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Iran kills 1 Pakistani soldier, 3 injured.

Is army sleeping first India now this Paleet Iran
Army wake up or we will do our duty to save Pakistan
trying to behave like india..we will misbehave you in the same manner.your left over weed won't save you . :disagree::disagree:
See what I mean? No matter what we do, we are accused of supporting terrorists, even if with no evidence.

Fair enough then; may as well just go ahead and support the terrorists and see how Iran enjoys the resulting proxy war.

No one is denying Iranian regime is full of crazy Mullahs. But Pakistan is run by incompetent and coward leadership. All of the world is raising fingers against Pakistan. Even is China is saying terrorism is coming out of Pakistan. The Land of Pure is now officially Land of filth, which was the goal of deobandi Mullahs anyway.
Is army sleeping first India now this Paleet Iran
Army wake up or we will do our duty to save Pakistan

Iran is insinuating that we are not going after the Sunni terrorists, and they use this as an excuse to fire on our forces.
Maybe we should go ahead and support the Sunni terrorists against Iran; they do have legitimate grievances against the fanatical Mullahs after all.
It's a fun game we know how to play; the Americans can get in on the fun as well! :yay:
@Norwegian you forget to tag me :(

what the hell is going on ??
knock knock ... Mr . R Shareef ?

Mr. Shareef : yes , who is it ?

they (Iranians) just kill our jawan and three are injured ..

Mr. Shareef : ahmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

what the hell is happening in army man ... why we even buy weapon to scared peoples ??
Its not up to him you probably do not know that the huge fagget Nawas Sharif can pass these kind of orders and he being a dumb goon does not do anything please try to understand.
Explains why Pakistan is the most developed country of South Asia, or is it?

They actually cite their large and faster growing economy unlike Pakistanis who cite their kid wearing suicide vests.
I bet with more poor than sub Saharan Africa and a supa powa by 2013 india is right ؟ get your indian behind out of threads where t does no belong.
Narcotics, drug trafficking and support to terrorists are common problems, Pakistanis has to face from Iran, and now firing on our FC personnel. How long Pakistanis and its Govt have to keep bearing this? Pathetic!!
No one is denying Iranian regime is full of crazy Mullahs. But Pakistan is run by incompetent and coward leadership. All of the world is raising fingers against Pakistan. Even is China is saying terrorism is coming out of Pakistan. The Land of Pure is now officially Land of filth, which was the goal of deobandi Mullahs anyway.

No sure how Pak posters would have reacted if an Indian had written this ...
Getting attacked by Iran gives us a chance to re-live the glory days of the Rightly Guided Caliphate!
Labbayk Conquest-of-Persia! :pakistan:
No sure how Pak posters would have reacted if an Indian had written this ...

Well obviously. If a foreigner tells something wrong with a nation it means they are enemy. I'm a Pakistani, when I mention faults within Pakistan, I want Pakistanis to work on those problems.
“We believe that if Iran has evidence that elements from Pakistan are involved in activities against Iran, they should share it with us”.

:lol: After Iran submits evidence about these terrorists, the same organization will be declared as a charity organization that runs schools in Pak, and Pakistan will declare that there is not enough evidence against them.
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