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Iran may cut off oil export to EU next week

What you're failing to understand is that this move is not meant to help Iran's economy, but it's supposed to hurt the European economy. It's a tit for tat move. It surely won't help Iran's economy, but it'll have an impact on the economies of particular countries like Greece, Spain and Italy that are already in deep trouble and are still importing a fairly large percent of their oil imports from Iran.

Oh I understood that intent, but if other sources replace the Iranian supply to the vulnerable EU countries, this measure is not likely to be effective.
@VCheng: So we have to wait and see what will happen in the coming days.
Iran wants to catch Europe off guard and that's a good strategy...sending out a very clear message "Dont mess with Iran"..In the next 6 months Europe wanted to keep buying Iranian oil while making alternative arrangements,so in effect when the sanctions did apply it would have hurt only Iran and not Europe..But if Iran does it now..Both parties will have equal taste of the same medicine.
Oh I understood that intent, but if other sources replace the Iranian supply to the vulnerable EU countries, this measure is not likely to be effective.
Those alternate arrangements will come at a higher cost ad the greedy oil companies wont miss this golden opportunity to milk Europe.
@VCheng: So we have to wait and see what will happen in the coming days.

This old Zen Master agrees with that! :D

---------- Post added at 10:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 AM ----------

Those alternate arrangements will come at a higher cost ad the greedy oil companies wont miss this golden opportunity to milk Europe.

Capitalism works that way of course. ;)
This old Zen Master agrees with that! :D

Capitalism works that way of course. ;)

Exactly..and the Iranians know that..
Their oil revenue will suffer anyway..But giving more time to Europe will make things easier for Europe (of which i am a Part being a resident of UK )and difficult for Iran...
Eventually i will pay more at the Fuel station because some fat arse politicians wants to teach a lesson to Iran as dictated to them by USA and the grand master Israel.
I......................But if Iran does it now..Both parties will have equal taste of the same medicine.

But what if the taste is NOT equal? Then the premise of this strategy breaks down, does it not?
Got a hand it to the Iranians. Trolling the master trolls. :tup:

:lol: Yes true..

Ahmedi the troll ..Trolling Europe

Eventually i will pay more at the Fuel station because some fat arse politicians wants to teach a lesson to Iran as dictated to them by USA and the grand master Israel.

Most of the price at the pump in the UK is taxes, not the crude oil price. There is enough leeway to take into account any bump in prices if need be.
Most of the price at the pump in the UK is taxes, not the crude oil price. There is enough leeway to take into account any bump in prices if need be.

Yes but capitalism is driven by greed and UK is a capitalist country..Both the Government and the oil companies are greedy and none will be considerate towards people..
The last remaining "service" we have the NHS and that too is being sold to private firms and from then onwards there will be no genuine reason to pay taxes...I have never evaded taxes but am planning to do so if the government approves new bill about NHS privatization.
Btw..Did USA give any leeway to Americans against rising oil prices in previous similar embargoes on oil exporting countries?
Btw..Did USA give any leeway to Americans against rising oil prices in previous similar embargoes on oil exporting countries?

Yes. Usually, it takes the form of suspending or reducing Federal taxes on gasoline, or releasing oil from the Strategic Reserve.
Yes. Usually, it takes the form of suspending or reducing Federal taxes on gasoline, or releasing oil from the Strategic Reserve.

releasing oil from federal reserves has a global effect of reducing prices but i haven't heard this happening for a while...and the oil prices just keep rising
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