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Iran: Kurds Tortured, Hanged


Mar 15, 2014
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198 people have been hanged so far in 2014 -- a period of only two and a half months.

"The court told me, 'You are an enemy of God. You must be hanged very soon.' That was the sum of my entire court process. I don't have any lawyer to defend me." — Ms. Zainab Jalalian.

Iran's grotesque human rights violations, the rise in executions, or the fate of three Americans -- Amir Hekmati, Pastor Saeed Abedini and Robert Levinson -- held as political prisoners inside Iran, were not even discussed during the historic negotiations between the United States and Iran in late 2013.

The Kurdish people, one of the largest minorities in Iran, have been heavily targeted by the Islamic Republic since its 1979 inception when Ayatollah Khomeini famously declared a "fatwa" [religious decree] against the province of Kurdistan and crushed opposing unrest by sending 110,000 troops complete with heavy artillery, fighter jets and armed helicopters. The fighting was so intense that residents were forced to flee into the harsh mountains. Kurdish men have been executed, dozens at a time.


Jahangir Razmi's Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph of the execution of Kurdish men and others in 1979.

As Kurdistan continued its resistance, on September 17, 1992 three prominent Iranian-Kurdish opposition leaders -- Sadegh Sharafkandi, Fattah Abdoli, Homayoun Ardalan -- along with their translator, Nouri Dehkordi, were gunned down by Iranian government agents in the Mykonos Greek restaurant in Berlin, Germany. From 1988-1998, Islamic Republic operatives carried out serial assassinations of opposition leaders and Iranian dissident intellectuals, both inside and outside Iran -- assassinations later dubbed "the chain murders of Iran."

Since the Iranian revolution in 1979, the Kurdish provinces have been neglected economically by the current government of Iran, an exclusion that gave rise to rampant poverty. Furthermore, Kurdish political, social and cultural rights are badly repressed by the present regime, causing widespread resistance, including armed conflicts, inside Kurdistan. As such, the majority of Kurds, who sympathize or hold a membership to Kurdish opposition groups, are viewed as possible "[armed] combatants," trying to overthrow the regime by the Islamic Republic. This trend can be seen in the nature of the charges and the sentences handed down to large numbers of Kurdish political prisoners, who are systematically tortured, given death sentences or long prison terms. Although there are many Kurdish prisoners, the exact number is unknown. The following are two cases where the families or the victims had the courage to contact human rights organizations, an outreach banned and punishable by the authorities.

Zainab Jalalian

Ms. Zainab Jalalian was arrested in July of 2007 in the Kurdish province of Kermanshah for allegedly being a member of a banned Kurdish opposition group of insurgents. She was initially taken to the detention center of Ministry of Intelligence, where she was tortured for eight months. As a result, Ms. Jalalian began to suffer from internal and intestinal bleeding. Two years after her arrest, in a trial that lasted only minutes, with no legal representation, she was accused of "waging war against God" and, at age 27, was sentenced to death. In 2010 she was transferred to the feared Ward 209 of Evin prison in Tehran, a section well known for torturing prisoners until they confess. There she was told that her death sentence would be lifted if she agreed to a televised confession admitting her "armed" involvement against the regime. She endured by maintaining her innocence and refused their demand. She was then transferred back to Kermanshah facilities to await execution.

In a letter shortly after she was sentenced to death in 2009, Ms. Jalalian wrote the following:

"…I am currently ill because of torture and I don't have any lawyer to defend me. I want to tell you that my trial took only few minutes. The court told me: 'You are an enemy of God. You must be hanged very soon.' That was the sum of my entire court process. I asked the judge to give me permission to just say good-bye to my mother before my execution. He told me to 'shut up' and rejected my request." —November 2009, letter obtained by ICAE

The Committee of Human Rights Reporters (CHRR) inside Iran created a report in 2011 by interviewing Ms. Jalalian's former cellmates. The report states that Ms. Jalalian was passed around like a soccer ball between male guards while she was tied up, blindfolded and beaten. In the first three months of her detention, she suffered such serious head injuries that her interrogators, in a rare and unusual act, were forced to transfer her to a hospital outside prison. The report also reveals that she was also flogged on the soles of her feet until she passed out. When she finally gained consciousness; she was forced to walk on her feet and was then flogged again. She was also threatened with rape by her interrogator; she protested, he then struck her on the head with an iron rod, which fractured her skull, causing her to bleed profusely. It is believed it was this blow, along with many more repeated blows to her head, affected her vision; she was consistently denied medical care for her injuries, despite many hunger strikes. She became blind in both eyes.


Between 2009 and 2010, Ms. Jalalian was the subject of an international campaign against her execution. As a direct result, her death sentence was commuted to life in prison. Ms. Zainab Jalalian is presently in agonizing pain due to bleeding and infection of her intestines. The authorities are deliberately refraining from transferring her to a city hospital for proper treatment. She has been given no provisions for her blindness while serving time. Both her ailments are direct result of torture while in custody.

Mansur Arvand

Mr. Mansur Arvand is a Kurdish political prisoner who was arrested in June of 2011 and sentenced to death in July 2012 on the charge of "waging war on God" for allegedly being a member of a Kurdish opposition party.


Mansur Arvand and his daughter.

In an interview with HRANA News Agency in 2013, Mansur's brother, [Ismail] stated that most of Mansur's toenails were pulled out during his interrogations and his teeth severely damaged. He emphasized that Mansur is suffering from kidney infections that appeared only after his arrest, after torture, and that the authorities are ignoring his brother's serious medical needs.

In another interview with CFPPI in late 2013, Ismail stated that his brother was flogged 70-80 times on his back and stomach, that the torture sessions lasted 7-8 hours. He also added that the authorities had installed a noise device in Mansur's cell in order to prevent him from sleeping.

Mr. Mansur Arvand is kept in Orumieyeh central prison in West Azerbaijan province of Iran. Not only is he in imminent danger of being executed at any time; the authorities are withholding any medical care while they continue to torture him. Thus far, human rights organizations have not been able to overturn Mr. Arvand's death sentence.

Two prominent Kurdish political prisoners, Mr. Habibollah Golparipour (arrested 2007) and Mr. Shirko Moarefi (arrested 2008) were hanged respectively on October 26 and November 4, 2013. According to many international human rights organizations and various media; there has been a surge in the rate of executions after President Rouhani's election. 198 people have been hanged just in 2014 -- a period of only two and half months.

Sadly, Iran's grotesque human rights violations, the rise in executions or the fate of three Americans -- Amir Hekmati, Pastor Saeed Abedini and Robert Levinson -- held as political prisoners inside Iran, were not even discussed during the historic negotiations between the United States and Iran in late 2013.


Habibollah Golparipour, Kurdish political prisoner hanged Oct 26, 2013.


Shirko Moarefi, Kurdish prisoner hanged November 4, 2013.

Iran: Kurds Tortured, Hanged: Zainab Jalaian and Mansur Arvand

In memory of Farzad Kamangar, Iranian Kurdish teacher
Kamangar, a teacher in Iran's Kudistan region, was hanged in May 2010 for being "an enemy of God"


Iranian teacher Farzad Kamangar surrounded by his pupils in the Iranian region of Kurdistan

Farzad Kamangar (فرزاد کمانگر) was a 32-year-old Iranian Kurdish teacher and social worker from the city of Kamyaran, Iran who was executed on May 9, 2010.
Mr. Kamangar's crime was being a Kurd. He taught at an elementary school in the northwestern Iranian city of Kamyaran, where he was a member of the Kurdistan Teachers Union and wrote for various underground human rights publications. He secretly taught his Kurdish students their banned language and told stories about their culture and history. He was arrested in July 2006 and subjected to beatings, whippings, electric shocks, malnourishment, sleep deprivation, and solitary confinement in cold, squalid cells. His cries of torment were drowned out by loud tapes playing passages from the Koran.
Mr. Kamangar was given a five-minute trial in February 2008. His lawyer, Khalil Bahramian, told The Washington Times by phone from Iran last year that there was "absolutely no evidence against Farzad that connects him to a terrorist group or activity." Farzad, he said, "is a teacher, a poet, a journalist, a human rights activist and a special person." And no such evidence was presented to the court, or was needed for it to make its perfunctory, predetermined ruling.
He was sentenced to death based on absolutely zero evidence, according to his lawyer.
Farzad Kamangar was prosecuted on charges of mohareb "enmity towards God". According to his lawyer, Khalil Bahramian, Nothing in Kamangars judicial files and records demonstrates any links to the charges brought against him.
Bahramian, the lawyer, who was present during the closed-door court hearing, described it as
Lasting no more than five minutes, with the Judge issuing his sentence without any explanation and then promptly leaving the room. ... I have seen absolutely zero evidence presented against Kamangar. In my forty years in the legal profession, I have never witnessed such a prosecution.
For this denial, Kamangar was repeatedly tortured. Amnesty International reports that Mr. Kamangar was repeatedly beaten, flogged, and electrocuted, and that he now suffers from spasms in his arms and legs as a result of the torture.
The Supreme Court officially confirmed Kamangar's death sentence on July 11, 2008.
Kamangar was one of six political prisoners highlighted in International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran's September 18, 2008 document "Rights Crisis Escalates, Faces and Cases from Ahmadinejad's Crackdown"
Kamangar participated in the hunger strike to protest the execution of Ehsan Fatahian. Another Kurdish opposition who he was executed few months before on same false charges.

In memory of Farzad Kamangar, Iranian Kurdish teacher | World news | theguardian.com

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Sounds a good start to teach the mountain apes how to behave you are like a rapid dogs
Like land mine when you move will blow so the best way to make sure that it will not blow is to keep your feet on them
You are like this
I think it has more to do with the Kurds being Sunnis, rather than Kurds being Kurds.
The funny thing is Turkey's kurds have better life standarts than average Turkish citizen, they don't even pay for the most of paid services, uses illegal electricity, get paid by the state per child and health care etc... and we don't even hang them up... Still Turkey is their No:1 enemy... We should send them to Iran for 1 month and they see the difference :lol:
The funny thing is Turkey's kurds have better life standarts than average Turkish citizen, they don't even pay for the most of paid services, uses illegal electricity, get paid by the state per child and health care etc... and we don't even hang them up... Still Turkey is their No:1 enemy... We should send them to Iran for 1 month and they see the difference :lol:
Kurdish party would be publically hanged :lol: I never see Kurds claiming lands from Iran. Maybe Turkey is too soft. I don't say we should implement death menality or maybe we should for people like Ocalan. But being kind to a spoiled child will only lead to bigger problems later on.
Maybe Turkey is too soft.

We are soft 'cos of eu mate... iran is a relax country, already being sanctioned, no concern with joining any political club, they have some trading partners and say "am good fvck the rest", some traditional wordy warfares with israel and the usa, they don't have arrogant europeans upon them to tell why they did it, how it should be done etc.. as they know everything better...
she protested, he then struck her on the head with an iron rod, which fractured her skull, causing her to bleed profusely. It is believed it was this blow, along with many more repeated blows to her head, affected her vision; she was consistently denied medical care for her injuries, despite many hunger strikes. She became blind in both eyes.

and yet, iran government claims to be a friend of the kurds...

@Al-Kurdi surely, iran government must be collaborating with turkey government against kurds... after all, the mullah government in turkey is great friend of hamas and other criminal groups supported by iran.
Mr. Mansur Arvand is a Kurdish political prisoner

Yeah... all Kurdish seperatist terrorists happens to be "political prisoner"

Same in these terrorists gets jailed and some of them being journalist......So, everybody saying "Turkey jailing journalists"...

Good to see Iran is not soft against terrorists like our own government.
and yet, iran government claims to be a friend of the kurds...

@Al-Kurdi surely, iran government must be collaborating with turkey government against kurds... after all, the mullah government in turkey is great friend of hamas and other criminal groups supported by iran.
Says the Gadaffi lover. Your boss bent over to the West and recieved it for several years till they decided to stab his arse and kill him :lol: You must be angry at France ehh ? after all they were the ones that f#cked up your leader from the air, you know France ehhh... proud ally of ''Arab Jamahiriya''. :lol:

Atleast we are still standing tall despite everything. Go worship your weird psycho leader.
Yeah... all Kurdish seperatist terrorists happens to be "political prisoner"

Same in these terrorists gets jailed and some of them being journalist......So, everybody saying "Turkey jailing journalists"...

Good to see Iran is not soft against terrorists like our own government.

These terrorists tried to cause trouble in 2011 for our Western regions but we whooped their asses back in northern iraqi caves again. :lol:
Kurdish party would be publically hanged :lol: I never see Kurds claiming lands from Iran. Maybe Turkey is too soft. I don't say we should implement death menality or maybe we should for people like Ocalan. But being kind to a spoiled child will only lead to bigger problems later on.

Kurdish terrorists claim land from Iran. But these mountain monkeys forgot that their real roots were within Iranian plateau which Iran is the main part of it. Historically speaking Kords were always closely related to the Iranian sphere, after the British and Russian interference many of Iranian kurdish regions were seperated, and that is why you see that Turkish and Iraqi kurds have no historical or emotional relations with Iran because in a way they have become foreigners to us and have been long away from the homeland.

Also the Kurdo terror monkeys really do not have a popular ''independence'' base in Iran as they do in Turkey or Iraq or Syria. Any attempt by the monkeys to create some trouble will be swiftly put down by the noose.
Your boss bent over to the West and recieved it for several years

have you even listened to his uno speech of 2009??

You must be angry at France ehh ?... you know France ehhh... proud ally of ''Arab Jamahiriya''. :lol:

well, one of muammar's speeches in 2011 questions the betrayal of sarkozy... muammar was naive to believe sarkozy, a fellow who has the ugly carla bruni as wife.

and british jets were also involved in bombardment, so were american drones, so were indian navy ships, so was your hamas/hezbollah/taliban.

france was one of the 35+ militaries alliance.

and yes, we do remember ahmedinejad laughing in october 2011...

Atleast we are still standing tall despite everything.

usa military saved you from saddam... ever wonder why afghanistan, iraq and syria have seen cia regime-change while "iran stands tall"??

Go worship your weird psycho leader.

i said the same thing about your khomenei months back, and got a mod-warning... don't know why irani-mullah lovers are so pampered here.
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