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Iran plans 'Islamic Google Earth'

wtf,why do you have to relate everything to islam???

Marketing 101.

If they called it 'Iranian google', it would have a certain market, but if they call it 'Islamic google', the potential market grows to over a billion people.

In any case, excellent effort by Iran. This should be an inspiration to other countries.
North Korea, that's a country that throws people in Jail for speaking their mind, like the girl who got thrown in Jail for her Facebook status in India. And Like India, North Korea also has problems feeding it's people.

And more smart@ss questions? ;)

Yes one more. so you are saying you represent North Korea? Are you Korean? Cause mocking India by you will naturally warrant a reaction from me(I am Indian). But I laugh at the way you weasel out of comparing apples with apples.

This is the kind of low IQ Indians we have to deal with. They don't even have basic reading comprehension.

Here, go over this first, study it really hard and then come back and read what I said. If you still don't understand then you should accept your fate as a low IQ Indian and not make a fool of yourself in public
This is the kind of low IQ Indians we have to deal with. They don't even have basic reading comprehension.

Here, go over this first, study it really hard and then come back and read what I said. If you still don't understand then you should accept your fate as a low IQ Indian and not make a fool of yourself in public

I do not post on this forum to get insulted. And that to from a Low MQ(Morality quotient) whatever you are (Canadian, Korean, Pakistani......)
Indians have not made a single thing in the world yet are making fun of Iranians..

How funny & ironic.
North Korea, that's a country that throws people in Jail for speaking their mind, like the girl who got thrown in Jail for her Facebook status in India. And Like India, North Korea also has problems feeding it's people.

And more smart@ss questions? ;)

Yes smart@ss: Do you think that cops make stupid things only in India? The point is that the girls have been released without any further consequences, while officers have to face consequences, thats the whole point genius.

And you compare India with NK? Just shows your desperation and level of intelligence kiddo.

Yes we have poverty, but India is spending billions and billions on anti poverty measures and subsidies. India is lifting millions out of poverty each year. India is not spending over 5 % of its GDP on its military, actually less than 2 % :rolleyes:
India has economic success and is invest hundreds of billions into it. +100 billion alone into infrastructure in the coming 5 years, sums of which your country cant even dream of (or NK or Iran).

And last but not least, we have a successful foreign policy and have good and cordial relations with almost every country and are independent.

Indians have not made a single thing

Democracy, economic success, freedom of press, R&D, etc etc etc....

Arguing with trolls like you is senseless anyways.
This is the kind of low IQ Indians we have to deal with. They don't even have basic reading comprehension.

Here, go over this first, study it really hard and then come back and read what I said. If you still don't understand then you should accept your fate as a low IQ Indian and not make a fool of yourself in public

its strange how some paks are calling india low IQ and others are calling us "extremely devious and cunning". which one is it?

Indians have not made a single thing in the world yet are making fun of Iranians..

How funny & ironic.

you guys wont reach this level even after 100 years, i guarantee
what is there to comprehend?
Low IQ Indians throwing rocks at other people while not realizing they are living a country with the world's largest starving population

If I lived in a country like India, the last thing I would do is go around bashing other people.
Thank you for your kind words of wisdom. I will keep that in mind.
What does Islam got to do with this? The case is simple, Iran is trying to enhance its national security. I am pretty sure China is doing the same thing and we are atheists. Don't bring religion into every debate.

Actually it would be the perfect reason. Right now, Iran is pretty low on US' favorite list and pretty darn high on that "potential invasion target" list, so their concerns are perfectly valid.

And making a google earth will stop them from being 'invaded'??
It's pathetic to simply make it to spite the US, fair enough if they want to try and do it for economic reasons.
So the sanctions mean they can use all their oil for themselves. But they insist on building nuclear 'power generation' 'means' now. They insist their nuclear program is for civilian purposes only. That lie just got a little more transparent.

wrong with current raise of demand for electricity in our country , we can export oil just for another 20 years and after that we must import it , so we very well need to diversify our resources .

so please do a little research before posting such nonsense and funny lies.
wrong with current raise of demand for electricity in our country , we can export oil just for another 20 years and after that we must import it , so we very well need to diversify our resources .

so please do a little research before posting such nonsense and funny lies.

{1} then don't export oil, use it for yourselves. it's under sanctions anyway.

{2} if you need energy, get green energies. you sure get enough sun over there, ey.
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