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Iran Photoshops an Israeli passport to prove "Mossad spy"

mate you can hardly blame us for questioning the source. Western propaganda has caused even some people on here to disregard Press TV. Why should Israeli source be trusted when it comes to Iran. I mean Iranian position is that these are Israeli agents I think

ParodyTV is word of god!

All hail the ParodyTV!
Source is biast and Zionist.

COMMENTARY was founded in 1945 by the American Jewish Committee. To learn more about AJC, which has worked since 1906 to safeguard and strengthen Jews and Jewish life worldwide by promoting democratic and pluralistic societies that respect the dignity of all peoples, click here.
mate you can hardly blame us for questioning the source. Western propaganda has caused even some people on here to disregard Press TV. Why should Israeli source be trusted when it comes to Iran. I mean Iranian position is that these are Israeli agents I think
Fine. You can question the source. But you need to explain the argument: That an Israeli passport require the person to look directly at the camera.

1- Is this 'passport' an Iranian production?

2- Is this 'passport' a Mossad production intending to make it to look like an Iranian production?

If Iran produced this evidence to prove that Majid Jamali Fashi was an Israeli spy, then this 'passport' is an Iranian production and a very incompetent one. So incompetent that an Iranian exposed it.

Dang...Some serious unibrows...
ParodyTV is word of god!

All hail the ParodyTV!

So you wish to believe American and Israeli propaganda. I said they are liars. They produced pictures which we were told were Saddam's nukes. Why should we believe them now. We know they have an agenda against Iran

I can not but help noticing that most international news organisations are ignoring this and or if they mention it quote Zionist sources.
If some Arabs want to join with Zionists from Israel in propagating propaganda it's a matter for them.

But I would ask people to be prudent when dealing with American/Israeli propaganda. They often lie. For example remember the WMD in Iraq. I still remember Colin Powell at the UN with his fancy pictures showing us Saddams nukes.

I couldn't agree more, but not always my friend, I see 500 the most respected and logical member here, off course he exaggerates sometimes, nevertheless he stills better than most of members here, unlike other Israeli members who are typical Zionists. In the contrary, I find you extremely adopter of conspiracy theories as well as being illogical most the time. I urge you again you to refute his claims which seem true to me in a mature way rather than trying to assert your typical Zionism conspiracy slogans. I mean my God!, you guys have deprived "Zionism" from it's true content due to using it all the time. You simply, accusing anything and everything that doesn't suit you of being Zionist. Come on!
The only types of sources I can find are:

COMMENTARY is America’s premier monthly magazine of opinion and a pivotal voice in American intellectual life. Since its inception in 1945, and increasingly after it emerged as the flagship of neoconservatism in the 1970s, the magazine has been consistently engaged with several large, interrelated questions: the fate of democracy and of democratic ideas in a world threatened by totalitarian ideologies; the state of American and Western security; the future of the Jews, Judaism, and Jewish culture in Israel, the United States, and around the world; and the preservation of high culture in an age of political correctness and the collapse of critical standards.

Many of COMMENTARY’s articles have been controversial, and more than a few have been hugely influential, touchstones for debate and discussion in universities, among policy analysts in and out of government, within the ranks of professionals and community activists of all kinds, and in circles of serious thought worldwide. A large number of articles can be counted as landmarks of American letters and intellectual life. Agree with it or disagree with it, COMMENTARY cannot be ignored. To read it is to take part in the great American discussion.

COMMENTARY was founded in 1945 by the American Jewish Committee. To learn more about AJC, which has worked since 1906 to safeguard and strengthen Jews and Jewish life worldwide by promoting democratic and pluralistic societies that respect the dignity of all peoples, click here.

Also most of the same sources are very anti Pakistani. They want to violate Pakistani sovereignty etc
Should have at least tried to find a non-Wiki picture to shoop. If nothing else they coulda' tried changing the dates.

It's almost like they wanted to be caught...
And another thing, why spy will carry identification papers of a country he is spying for that are only valid in Israel, in a hostile nation while on the mission? i mean WTF!

History says Israel will always use bogus ID of European countries to undertake such mission..remember assassination of Hamas commander in Dubai??

A country would be a fool to equip a spy with such a blatant proof of link! Nobody does that..not even the most incompetent spy agency would do that...

All hail the ParodyTV!
History says Israel will always use bogus ID of European countries to undertake such mission..remember assassination of Hamas commander in Dubai??

A country would be a fool to equip a spy with such a blatant proof of link! Nobody does that..not even the most incompetent spy agency would do that...

All hail the ParodyTV!

You should hide your head with shame after the private message you sent me stating that you wanted all Iranians burning. You are the type of Pakistanis full of hatred that need exposing.

Back to topic this appears to me to be a blatant attempt by anti Iranian forces who have ulterior motives to condemn Iran. After all why are most International agencies who are often prepared to carry Zionist propaganda ignoring this.

Next the Israelis are going to tell us that Iranians eat small babies. Remember you first heard it here lol
You should hide your head with shame after the private message you sent me stating that you wanted all Iranians burning. You are the type of Pakistanis full of hatred that need exposing.

Back to topic this appears to me to be a blatant attempt by anti Iranian forces who have ulterior motives to condemn Iran. After all why are most International agencies who are often prepared to carry Zionist propaganda ignoring this.

Next the Israelis are going to tell us that Iranians eat small babies. Remember you first heard it here lol

You seem offended...Are you an Iranian or Pakistani???

I rather take a straight forward Zionist than manipulative ayatollahs!
You seem offended...Are you an Iranian or Pakistani???

I rather take a straight forward Zionist than manipulative ayatollahs!
Of course you would you stated that you wanted to burn all shias and Iranians.

I do not approve of theocratic form of governance any more than I approve of monarchy as in Saudi. But you will find that my position compared to yours has always been consistent.

I believe that Tel Aviv dictates to AIPAC who controls American foreign policy.

Whatever semantics or reasons used by Americans their actions result in innocent Muslims being killed from Libya to Pakistan.

Any enemy of theirs is an a friend of Muslims any friend or proxy of theirs is an enemy of Muslims

Its very simple really get past your partisan hatred
Back to topic this appears to me to be a blatant attempt by anti Iranian forces who have ulterior motives to condemn Iran. After all why are most International agencies who are often prepared to carry Zionist propaganda ignoring this.
Do you think the press tv clip showing the photoshopped picture is a zionist fabrication,and press tv never really showed that photoshopped pic..?
Of course you would you stated that you wanted to burn all shias and Iranians.

I do not approve of theocratic form of governance any more than I approve of monarchy as in Saudi. But you will find that my position compared to yours has always been consistent.

I believe that Tel Aviv dictates to AIPAC who controls American foreign policy.

Whatever semantics or reasons used by Americans their actions result in innocent Muslims being killed from Libya to Pakistan.

Any enemy of theirs is an a friend of Muslims any friend or proxy of theirs is an enemy of Muslims

Its very simple really get past your partisan hatred

what i stated is a matter of private PM..it is completely irrelevant to to bring it here and will not have any success in the agenda you are trying to garner. It could be very well argued that I wrote that PM to infuriate you and it seems to be working all to well...

World does not run on what you think or what the ParodyTV says!

Point in case here is Iran killing an innocent muslim with fake evidence!
Should have at least tried to find a non-Wiki picture to shoop. If nothing else they coulda' tried changing the dates.

It's almost like they wanted to be caught...

It would appear contrived but that is what one would expect if there is foul play

You seem offended...Are you an Iranian or Pakistani???

I rather take a straight forward Zionist than manipulative ayatollahs!

You as usual are on a different planet or is it the moon. Are you showing so much hatred towards Iran cos you feel obliged because Saudis have given you a job?

Do you think the press tv clip showing the photoshopped picture is a zionist fabrication,and press tv never really showed that photoshopped pic..?

more to the point you think that a nation that produces missiles the way Iranians do with the scientific developments they have be so amateurish

what i stated is a matter of private PM..it is completely irrelevant to to bring it here and will not have any success in the agenda you are trying to garner. It could be very well argued that I wrote that PM to infuriate you and it seems to be working all to well...

You could argue that but then you would be a liar. You stand exposed as lunatic who wants all Iranians and Shias to be burned. You also tried to justify that by quoting obscure religious script Even in jest this is unacceptable.

World does not run on what you think or what the ParodyTV says!

Are you a broken record. Did they not teach you anything when you were brainwashed at your Saudi funded Madrassa.

Point in case here is Iran killing an innocent muslim with fake evidence!

Who and what are you to make such a statement. Sitting in Saudi thankful that you have a job you are venting constant diatribe against another Muslim country
It now appears that Wikileaks have a role in it.

WikiLeaks cable 'led Iran to hang kick-boxer it claims was Israeli spy who assassinated nuclear scientist'

Iran may have used a secret cable published by whistleblower website WikiLeaks to target and hang an alleged Israeli spy.

The disturbing development emerged after the alleged spy, kickboxer Majid Jamali Fashi, was executed in Tehran on Tuesday for assassinating an Iranian nuclear scientist in 2010.

Although WikiLeaks redacted the name of the intelligence source on a leaked US diplomatic cable, it published a description of him as 'a licensed martial arts coach and trainer', writing from Azerbaijan.

According to a report yesterday, Fashi, 24, had visited Azerbaijan for a kickboxing tournament just days before the cable was sent.
Experts said they believe the US Embassy document could have raised Iranian suspicions.

The file detailed a US diplomat’s debriefing of the source, who told how the Iranian regime put pressure on martial arts clubs to train members of the Revolutionary Guards and used them to put down the popular uprising three years ago.

It did not refer to the Israelis or any plot to kill a nuclear scientist. But Fashi was arrested and charged days after the cable was published in December 2010.

Tehran said the kickboxer confessed to murdering Massoud Ali-Mohammadi on behalf of Mossad, Israel's secret service, in January 2010 using a remote-control bomb put on the scientist's motorcycle.

Birmingham University professor Scott Lucas, an authority on Iran, said yesterday that Tehran could have become suspicious about Fashi because of the cable.

He added: 'Alternatively it could have been used as a pretext against him; to set him up as a person who could take the fall for the assassination.'

Ali Ansari, head of the Institute for Iranian Studies at the University of St Andrews, said: 'I have always considered the release of the WikiLeaks files, without consideration for those consciously or unconsciously named in them, to be grotesquely irresponsible.'

WikiLeaks had no comment on the report yesterday. Israel has always denied any role in the scientist’s killing.

WikiLeaks cable 'led Iran to hang kick-boxer it said was Israeli spy who assassinated nuclear scientist' | Mail Online
If some Arabs want to join with Zionists from Israel in propagating propaganda it's a matter for them.

But I would ask people to be prudent when dealing with American/Israeli propaganda. They often lie. For example remember the WMD in Iraq. I still remember Colin Powell at the UN with his fancy pictures showing us Saddams nukes.

Was the same image shown by Iranian authorities?
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