things like that because we know that Pakistan has problems, and we don't have an ego we need to feed.

Indian members are always bashing other countries and claiming how India is a supa dupa pawa, yet has the worlds's largest starving population.

It's good to know the facts before you take a side ;)

Well you told the Indian to go feed his starving population when Pakistan has its own. Sure, he's bashing your country, but you don't have stoop as low as him, especially when your country has the same problem.

I'm not taking a side. I'm just stating facts.
Well you told the Indian to go feed his starving population when Pakistan has its own. Sure, he's bashing your country, but you don't have stoop as low as him, especially when your country has the same problem.

I'm not taking a side. I'm just stating facts.

The differences is that I am not the one starting the bashing. If someone guy punched you in the face and you punch back do you think you are wrong and stupid? you both used violence but only the guy who started it is the idiot.
And yes, Pakistan does have poverty, but Indian poverty is on monumental scale. Just to give you some perspective, there are more poor people in India than 2x the population of Pakistan.
What does Islam got to do with this? The case is simple, Iran is trying to enhance its national security. I am pretty sure China is doing the same thing and we are atheists. Don't bring religion into every debate.

All the wrong reasons to make a new mapping service.

Actually it would be the perfect reason. Right now, Iran is pretty low on US' favorite list and pretty darn high on that "potential invasion target" list, so their concerns are perfectly valid.
North Korea, that's a country that throws people in Jail for speaking their mind, like the girl who got thrown in Jail for her Facebook status in India. And Like India, North Korea also has problems feeding it's people.

And more smart@ss questions? ;)

Yes one more. so you are saying you represent North Korea? Are you Korean? Cause mocking India by you will naturally warrant a reaction from me(I am Indian). But I laugh at the way you weasel out of comparing apples with apples.
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