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Iran: nationwide rallies to protest recent Shia killings in Pakistan

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There are similar types in KSA.

We all know that Iran have never done anything in the Arab world unless it served it's interest. The Iranian regime to gain the support of most Muslims, in particular us Sunnis who form 85-90 percent of all Muslims, is to proclaim that they care for Palestine, Arab countries etc.

But we Arabs have seen what "good" Iranian involvement is doing. We saw it in Lebanon. Iraq and now in Syria. So spare me the nonsense.

The KSA and UAE are the two Muslim countries that donate most in relief for Muslims and those who give more to Palestine. We don't need to show that off. It is obvious for all.

Do you not belief that your rulers cannot commit mistakes? The whole Ayatollah nonsense? Is that not pretty tragicomical considering what your country looks like and have looked liked since 1979? I guess the 10.000 Iranian dissidents who were executed in the late 1980's feel the same way.

Thanks for using Wikipedia as your source. There is nothing called Wahhabism and nobody is following it. I know this better than you since I am born in KSA (Makkah to be precise) and grew up there. Later I have been living and studying abroad from USA to Europe. None of my friends, family members or any person I have met have been anything other than Sunnis of either the Hanbali or Shaf'i fiqh. So I don't need Nigerians or Wikipedia to educate me.

I know the official religious curriculum of KSA and everybody that speaks Arabic can see it. All is from Sunni madahib schools of thought. Simple as that.

There is a reason why the most prominent Sunni scholars from around the world study in Madinah and Makkah.
Iranians are angry and protesting about Pakistani Shias being killed just as Pakistanis were angry and protested when Indian Muslims were killed just as Indian Tamils were angry and protested when Sri Lankan Tamils were killed. It is natural.
what ever dude i am not a liberal and certainly Did not serve Her Majesty in the American Armed Forces so P1ss off Y0u W@nker and stay back on topic please

Ohh you were in Armed Forces? Then you can get promoted 'Army Professional' on this forum. But, I think for that you have to prove you were in Armed Forces though. :/

And it really doesn't sound good in American accent mate. :(
His post was removed, so I had to edit this!

But FYI, we have internet since 1993, Saudi got it in 1994, our online population is greater than Saudi population!
I have stored all my posts that have been deleted (LOL) and I will open a topic on the same matter in the Arab section where biased Iranian moderators will not be able to delete it because the reality hurts and it does not fit their world view. This is a free forum and as long as their are no insults/threats then I will post and so should everybody else.

Stating facts and demographical numbers is hardly sectarian but I guess as a moderator you can delete everything and call it sectarian. After all that is a harsh accusations that nobody will object.

The problem is that they will never see the initial post because it was deleted.

Expect the same to happen with this post of mine.

This is not a Iranian forum from Iran were you can block/delete everything.
If that is truth then why are all Shias sucking up to the Iranian regime on every single forum regardless of their ethnic origins? Is that not because your Iranian regime and you clerics have proclaimed themselves to be the Ayatollah's on this earth and leaders of all Shias?

You see we Sunnis don't worship any political leaders/rulers or clerics hence why there is no need for us to worship Pakistan because they are one of the biggest Sunni countries and with a very powerful army/atom bomb.

I know you Shias are a tiny minority and that Iran is the only "big" Shia majority country but still. It's quite interesting that you are able to brainwash a few million Arabs to fight for you rather than their countries and people as seen in Lebanon and Iraq.

The people who did 9/11 and all the terrorist attacks in KSA and elsewhere hate KSA because of our rule and their FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANT GOAL is to defeat KSA rulers and gain control of Makkah and Madinah.

On the other hand well-known Iranian sponsored terrorist groups around the world are a extension of Iran. Just look at Hezbollah and Shia militias in Iraq.

Anyway how does it feel to be ruled by Iranians of Arab descent? Or are you used to be ruled by Turks/Azeris/Arabs/Mongols etc.?

I mean your last "Shah" the son of a officer (LOL) was of Azeri origin as well. The ones before him as well.....The Safavids as well....

Look you Persians had your Golden Age when you were still Sunnis. Since then you have gone backwards. It's a shame.

When you go to amusement parks they have height limit in order to get on this ride you must be this tall same principle applies to be a Wahhabi '' You must be this stupid to become one''.

You see we Sunnis don't worship any political leaders/rulers or clerics hence

No such thing as kings and queens in Islam how come all GCC countries have kings and queens.?:omghaha:
There are no queens in KSA and only a head of state/ruler. His function is خادم الحرمين الشريفين (the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques).

Governors/rulers/emirs are permitted under Islam and were even functioning under Prophet Muhammad (saws). So don't talk about Islam if you don't know it's teachings.
Why cant Iranians mind their own business?
I have stored all my posts that have been deleted (LOL) and I will open a topic on the same matter in the Arab section where biased Iranian moderators will not be able to delete it because the reality hurts and it does not fit their world view. This is a free forum and as long as their are no insults/threats then I will post and so should everybody else.

This is not a Iranian forum from Iran were you can block/delete everything.

I hope you saved mine as well, because you got your butt handed to you! ERA saved you in fact, you have to thank him! I take no pride in it however, you're too brainwashed to make a proper argument!

Saudi is already in ruin! (However, high oil exports cover this fact) In coming years, your economy will fare worse than Iran under sanctions! Don't waste your money financing terrorism, instead build your infrastructures and stop interfering in our affairs! Otherwise face the grim consequences of angering us.
Thanks but no thanks we dont want Irani fundos in our country. Shame that they do not protest thousands killed by their own regime but have more than a muscle to put a show of mockery!
There are no queens in KSA and only a head of state/ruler. His function is خادم الحرمين الشريفين (the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques).

Governors/rulers/emirs are permitted under Islam and were even functioning under Prophet Muhammad (saws). So don't talk about Islam if you don't know it's teachings.
The custodian of the two holy mosque that destroyed more than 95% of hystorical site in Mecca and Medinah that were remained from the time of the holy prophet including many historical mosque
The custodian of the two holy mosque that destroyed more than 95% of hystorical site in Mecca and Medinah that were remained from the time of the holy prophet including many historical mosque
Doostan-e-azeezum can you provide a link for where they have did that because that is very bad I knew Salafist are bad people

Thanks but no thanks we dont want Irani fundos in our country. Shame that they do not protest thousands killed by their own regime but have more than a muscle to put a show of mockery!

y0 kharji how many people are killed by your beloved that supports extremism all over the muslim world and party in UAE all night with stripers and hookers
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