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we can handle them decisively.

Interesting! Last I remember your king ran away on his private plane when Saddam walked-in Saudi! Same Saddam who was armed to the teeth by the world, and most importantly by you guys!

You couldn't even "handle" bunch of Houthis with AK-47s! Need I remind you of your losses? As a matter of fact you will be "decisively" handled if you make any mistake! The same way Shapur "decisively" handled your ancestors!

Israel and Arab countries feel threatened by the prospect of a moderate candidate that could improve the relations with the West, that's why in 1997, when Khatami was in office, Sauds played their usual dirty tricks and held Iran responsible for Khobar bombings whereas it was their lapdog, Taliban that carried out the attack.

As far as we are concerned all the Arabic "countries" in the Persian Gulf, excluding Oman and Qatar are insignificant, the real opportunity lies in improved relations with the West, and these people know it, that's why they do the best they can to prevent that from happening, because they know very well it's not in their interests for Iran to be on good terms with the international community (excluding terrorist exporting Persian Gulf countries).
Bunch of hot hair...

Doesnt matter Saad became president or not. He cant do a damn thing without considering how Hezbollah may react. That is the privilege of being a hegemonic political party (and even military
, as Lebanese army cant touch Hezbollah)

Iranians being slaughtered in Syria? loooool what a joke. If there were so many Iranians in Syria, you'd think we hear more often about them, but not even your Al Arabyia mentions Iranian fighter in Syria often. That is because there arent many numb nuts :lol:
Whereas we hear about Saudi rodents being butchered on a daily basis. Like Hezbollah raping and killing a bunch of Salafi rodents (many from your little sh*thole). 500 in the course of three hours :omghaha:

And no Im not starving. I go to Iran anually. I have relatives in iran, and none of them are starving. No doubt sanctions are biting and making life difficult hard for ordinary Iranians (only a twisted Saudi ape take like yourself take enjoyment in that), but that is the price of being an independent state.
Not like your non-entity Saudi Arabia, ruled by one tribe, taking orders from your masters at Washington.
Even applied their family name to the frikkin country hahahahahahaha

Edit: And last time I checked, Assad is turning the tide and going on the offensive against your Saudi backed rodent apes. Which is consistent with West cooking up this chemical weapons claim and coming up with excuse to arm the opposition, which is crumbling. Lets see if daddy US can come to your rescue as always :lol:
I think absolutely Yes. Despite all rhetoric Iran did not send a single soldier to fight Israel directly in past 33 years.

I think that nuclear Iran is dangerous to countries with large Shia population: Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Yemen, Kuwait, KSA... With nuclear weapon Iran will feel like local superpower and will much more intervene into their internal affairs.

These are the ones both fought against Israel directly and trained Hezbollah soldiers .



Interesting! Last I remember your king ran away on his private plane when Saddam walked-in Saudi! Same Saddam who was armed to the teeth by the world, and most importantly by you guys!

That was the Emir of Kuwait ;)
You couldn't even "handle" bunch of Houthis with AK-47s! Need I remind you of your losses? As a matter of fact you will be "decisively" handled if you make any mistake! The same way Shapur "decisively" handled your ancestors!

:no: that's not what Wikipedia said Also, your mullahs begged us for cease fire in case you don't know. If there is any further confrontation with them in future we will kill every man and woman in Sadah.

Too much of an obsession about Persia, dude Persia no longer exists.

Israel and Arab countries feel threatened by the prospect of a moderate candidate that could improve the relations with the West, that's why in 1997, when Khatami was in office, Sauds played their usual dirty tricks and held Iran responsible for Khobar bombings whereas it was their lapdog, Taliban that carried out the attack.

No, Iran wasn't behind the attack whatsoever. It was orchestrated, planned, and engineered by AlQadea and Hezbollah.
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First of all, Zilch can't be used in comparison.

LoL. Haven't you heard of what happened about the Khobar bombings? Across your boraders with Afghanistan? ;)

Haha so the Saudi-backed political party got weaker while Hezbollah got stronger? Interesting! Them mind telling me how did Saad became a president?

Speaking of Syria, I hate to burst your bubble but KSA did openly admit that we are arming the rebels while the mullahs

Another thing, it is no longer a secret that the Zoroastrian Republic is run by master-race fanatic Persian, Safavids Mullahs. Their actions are well-known and documented. I'm glad seeing you showing the true color of your face, but I hate again to burst your bubble boy, Iranians are being slaughtered in Syria, and guess what? There is nothing much you can do about it, your people are starving to death, while your stupid mullahs are bailing Assad out :omghaha: :rofl: :D :lol:


Hopefully, you won't starve to death, oh wait a minute! You are in Denmark :lol:

Dude , I ensure you even the poorest people of my country that live in farthest villages have a better life than almost 90% of you arabs . Sanctions are the price of our independence and standing against the west but we'll pass this stage like previous ones which were harder .
Dude , I ensure you even the poorest people of my country that live in farthest villages have a better life than almost 90% of you arabs . Sanctions are the price of our independence and standing against the west but we'll pass this stage like previous ones which were harder .

:lol: Persian Ego :lol:

In Israel, US army chief talks Iran

Iran's nuclear programme was at the centre of discussions on Wednesday between US army chief General Martin Dempsey and Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon, public radio said.

"The Iranian regime is involved in all of the conflicts in the region," the radio quoted Yaalon as saying during talks in Tel Aviv with Dempsey which were also attended by Israeli armed forces chief of staff General Benny Gantz.

Iran was also the focus of talks Dempsey held on Tuesday with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The radio said US military commander wanted to ensure Israel would not launch a pre-emptive strike against Iran's nuclear programme, which the Jewish state sees as geared towards developing an atomic warhead.

Despite Iran's election of a new president, Netanyahu has kept up anti-regime rhetoric, denouncing Hassan Rowhani as a "wolf in sheep's clothing" who would "smile and build a bomb."

Rowhani said last week Iran was ready to hold "serious" talks with the major powers without delay to allay Western concerns about its nuclear programme.

Dempsey's visit came as Israel and the Palestinians prepared to hold their first round of direct peace talks in nearly three years, against a background of Palestinian anger over fresh settlement expansion plans.

Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Friday warned the Palestinians against renewed peace talks, saying they would be "detrimental" to their cause.

Negotiations, warned Khamenei, would only "encourage the aggressors to increase their aggression and suppress the rightful resistance of the Palestinians."

Read more: In Israel, US army chief talks Iran | Fox News
The only ones who want and pray for War are the Mullahs in Iran around Chamenei.

They need War to butcher even more iranians and to reinforce their Rule over the iranian people.

We saw the same right after the beginning of the Iran/Iraq War. The Mullahs butcherd thousends of dissidents under the cover of the War.

We have no problems with Jews and Israelis. The Palestinians were at the side of Saddam while Israel sold us weapons during the War.

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