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Iran may cut off oil export to EU next week

even though they already ban import from you now what you guys doing is face palm nothing more when customer refuse to buy now after 15 days of all drama iran come with this news lolz world i not stupid dear . we all know they are going to stop it and result will come out after 5-7 years of sanctions

They have said that the ban would come to effect on July (6 months later). So they haven't already banned import from us as you say, they are still buying oil imports from us Imran Khan.
They have said that the ban would come to effect on July (6 months later). So they haven't already banned import from us as you say, they are still buying oil imports from us Imran Khan.

i understand they are getting ready and you guys cut it but still reserves and other countries production can be increased sir
No, It's not. We'll lose less than $10 Billion US dollars for this decision (If we continue selling oil to Europe for the next 6 month our revenue will be 1/2 * $19Billion). That's not a big issue for us at all. It is worth hurting the European economy for that money instead, even if the impact is fairly neutralized and compensated.

$10b is a lot!
Europe cant survive without Iranian oil for now, so they put 6 months time for themself to find alternative. Now we dont give them any time to find alternatives. They will get banned using Iranian oil right away
don't be stupid. I can't wait to see Iran stop exporting oil to the EU. However, I doubt Iran would do such thing

---------- Post added at 12:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 AM ----------

The EU can always buy oil from the Russians and other nations in the middle east.
don't be stupid. I can't wait to see Iran stop exporting oil to the EU. However, I doubt Iran would do such thing

---------- Post added at 12:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 AM ----------

The EU can always buy oil from the Russians and other nations in the middle east.
And the subhuman speaks again

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