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Iran needs to develop biological weapons


Feb 9, 2019
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Russian Federation
This might sound immoral, but not more immoral than development of nuclear weapons.

This pandemic might have originated in Wuhan Virus Research Laboratory.

The economic consequences to the world and to the US in particular are even more devastating than nuclear weapon or closure of the Strait of Hormuz. Massive recession and trillions and trillions of losses.

Credit Suisse says the US economy will shrink 33.5% next quarter, the biggest drop in history

The consequences of this economic crisis will be a massive recession and explosion of US debt to 130% of GDP by 2021.

So Iran should develop biological weapons and antidote that only Iran has---this will be an extremely powerful deterrence against USA or any other country that tries to threaten Iran.

With bioweapons Iran will be in position to threaten economies of the major countries.

I assume that after this pandemy major countries will pay more attention to biological weapons.

Worse than Nuclear weapon??? are you out of your mind? Not even close! With Nuclear weapon crops production fails and that is awhole new problem that you can't imagine. Money couldn't buy you shit. It's only a paper at the end of the day if there is no food. think about it for once the chaos that would ensue from such disaster
This might sound immoral, but not more immoral than development of nuclear weapons.

This pandemic might have originated in Wuhan Virus Research Laboratory.

The economic consequences to the world and to the US in particular are even more devastating than nuclear weapon or closure of the Strait of Hormuz. Massive recession and trillions and trillions of losses.

Credit Suisse says the US economy will shrink 33.5% next quarter, the biggest drop in history

The consequences of this economic crisis will be a massive recession and explosion of US debt to 130% of GDP by 2021.

So Iran should develop biological weapons and antidote that only Iran has---this will be an extremely powerful deterrence against USA or any other country that tries to threaten Iran.

With bioweapons Iran will be in position to threaten economies of the major countries.

I assume that after this pandemy major countries will pay more attention to biological weapons.
Has Iran forgot what happened to Saddam almost two decades ago :hitwall:
While the world is threatened by nukes.
This asshole is talkin about biological weapons like its world war I and we in trenches.
It is highly immoral
Yes, but

Was Hiroshima and Nagasaki moral?

Was Dresden and Tokyo bombing in WWII moral?

Was invasion of Vietnam and murder of several millions civilians (including with chemicals) moral?

Was Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and murder of 2millions moral?

Was US invasion of Iraq and bombing of Lybia moral?

And now "Figaro" in this thread reminds Iran what happened to Saddam..is it moral?

And Trump threatens Iran with "obliteration"--is it moral?


We are NOT living in a just and innocent world....

Having couple of viruses in your arsenal for the worst day and for DETERRENCE--this is what Iran needs
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Yes, but

Was Hiroshima and Nagasaki moral?

Was Dresden and Tokyo bombing in WWII moral?

Was invasion of Vietnam and murder of several millions civilians (including with chemicals) moral?

Was Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and murder of 2millions moral?

Was US invasion of Iraq and bombing of Lybia moral?

And now "Figaro" in this thread reminds Iran what happened to Saddam..is it moral?

And Trump threatens Iran with "obliteration"--is it moral?


We are NOT living in a just and innocent world....

Having couple of viruses in your arsenal for the worst day--this is what Iran needs

You are partially right but biological weapons are far more dangerous than nuclear weapons.

Nuclear weapons till now have acted as a good deterrent but biological weapons are really difficult to stop falling into wrong hands.
War-mongering Iranians don't even have the guts to develop nuclear weapons despite having the nuclear plant, all the knowhow to produce them and all the material needed.

Iranians just lack courage, the main ingredient. Forty-years of American threats and sanctions have made Iranians impotent.
Listen fuktard, im not the one encouraging nuclear or biological weapons.
As for being better, sh!t nugget world banned that after WWI for a fukin reason. And

Asshole the world somehow stopped nuclear exchange after the world war.
Biological weapons, nah ask the kurds of iraqi shias when Saddam used gas against them. Probably against Iran too.

Worlds got nough issues.
No. It's believed that USA invented HIV/AIDS. Here's the link:


No,usage of such a weapon ain't acceptable in no way we didn't opt such scenarios even under heavy chemical attack of Saddam which killed and injured 100k Iranian, so for me such options are off the table and in no way we would go for them ... on deterrence, when we can not use it due to morality standard then encouraging a wrongdoing for good purpose is meaningless & unacceptable ... the money could be invested in better ideas like finding Vaccine for diseases.

War-mongering Iranians don't even have the guts to develop nuclear weapons despite having the nuclear plant, all the knowhow to produce them and all the material needed.

Iranians just lack courage, the main ingredient. Forty-years of American threats and sanctions have made Iranians impotent.

Use your nukes and get back half of your lands you courage, competent, strong armed with powerful nuclear weapons ... you know actually you could mount some of your nukes on latest Space shuttles made by your mighty space agency and then boom you would be untouchable forever.
Lolz and do what with it? Like the morons they are, they might actually wipe off their own population with it. Shooting down a oasswnger plane was enough to show their competence.
Iran obviously has a biowarfare program. Since shortly after the revolution, it has kept a close eye on developments in the region:
-Saddam's use of nerve agents
-Israel Institute of Biological Research (IIBR)
-Saudi buying on the black market
Lolz and do what with it? Like the morons they are, they might actually wipe off their own population with it. Shooting down a oasswnger plane was enough to show their competence.
Same can be said about nuclear weapons---do what with it? If you use them ---India will wipe your population.

Still Pakistan has nukes and develops means of their delivery....very immoral...

But useful for deterrence
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