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Iran offered heavy weaponry to PKK to step back from Turkey withdrawal

We will see the truthness of the news from the actions of Turkish Government. If this news is true, we are gonna see some sort of retalion from Turkey.

The author of this news is Aslı Aydıntaşbaş, she is a highly crediable author from milliyet newspaper. I don't think she will jeopardize her position with making fake news.

I disagree with your logic!
The actions of the turkish government is not necessary an indicator of the truthness of the claims.

By your logic the actions of the Bush government is proof that Iraq has WMD
The actions of the turkish government is not necessary an indicator of the truthness of the claims.

By your logic the actions of the Bush government is proof that Iraq has WMD

I said "If this news is true ". Government has its own methods to confirm this issue, ofcourse they are not going to act based on a newspaper article.
Even if this news is fake, which it is not, Iran has helped PKK for last decades, so it would be very possible they did it again, we have to see if this is true, if true, we need to act..
I don't know the rules of journalism, but i think there is rule that you keep your source confidental sometimes, i'm not sure though so i mailed her about the sources. I'm waiting for a reply.

keep your source confidential but provide proof for your claims.
if tomorrow a journalist write in his newspaper that they have from a military general of an African country that turkey is the backer and weapon provider of Buko Haram terrorists and don't provide any proof. do you believe it. we were at fight with this pkk far before than you , we fought with them after WW2 and we still are at fight with them .its just funny to claim we provide heavy weapon to our enemy .
I think in retaliation we should help Azeri uprising in Iran and their independence.

help it or made one ? there is difference as right now there is no uprising at all in north west of Iran .by the way be careful because such helping may result Alievestan loose another 1/3th of it's land

Even if this news is fake, which it is not, Iran has helped PKK for last decades, so it would be very possible they did it again, we have to see if this is true, if true, we need to act..

again some baseless and fact less claim against Iran
What a joke. Why would Iran endanger its trade and economic ties with Turkey over a bunch of mountain monkeys ?

That makes sense. The only "allies" Iran have in the region, are Armenia and Turkey. Why should they risking that?
What a joke. Why would Iran endanger its trade and economic ties with Turkey over a bunch of mountain monkeys ?

Because of the very same reason why Turkey is supporting radicals in Syria. But since Turkey and Iran are mutually dependent on each other (Turkey to Iran's energy and Iran to Turkey as a customer), and since Iran itself is being ruled by a radical zealot bunch, economic ties between the two country is not being effected by these f!lthy policies, hence, once Turkey sort its problem with PKK, it might even become Turkey's proxy against Syria and Iran. There are already rumors that 1500 of PKK militants have gone to Syria to be their problem.

There is this delusion among our Iranian friends here; they tend to compare the intensity of the conflict between PKK and Turkey and between PJAK and Iran. They always brag about how they 'destroyed' Iranian version of PKK aka PJAK within matter of weeks. But i assure you, killing 150 terrorists is not enough to destory these animals. There are other reasons, perhaps secret agreements for why PJAK withdrew from Iran. Turkey has killed over 30.000 terrorists, we've killed thousands of them in just a single operation and it hadn't been enough to destroy them as Iran claims to do just by killing 150 terrorist.

I'd really like to watch these mountain monkeys and Iranian zealots with their minions killing each other, with a popcorn in my hand. I believe, the day is not that far :pop:
Because of the very same reason why Turkey is supporting radicals in Syria. But since Turkey and Iran are mutually dependent on each other (Turkey to Iran's energy and Iran to Turkey as a customer), and since Iran itself is being ruled by a radical zealot bunch, economic ties between the two country is not being effected by these f!lthy policies, hence, once Turkey sort its problem with PKK, it might even become Turkey's proxy against Syria and Iran. There are already rumors that 1500 of PKK militants have gone to Syria to be their problem.

There is this delusion among our Iranian friends here; they tend to compare the intensity of the conflict between PKK and Turkey and between PJAK and Iran. They always brag about how they 'destroyed' Iranian version of PKK aka PJAK within matter of weeks. But i assure you, killing 150 terrorists is not enough to destory these animals. There are other reasons, perhaps secret agreements for why PJAK withdrew from Iran. Turkey has killed over 30.000 terrorists, we've killed thousands of them in just a single operation and it hadn't been enough to destroy them as Iran claims to do just by killing 150 terrorist.

I'd really like to watch these mountain monkeys and Iranian zealots with their minions killing each other, with a popcorn in my hand. I believe, the day is not that far :pop:

PJAK in Iran was stationed to help PKK troops locating/transporting through Turkey When It is needed so Iran let them live in their borders. It was a mutual relations between PJAK and Iran to be used against Turkey. At a time When Mollah's arses went into trouble against USA/Israel agression, Remember, They suddenly arranged lots of meetings with Turkish officials to tell How friendly counrty Iran is, How good relations We have. At a travel, Even Ahmedinejad went into streets in Istanbul/Ankara to gain symphaty of Turkish people, The some Iranian journalists know Turkish attended Turkish politic media shows to tell Iranian friendships to Turkish people bla bla bla...

Story proceeded as follows; We started hearing co-operations stories against PKK and Iranian bombardments for Kandil. Then, We heart that Iran finished PJAK within days. I started wondering If you have ability of finishing PJAK within days After killed tens of militants, Why did you wait so long time?

Where were you While Turkish army were hunting over 1000 of PKK militants in only one operation ? Feeding them with guns or drawing escape routes to stay in safe borders locating in IRAN along with PJAK? Why PKK militants being crushed by Turkish Army always tend to escape towards Iran? How can I believe Mollah's good faiths regarding Turkish people, While all those circumstances are standing alive in public memory ?
The worst enemy for the Iranian regime, is peace.

They're panicking about peace breaking out. They panicked that Syria would undergo a revolution and oust Assad. They panic that Lebanon might go the same way with Hezbollah being kicked out/disarmed.

They hate the fact that Turkey may make peace with the Kurds. They want Turkey bogged down against PKK. Partly in retaliation for helping the FSA.

The most terrifying thing of all for them, would be peace between Israel and Palestinians. This is why Iran works tirelessly to destroy any deals or agreements. Smuggling in more and more sophisticated rockets into Gaza.

They have also been supplying weapons to Taliban in Afghanistan, because they don't want to see a NATO success there.

They export terrorism with alarming frequency. Their operatives are being arrested regularly all across the world from India to Canada to Bulgaria to Thailand.

They need to be put back in their box.
What a bunch of pure and utter bullshit! Yeah... we gonna give them heavy weaponry so they can hand them over to PJAK! This is idiotic on so many different levels! :cheesy:

I have to add this as well, sometimes feeling too bloated from self-importance can create false illusions and promote conspiracy theories!
Because of the very same reason why Turkey is supporting radicals in Syria. But since Turkey and Iran are mutually dependent on each other (Turkey to Iran's energy and Iran to Turkey as a customer), and since Iran itself is being ruled by a radical zealot bunch, economic ties between the two country is not being effected by these f!lthy policies, hence, once Turkey sort its problem with PKK, it might even become Turkey's proxy against Syria and Iran. There are already rumors that 1500 of PKK militants have gone to Syria to be their problem.

There is this delusion among our Iranian friends here; they tend to compare the intensity of the conflict between PKK and Turkey and between PJAK and Iran. They always brag about how they 'destroyed' Iranian version of PKK aka PJAK within matter of weeks. But i assure you, killing 150 terrorists is not enough to destory these animals. There are other reasons, perhaps secret agreements for why PJAK withdrew from Iran. Turkey has killed over 30.000 terrorists, we've killed thousands of them in just a single operation and it hadn't been enough to destroy them as Iran claims to do just by killing 150 terrorist.

I'd really like to watch these mountain monkeys and Iranian zealots with their minions killing each other, with a popcorn in my hand. I believe, the day is not that far :pop:

I think you haven't heard of kurdish rebellion in 1979, only in a matter of 2 years about 10,000 people were killed but we finally crushed KDPI and Komole and assassinate their leaders in Europe that why we don't see much insurgency in kordestan, PJAK is nothing compared to Democrat party and komole.

About the article,i have seen many articles on today zaman and etc claiming that iran helps PKK but they never show any evidence so i call BS.

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