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Iran missile power

In contrast to you I did study a physics, so I understand formula very well. You cant make any turn without acceleration. The sharper turn the more acceleration. There is no any magic exceptions here. Your SR-71 example only proves my point. Seems u dont even understand what u are posting.

I have already addressed this claim. I said the MaRV make a sharp turn (would be at very high g forces) hence your rate of turn calculation is false. The SR-71 directly showed why your methodology is a nonstarter because there is no set bank angle or the counterpart in this case.

Sharp turn is acceleration, in order to accelerate 1.5 tonn warhead u need very powerful engines there. No one installs anything like that.

It can be done via Trust Vectoring or other propellent methods. You do not know anything about this MaRV thus it would be prudent not to make comments regarding whether it lacks X or Y.

There is no any turns in that clip. Just some slow free falling object.

You can literally see the turn at 8-9 second interval.
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Looks like this thread has put @500 's behind on fire. So he claims of being a physics headmaster. The smell of his butthurt kebab is polluting the whole forum lmao. :lol:
I have already addressed this claim. I said the MaRV make a sharp turn (would be at very high g forces) hence your rate of turn calculation is false. You are not even countering what I am saying. As for you studying physics, the fact you do not understand this very simple formula shows otherwise.
Just because u wrote "MaRV make a sharp turn" u can somehow break laws of physics? If you hate formula i will make for u a different calculation: 90 degree turn is 1.4*V change of speed. Thus MINIMAL acceleration will be 1.4V/t. The minimal distance, which missile will pass during the 90 degree turn will be: S=1.4*v^2/a (no matter how u make that turn).

This gives 317 km for 14 Mach speed.
40+ km at 5 Mach speed.

The SR-71 directly showed why your methodology is nonsensical because there is no set bank angle or the counterpart in this case.
SR-71 proves my point: fast moving object has very high turn radius.

It can be done via Trust Vectoring or other propellent methods. You do not know anything about this MaRV so I suggest you refrain from commenting on it.
Sharp high speed turn = very high acceleration. Very high acceleration of heavy object = very powerful engine. Thats why no one does it. U will lose all warhead for nothing.

You can literally see the turn at 8-9 second interval.
There is no any 90 degree turns there. Nothing even remotely close.
Just because u wrote "MaRV make a sharp turn" u can somehow break laws of physics? If you hate formula i will make for u a different calculation: 90 degree turn is 1.4*V change of speed. Thus MINIMAL acceleration will be 1.4V/t. The minimal distance, which missile will pass during the 90 degree turn will be: S=1.4*v^2/a (no matter how u make that turn).

This gives 317 km for 14 Mach speed.
40+ km at 5 Mach speed.

Once again, all you're doing is repeating the same debunked claims. I have already explained to you that these MaRV can perform G that measure in the mid 10's. Your numbers and your formula is incorrect in this scenario. You are assuming the G forces in your formula is 10g. You are assuming this formula is valid when it is not. Too many amateur level errors. At least go read around the topic a little bit.

SR-71 proves my point: fast moving object has very high turn radius.

It proves you are comparing apples and oranges. SR-71 had to turn a set bank angle because at that speed, it was the most G's it could tolerate. This is not comparable fo this MaRV situation. I wonder why you find this so hard to understand?

Sharp high speed turn = very high acceleration. Very high acceleration of heavy object = very powerful engine. Thats why no one does it. U will lose all warhead for nothing.

Of course people do it. Iran is one of them. You're just inventing your own claims. These maneuvers are usually done upper in the atmosphere as missile evasion tactics. The turn you saw in this video was just for demonstration purposes.

There is no any 90 degree turns there. Nothing even remotely close.

A series of quick sharp turns is not the same thing as a single 90 degree turn.
Should i congratulate or scold you for wasting your time in such a meaningless discussion.

@waz brother, another troll attempt by this turkish member to derail a Iranian related thread.

Ironically they were on topic but you are polluting this thread with this Off topic rant. Sorry for telling you the Truth.
just report their posts brother. many iranian threads got polluted by such scum. just report them and let the mods deal with it. but what i trying to show the staff is the amount of trolling activity of certain members in iranian related threads.
@waz brother, another troll attempt by this turkish member to derail a Iranian related thread.

just report their posts brother. many iranian threads got polluted by such scum. just report them and let the mods deal with it. but what i trying to show the staff is the amount of trolling activity of certain members in iranian related threads.

I hardly disagree. Sums up the discussion pretty good.

I rather report you calling people "scum".
If such discussions are beyond your understandings, then you and your type do not have to get involved. Simply move along and let those with technical knowledge engage.
that guy you are talking to is a suicide troll with multiple accounts.
If such discussions are beyond your understandings, then you and your type do not have to get involved. Simply move along and let those with technical knowledge engage.

Apparently, it is beyond your understanding, as clearly depicted in previous post.

And who are you to tell me to engage or not?
Nothing has been "clearly depicted" by anyone against what I stated. I and another member were discussing a technical matter. Unless you are able to contribute using reason, then I suggest you refrain from commenting in an unsubstantiated manner.

Given that you are apparently a false flagger/new fake account of a previously banned users, I will tell you not to pollute these threads.

Sure thing, I hope you can hold up your accusations as eloquently as you do it with the rest of the nonsense you spread.
Ohh....they deleted my post.

3 pages of posts from noobs and nobody questioned when actually a balistic missiles gets intercepted, ? In it's terminal stage? Or can you rotate a missile 90 degrees which is going in 14 mach speed (which is another lie) with a tiny control surface or with TVC? Or even there is no visual evidence.....

Anybody with a gram of knowledge knows these issues, and you are just amusing forumers with your brain washed running mouth. Nobody cares, about your magical missiles, infrared cameras that can see from 1000kms, or super radars that can detect F-35, or your millenium falcon.

Now, please report this post too.
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Ohh....they deleted my post.

3 pages of posts from noobs and nobody questioned when actually a balistic missiles gets intercepted, ? In it's terminal stage? Or can you rotate a missile 90 degrees which is going in 14 mach speed (which is another lie) with a tiny control surface or with TVC? Or even there is no visual evidence.....

Anybody with a gram of knowledge knows these issues, and you are just amusing forumers with your brain washed running mouth. Nobody cares, about your magical missiles, infrared cameras that can see from 1000kms, or super radars that can detect F-35, or your millenium falcon.

Now, please report this post too.
@WebMaster @waz ever since this troll hijacked this thread with his demeaning post he is continuing on a rant trying to provoke the iranian members here. STAY ON TOPIC. If you want to discuss the technical aspect do so but in a civilized way and not trolling.

his best defence is this
''3 pages of posts from noobs and nobody questioned when actually a balistic missiles gets intercepted, ? ''
yes, so go ahead and discuss the technical issues instead of trolling.

i reported you and will do if you continue trolling.

this turkish troll member @-SINAN- continuing to derail the thread with off topic posts. @PakSword @waz
please do something about this troll.

You girl? I'm no gay.
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