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Iran leadership is coward and liar

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lol i would not even justify that load of bs with a response.

30 years you can’t take back Kashmir, but now you are talking about how you can challenge the US the lone superpower in war?

Your planes are US made and Chinese copy of US fighters. You have no real navy. Your missile industry cannot directly challenge the US. You suffer from some of the same problems as Iran.

So unless you planning to fire a nuke and get turned into glass, I am curious how Pakistan would challenge the US in war?

If US sanctions Pakistan from receiving any oil and gas like they did to Japan prior to Pearl Harbor how will you survive? You will then need Iran to break sanctions and smuggle oil into your country.

Pakistan is not energy independent and it’s exports are largely textile based that can be replaced by many other neighboring countries. US can crush Pakistan economy without ever having to go to war.
The list of PDF trolls is growing by the minute, now we got this Italian Silent Fighter guy who taken the full-time job of creating and ruining every Iranian thread.

@waz @Serpentine

Please keep an eye on these new threads popping up, nothing but Iran bashing.

Silent Fighter is a new member who has taken upon himself to woefully bash Iran and Iranians for no good reason.

Please take care of these useless messages.
The list of PDF trolls is growing by the minute, now we got this Italian Silent Fighter guy who taken the full-time job of creating and ruining every Iranian thread.

@waz @Serpentine

Please keep an eye on these new threads popping up, nothing but Iran bashing.

Silent Fighter is a new member who has taken upon himself to woefully bash Iran and Iranians for no good reason.

Please take care of these useless messages.
Useless in your opinion doesn't mean actually useless. I think your posts are useless. We have all the right to condemn Iranian leadership after their betrayal
Useless in your opinion doesn't mean actually useless. I think your posts are useless. We have all the right to condemn Iranian leadership after their betrayal

Betrayal of what exactly?

You've done nothing but act like a petulant child going from one Iranian thread to another spreading your bile around as if it means anything of consequence.

Get over yourself, no one gives a damn about your perspective about Iran since it only really entails childish bashing.

Give us a well-mannered response and maybe your 'opinion' will be listened to with more respect but for now you're acting like a prick.
Betrayal of what exactly?

You've done nothing but act like a petulant child going from one Iranian thread to another spreading your bile around as if it means anything of consequence.

Get over yourself, no one gives a damn about your perspective about Iran since it only really entails childish bashing.

Give us a well-mannered response and maybe your 'opinion' will be listened to with more respect but for now you're acting like a prick.
Betrayal of Iranian people, after telling things for years that now are proved to be lies. 'If America hits us we will do this and do that', 'We will fight the Americans', 'Iranians are safe from the American aggressors', and many more speeches. They proved to be only lies. It means America can kill any Iranian they want and all Iran will do is a fake missile strike with zero casualties. I would defect from the Iranian military immediately if I was a soldier from Iran.
Betrayal of Iranian people, after telling things for years that now are proved to be lies. 'If America hits us we will do this and do that', 'We will fight the Americans', 'Iranians are safe from the American aggressors', and many more speeches. They proved to be only lies. It means America can kill any Iranian they want and all Iran will do is a fake missile strike with zero casualties. I would defect from the Iranian military immediately if I was a soldier from Iran.

Are you even Iranian?
After all their words is that all the 'revenge' they can get? A fake and staged missile strike with only 4 missiles on target, without proper payload and alerting the Americans so that there would be no US casualties? It's a farce, an insult to the Iranian people. It means the leadership of the regime are very weak, they fear any US action. So the message to the world from Iran is that Americans can do all they want, even killing Khamenei wouldn't cause war nor a real retaliation. Even the dead poor Taleban armed with only AK47 kill more American soldiers.
You don't read the news.....Khamenei has already said that this strike is "not enough" and recently IRGC generals issued more threats..

This strike is just overt response---a slap in the face.

What will now follow is covert response---assassinations of US officials anywhere in the world, attacks on US troops in ME in order to eject them from the region
You don't read the news.....Khamenei has already said that this strike is "not enough" and recently IRGC generals issued more threats..

This strike is just overt response---a slap in the face.

What will now follow is covert response---assassinations of US officials anywhere in the world, attacks on US troops in ME in order to eject them from the region

I was actually going to comment on these very recent comments by Iranian leadership about continuing the retaliation but in other ways.

You think this might be bluster meant for public consumption or will Iran actually make good on their threats to go after Americans?
You don't read the news.....Khamenei has already said that this strike is "not enough" and recently IRGC generals issued more threats..

This strike is just overt response---a slap in the face.

What will now follow is covert response---assassinations of US officials anywhere in the world, attacks on US troops in ME in order to eject them from the region
Only words, and bla bla bla. Who believes it? If Khamenei was real this strike would have been very different. He even alerted the Americans, that's a farce. Everyone in the world is laughing at Iran. Even a 14 year old kid in the Bronx has more spine than Khamenei.
You think this might be bluster meant for public consumption or will Iran actually make good on their threats to go after Americans?
Things like murder of Soleimani can not be left without serious consequences.

This was just an overt strike against US and US made a step back like a total pussy.

And now to establish deterrence and to take revenge----in the period of 3 month to 2 years from now expect Iranian covert operation to kill Americans
Things like murder of Soleimani can not be left without serious consequences.

This was just an overt strike against US and US made a step back like a total pussy.

And now to establish deterrence and to take revenge----in the period of 3 month to 2 years from now expect Iranian covert operation to kill Americans
And what would the point of this? Iran had already the chance to retaliate in a serious wat but they backed down. What's the point delaying the retaliation for 3 years as the US response would still take place? It's nonsense. Plus now America and NATO know Iran never retaliates so they will do it again as they wish and nobody in the world takes Iran as serious anymore.
Don’t try to talk sense into Pakistani trolls. Their military knowledge comes from Call of Duty and Bollywood movies.

I am sure if US attacked Pakistan, Pakistan would smash the US and nuke every city :coffee:

Soviet Union attacked Pakistan. Remember a super power called Soviet Union?

Remember Pakistani pilots carrying out air strikes on Israel during the Arab-Israeli wars?

You either have a short memory or you don't know.

Dude Pakistan has accepted 14 billion dollars from the “Yanks” since 2000.

It's $26 billion for your information since 2002 when sanctions were lifted.

They had to pay for the use of Pakistani military bases, roads, airports and sea ports. Nothing is free in this world.

If Yanks embargoed Pakistan and sanctioned them your country would collapse overnight as no one would do business with you guys not even China.

They did embargo Pakistan, at least 8 times since 1965 but failed.

List of US sanctions on Pakistan and their failure as strategic deterrent

It's all about how you handle the sanctions and how you respond.

For example, after the 1990 sanctions, Pakistani PM Benazir Bhutto visited North Korea openly in December 1993 to acquire Nodong ballistic missiles in exchange for assistance with the North Korean nuclear program.

At the same time, Pakistan overthrew the Afghan Government in response to Afghan ballistic missile attacks on Pakistan between 1989-1990 and helped the Taliban take over the country.

Let’s not act like the Pakistani military has ever directly challenged the US military in any meaningful way. US would wipe the floor with Pakistan without breaking a sweat.

The United States has never directly challenged Pakistan militarily in anyway. They have wished for it but reality is reality.

Pakistan has refused to sign the NPT to begin with and never allowed even a chat on surrendering it's nuclear weapons program for some JCPOA biscuit.

Can't be said the same for Iran.
For a week:
Iran would never dare to respond to americans ... having fun in their fantasy world.
Iran responded:
It was not enough destructive and why Iran didn't destroy and kill all americans on the earth?

ok pals, let's get back to the reality:
Iran's intention was not escalating the situation or starting a war with american in the region , why should we do that? Iran had to respond american in Iraq as terror took place in Iraq, Ain Al Assad is the biggest and most equipped base in Iraq which host american troops .. there are others that are smaller but used by Iraqis too and were evacuated ...
Iran could have fired 1000 missiles but the point was delivering a message not destroying the base:

Vipin Narang.jpg

And beside of that .. you have balls? then do one tenth of what we did ...
For a week:
Iran would never dare to respond to americans ... having fun in their fantasy world.
Iran responded:
It was not enough destructive and why Iran didn't destroy and kill all americans on the earth?

ok pals, let's get back to the reality:
Iran's intention was not escalating the situation or starting a war with american in the region , why should we do that? Iran had to respond american in Iraq as terror took place in Iraq, Ain Al Assad is the biggest and most equipped base in Iraq which host american troops .. there are others that are smaller but used by Iraqis too and were evacuated ...
Iran could have fired 1000 missiles but the point was delivering a message not destroying the base:

View attachment 598917

And beside of that .. you have balls? then do one tenth of what we did ...
So ZERO casualties, alerting Americans is now called a retaliation. That's a new definition on the dictionary. But only idiots believe it. Trump is chanting with joy, he wouldn't be that happy with a real retaliation
Iranian are cowards through out their history from Alexander to mongols.from Turks to Arabs. from Rajputs to British. Every one ruled them
We can say we're an old country, the name of Iran is at least 1800 years old, actually longer (from parthian era). We existed as a country and because of our long history it was natural that once a while we would be occupied, as any other empire in the world. We survived and still exist.

Rajputs and british? o_O

However many countries did not exist, they are not older than 75 years for example. A grandpa could be older than these fake new identities, many times created based on ethnicity or religion. If that's not the case, you'll recognize them from straight borders, drawn by foreign powers. Sometimes both of these elements together formed a new fake country.

After all their words is that all the 'revenge' they can get? A fake and staged missile strike with only 4 missiles on target, without proper payload and alerting the Americans so that there would be no US casualties? It's a farce, an insult to the Iranian people. It means the leadership of the regime are very weak, they fear any US action. So the message to the world from Iran is that Americans can do all they want, even killing Khamenei wouldn't cause war nor a real retaliation. Even the dead poor Taleban armed with only AK47 kill more American soldiers.
A nato puppet who can't drink a glass of water without asking daddy USA is calling Iran cowards.

Please ban these trolls.
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