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Iran: Israel's existence 'insult to all humanity'


May 28, 2011
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Iran: Israel's existence 'insult to all humanity' - Yahoo! News

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Israel's existence is an "insult to all humanity," Iran's president said Friday in one of his sharpest attacks yet against the Jewish state, as Israel openly debates whether to attack Iran over its nuclear program.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said confronting Israel is an effort to "protect the dignity of all human beings."

"The existence of the Zionist regime is an insult to all humanity," Ahmadinejad said. He was addressing worshippers at Tehran University after nationwide pro-Palestinian rallies, an annual event marking Quds (Jerusalem) Day on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan.

Israel considers Iran an existential threat because of its nuclear and missile programs, support for radical anti-Israel groups on its borders and repeated references by Iranian leaders to Israel's destruction. Ahmadinejad himself has repeatedly made such calls, as has Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Iran has denied allegations that it is seeking to build nuclear weapons, saying its nuclear program is peaceful and aimed at producing electricity and radioisotopes used to treat cancer patients.

Israel has been carrying on an increasingly public debate about whether to attack Iran's nuclear facilities. Israel's official position is to favor diplomatic and economic measures to persuade Iran to halt its uranium enrichment program, but Israel insists that Iran must not be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons. Israeli leaders say "all options are on the table," a clear reference to a military strike, if they determine that other measures have failed.

Iran has warned it would hit back at Israel if it is attacked, also threatening to strike at American interests in the region.

Ahmadinejad called Israel "a corrupt, anti-human organized minority group standing up to all divine values."

"Today, confronting the existence of the fabricated Zionist regime is in fact protecting the rights and dignity of all human beings," said Ahmadinejad, with a black and white scarf many Palestinians wear around his neck.

Demonstrators in Tehran set U.S. and Israeli flags on fire and chanted "Death to the U.S." and "Death to Israel" during their pro-Palestinian rally.

Iran and Israel have been bitter enemies for decades. Khamenei has called Israel a "cancerous tumor" that must be wiped out.

Tensions between Iran and Israel have intensified since 2005, when Ahmadinejad said in a speech that Israel will one day be "wiped off the map." The Iranian president has also described the Holocaust, when 6 million Jews were killed by German Nazis and their collaborators during World War II, as a "myth."

We can all see where did is going to lead to...
Today I had opportunity to talk to an Iranian who was partly happy and partly unhappy with present regime. He was happy because Iran was developing Nuclear Deterrence but was unhappy because of this un-understandable aggressive stance towards Israel and at a time when it was hurting Iran's weakening economy more. This is something which I feel as well. Iran doesn't need to abuse Israel every 20th day to prove they disapprove their state or their stances, rather it would've been a lot better if Iran would show itself as a non-hostile state and would silently develop its defense against every threat.

I have high degree of regard for Ahmadinijad but I think he is over-playing rather helping Israel get greater sympathies and support with statements like that. But here I have yet another thought, I question if this exhibition of outright hatred towards Israel a part of some well-thought military strategy? If it is the case, I am unable to comprehend that strategy at this stage.
Today I had opportunity to talk to an Iranian who was partly happy and partly unhappy with present regime. He was happy because Iran was developing Nuclear Deterrence but was unhappy because of this un-understandable aggressive stance towards Israel and at a time when it was hurting Iran's weakening economy more. This is something which I feel as well. Iran doesn't need to abuse Israel every 20th day to prove they disapprove their state or their stances, rather it would've been a lot better if Iran would show itself as a non-hostile state and would silently develop its defense against every threat.

I have high degree of regard for Ahmadinijad but I think he is over-playing rather helping Israel get greater sympathies and support with statements like that. But here I have yet another thought, I question if this exhibition of outright hatred towards Israel a part of some well-thought military strategy? If it is the case, I am unable to comprehend that strategy at this stage.

Possibly to influence the Middle East region by joining the hatred of the existence of Israel. Supplying weapons, training, funding, etc. is the way to go while avoiding a direct conflict with Israel which hasn't done anything to Iran for many decades just after its existence. But these are hardline people and don't like the existence of Israel in the ME and close to Iran.
Yes if Iran continues to threaten the survival of Israel everyday, no one can really blame Israelis for being concerned of Iran Nuclear Programme and for trying to destroy those facilities. This type of foolish behaviour by Iran leadership is ultimately making Iran look more and more aggressive and making Israel case stronger. Iran people need a more modern and open minded leadership rather then this hardliner. It seems all this hardline approach is to appease the Islamists and for political reasons to Hold the Masses using religion as the tool. But in the end it is harming Iran's interest. religion is being used here for political gains.

Also no way Iran can remove or erase Israel. It is better to have peaceful relations b/w all Arab countries and Israel. The Liberal and Broad Minded Iranians need to confront these religious hardliners and remove them from power for betterment of Iran. It is always a very dangerous proposition for a country when it is NOT RULES BY POLITICIANS but by RELIGIOUS MASTERS, because then logic and national interest goes for toss and RELIGION is uses as a POLITICAL TOOL to HOLD POWER.
So Iran thinks Israel is insult to Humanity and wants to finish it and what would happen if they get hold of a Dirty nuclear bomb?
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