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Iran: nationwide rallies to protest recent Shia killings in Pakistan

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Mate , I said before that If Iran had never backed Shia nationalism in Pakistan then the situation would have been different today . Sunni nationalism is just a tit-for-tat learnings from the Iranian revolution .

Ok, but do you have proof that Iran is actively promoting Shiism in Pakistan, right now?
Imo its Saudi Arabia that is funding extremism (call it Wahhabism or whatever you want) and supporting these type of terrorist groups.

Wikileaks: Saudi Arabia, UAE funded extremist networks in Pakistan – The Express Tribune
Mate , I said before that If Iran had never backed Shia nationalism in Pakistan then the situation would have been different today . Sunni nationalism is just a tit-for-tat learnings from the Iranian revolution .

So now it's all Iran's fault my friend?
Let's nuke Tehran,so all problems in ME and world will be solved.
I apologize on behalf of my compatriots for executing a revolution in '79.
Ok, but do you have proof that Iran is actively supporting Shiism in Pakistan, right now?
Imo its Saudi Arabia that is funding extremism (call it Wahhabism or whatever you want) and supporting these type of terrorist groups.

Wikileaks: Saudi Arabia, UAE funded extremist networks in Pakistan – The Express Tribune
Ok , If you would search on Tehreek nifaz-e-fiqah jafferia in depth , you would find several answers of your questions.

So now it's all Iran's fault my friend?
Let's nuke Tehran,so all problems in ME and world will be solved.
I apologize on behalf of my compatriots for executing a revolution in '79.
I'm not against whatever Iranians have decided for their future , but it does not mean that gives you authority to support the similar nationalism in other regional countries .Tehran have to move forward but with more maturity .
Real signs of patriotic pakistani Financing and destruction of pakistan by Wahhabi terrorist openly sponsored by house of Saud don't bother you a bit but Iranians protesting does.

Sorry bro, not a good post. You cannot generalize. Plus you yourself is a Pakistani you should not criticize like that(marked in bold).

As for this issue, let me tell the fellow forumers & brothers from Pakistan, Iran, Turkeye & Saudi Arabia, that there is really no issue between Shias & Sunnis at all, in Pakistan they even get married to each other. Although my parents/grand parents(paternal & maternal) are Sunnis but I come from a family which have Sunnis & Shias all, many of my aunts & uncles are Shias. The thing is that we should consider ourselves Muslim only no Sunni, Shia, Wahabi & all dozens sects which divide us.
There are no queens in KSA and only a head of state/ruler. His function is خادم الحرمين الشريفين (the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques).

This king is ok with israels 250+ undeclared nuclear warheads; he says nothing(crocodile tears) when israel kills palestenians by bombing them; he says nothing when burmese muslims are victim of genoside.

But he bark about Irans nuclear program which is monitored by IAEA 24/7.

Guess What else he does?

He sign up deal to buy 100 billion worth of arms from the US (supplier of israels life-support).
He gives israeli air-force the permission to use saudi air space to attack Iran.
And he asks US to attack Iran.

I wonder what else he must do to prove that he is a munafiq ?
its pakistan's internal matter, dont try to interfere in our internal matters, and no its not shia killings, in the recent attack in karachi more sunnis died then shias

Utter lie. It was a shia colony . Post an authentic source of your info please. All sources suggest it was a Shia area.

Also dont forget all the Hazara killing in Quetta.
Utter lie. It was a shia colony . Post an authentic source of your info please. All sources suggest it was a Shia area.

Also dont forget all the Hazara killing in Quetta.

what lie, i know my country better than you idiot? more sunnis died in the area then shias, there is no such thing as sunni area or shia area, we all live together
I think you best friends is america....:cheesy:

is ahmedinjad a liar?

the last part was not translated.he said in last part "after those helps on fighting terrorism mr.bush called us Axis of evil with rudeness"
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Where did you made up this number? In your dream?

The 1988 executions of political prisoners in Iran (Persian: ۱۳۶۷ اعدام زندانیان سیاسی در تابستان‎) refers to the systematic execution of thousands of political prisoners across Iran by the government, starting on 19 July 1988 and lasting about five months. The majority of the prisoners killed were supporters of the People's Mujahedin of Iran, although thousands of supporters of other leftist groups, including the Fedaian and the Tudeh Party of Iran (Communist Party), were also executed.

The killings have been called[by whom?] "an act of violence unprecedented in Iranian history — unprecedented in form, content, and intensity."[3] The exact number of prisoners executed remains unclear. Amnesty International recorded the names of over 4,482 political prisoners reportedly killed during this time,[4] but Iranian opposition groups suggest that the number of prisoners executed was far higher, and as many as 30,000 prisoners may have been executed.

This king is ok with israels 250+ undeclared nuclear warheads; he says nothing(crocodile tears) when israel kills palestenians by bombing them; he says nothing when burmese muslims are victim of genoside.

But he bark about Irans nuclear program which is monitored by IAEA 24/7.

Guess What else he does?

He sign up deal to buy 100 billion worth of arms from the US (supplier of israels life-support).
He gives israeli air-force the permission to use saudi air space to attack Iran.
And he asks US to attack Iran.

I wonder what else he must do to prove that he is a munafiq ?

Yes and Bangladesh borders were wide open for fleeing Myanmar Muslims. Look into your own collar first and stop acting like champion of Ummah because that concept is entirely laughable!

Iran is trying to give sectarian colors to your internal problems and that will give rise to another fitnah / fasad. Iranians dont have clean hands when it comes to promotion sectarian tensions in Pakistan and with events like these there will be an ever growing pool of Shia's willing to become foot soldiers of iranian fasad machine..

Back in WW2, Unitied States put all its citizen of Japanese, German and Italian origin into temporary holding camps. The Shia's of Pakistan are still faring much better than this!
what lie, i know my country better than you idiot? more sunnis died in the area then shias, there is no such thing as sunni area or shia area, we all live together

No source ? Liar then .


Many towns in Sindh remained closed for the second consecutive day on Tuesday to mourn the death of 48 people in a bomb blast that devastated the mainly Shia residential neighbourhood, Abbas Town, in Karachi on Sunday
The 1988 executions of political prisoners in Iran (Persian: ۱۳۶۷ اعدام زندانیان سیاسی در تابستان‎) refers to the systematic execution of thousands of political prisoners across Iran by the government, starting on 19 July 1988 and lasting about five months. The majority of the prisoners killed were supporters of the People's Mujahedin of Iran, although thousands of supporters of other leftist groups, including the Fedaian and the Tudeh Party of Iran (Communist Party), were also executed.

The killings have been called[by whom?] "an act of violence unprecedented in Iranian history — unprecedented in form, content, and intensity."[3] The exact number of prisoners executed remains unclear. Amnesty International recorded the names of over 4,482 political prisoners reportedly killed during this time,[4] but Iranian opposition groups suggest that the number of prisoners executed was far higher, and as many as 30,000 prisoners may have been executed.


Why trying only to show one side?You should also say what happenned on the other side:

People's Mujaheddin of Iran:

In the immediate aftermath of the 1979 Iranian Revolution, the MEK and the Tudeh Party at first chose to side with the clerics led by Ayatollah Khomeini against the liberals, nationalists and other moderate forces within the revolution. A power struggle ensued, and by mid-1981, MEK was fighting street battles against the Islamic Revolutionary Guards. During the Iran–Iraq War, the group was given refuge by Saddam Hussein and mounted attacks on Iran from within Iraqi territory.

I don't support execution (except very few cases), but those animals (MeK) are the last ones who can be called innocents.They have killed thousands of Iranian citizens,executed many sabotage operation and most importantly, they were fighting against Iran in Iran-Iraq war, helping Saddam Hussein.
Do you think everyone here is ignorant?I'm not saying anyone is innocent here, but when you want to state something, pay attention to what both sides have done, not just one side.
No source ? Liar then .

Protest over Abbas Town bombing: Many Sindh towns remain closed | Newspaper | DAWN.COM

Many towns in Sindh remained closed for the second consecutive day on Tuesday to mourn the death of 48 people in a bomb blast that devastated the mainly Shia residential neighbourhood, Abbas Town, in Karachi on Sunday

where does it say, it is a shia colony?

and here is the sourse which says both sunnis and shias lives together


The attackers are mistaken if they think that Sunday’s blast would inflame the ongoing sectarian violence. Living peacefully for years in the apartments that were heavily damaged in the blast, Sunnis and Shias have become even more united amid pain, grief and devastation.
Regardless of the differences in their religious views, the area’s residents have risen together to console one another and help victims get back on their feet.
“There is no Sunni or Shia here. We are all Muslims,” said Mohammad Nasir, a volunteer.

Sunni volunteers were on guard on the road leading to Mustafa Imambargah, allowing no one to go near it. Others stopped people from getting too close to the blast site, as rescuers attempted to remove the debris.
Inside the residential blocks, two young men, who live behind Abbas Town, were handing out chicken biryani to whomever they could find. “Take this. Take this,” one of them named Mohammad Raza said to a man in a green turban.
“If everyone would have helped only those who belonged to their own sect, there would have been no survivors,” said the young man.
Since Sunday night, he and his friends had pulled out two bodies, donated blood and distributed food amongst the stricken families out of their own pockets. “My own sister’s house has been damaged. But my other relatives are with her. Right now I am more needed here,” said Raza.
Shama, whose uncle, Ghulam, was amongst the 18 Sunnis killed in the attack, said, “It is the government who wants the Shias and Sunnis to fight. We have never fought and will never fight.”
Some women were seen trying to console Kaneez Fatima, who lost her cousin in the blast. “Don’t cry. It will be okay. We are in this together,” her neighbour Jameela said. Two Shia women turned up to tell the affected women that temporary residence was being offered for all at the Pakistan Sports Board hostel.
The residents disclosed that they had never witnessed tension between Shias and Sunnis in the area, even though there have been attacks in the past.
“Our children play cricket together. At nights, we all sit together. This attack is not on Sunnis or Shias, it is on Muslims,” said one, Imran, while handing out water bottles to others.
Do you think everyone here is ignorant?I'm not saying anyone is innocent here, but when you want to state something, pay attention to what both sides have done, not just one side.

Please don't play the courtman of your regime. The first thing Mullahs did was executing their fellow revolutionary friends. (I mean Tudeh guys)
Maybe MEK is not innocent, bu the Iranian regime is not an angel either.
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