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"Iran is the most friendly country in the world"

Don't think with your dick and sucking upto Iranians !

A nuclear Iran would be an unmitigated disaster even for it's friends. A mullah cannot be trusted with anything close to a WMD. Classical MAD does not work for him as his rewards are in other world.

But you see, Iran considers itself the bastion of Shias, and an Ayatollah would know that if Iran did something hanky-panky and got itself obliterated, it would yet have consequences in the 'other world'. So no, a nuclear Iran is no more a problem child than a nuclear North Korea or nuclear Israel or nuclear Pakistan.
But you see, Iran considers itself the bastion of Shias, and an Ayatollah would know that if Iran did something hanky-panky and got itself obliterated, it would yet have consequences in the 'other world'. So no, a nuclear Iran is no more a problem child than a nuclear North Korea or nuclear Israel or nuclear Pakistan.

Ayatollahs also know that irrespective of how much they curse Israel and USA and how many terrorist attack they finance, Sunnis are not going to give even a speck of their goats poop to them;And yet they destroy their own country and cultivate hatred in their own people for sake of conflict whose participants do not want their unsolicited support. It doesn't seems like a logical behaviour.

North Korea, even though ruled by dictator, is restrained because that dictator does not want to die. What if a mullah fires a nuke believing in second coming of mahadi? or what if he nukes Israel for sake of fulfilling his religious duty? and that too after discounting the fact that Nuclear Iran would increase terrorist activities without fear of retaliation.
Only the Azeri areas in northern Iran are known for hospitality. Some of my friends have been there.
then I wonder why turkey is not known for hospitality , while Azerbaijan or Armenia are far more known for hospitality , guess the reason is in something aside from what you want to imply and by the way in Iran they say the most guest loving people and the most warm blooded people among the warm blooded Iranic people are the ones from southern Iran

Only the Azeri areas in northern Iran are known for hospitality. Some of my friends have been there.
then I wonder why turkey is not known for hospitality , while Azerbaijan or Armenia are far more known for hospitality , guess the reason is in something aside from what you want to imply and by the way in Iran they say the most guest loving people and the most warm blooded people among the warm blooded Iranic people are the ones from southern Iran
Iranians are very nationalistic people and if you threaten their country, they will naturally dislike you.
But if you treat them with respect, I think you will find Iranians truly the most accomodating people on this planet.
Don't think with your dick and stop sucking upto Iranians !

A nuclear Iran would be an unmitigated disaster even for it's friends. A mullah cannot be trusted with anything close to a WMD. Classical MAD does not work for him as his rewards are in other world.
you seems to knew nothing , Iran is the only country in the world that when attacked by WMDs (not only against soldiers but also against civilians) while had the ability to retaliate 10 time worse by the order of one of these peoples you call untrustworthy mullah refrained to do so and use chemical weapon even against enemy soldiers .
then I wonder why turkey is not known for hospitality , while Azerbaijan or Armenia are far more known for hospitality , guess the reason is in something aside from what you want to imply and by the way in Iran they say the most guest loving people and the most warm blooded people among the warm blooded Iranic people are the ones from southern Iran

then I wonder why turkey is not known for hospitality , while Azerbaijan or Armenia are far more known for hospitality , guess the reason is in something aside from what you want to imply and by the way in Iran they say the most guest loving people and the most warm blooded people among the warm blooded Iranic people are the ones from southern Iran
I don't know from where you got Turkish people are not hospitable. Turkey has more tourist than Iran and Armenia combined. Millions and millions of people return to Turkey each year for the taste Turkic culture. This is in Turkish and Azeri culture. That is why only Northern parts of Iran, also known as Azerbaijan is known for hospitality. It is Turkic trait. If you take North-Iran/South-Azerbaijan away, not much of Iran will remain. Armenians are like Farsi. Not open to strangers. No history and not hospitable. Those are closed societies. For example if you don't wear headscarve as European woman, what happens?
I don't know from where you got Turkish people are not hospitable. Turkey has more tourist than Iran and Armenia combined. Millions and millions of people return to Turkey each year for the taste Turkic culture. This is in Turkish and Azeri culture. That is why only Northern parts of Iran, also known as Azerbaijan is known for hospitality. It is Turkic trait. If you take North-Iran/South-Azerbaijan away, not much of Iran will remain. Armenians are like Farsi. Not open to strangers. No history and not hospitable. Those are closed societies. For example if you don't wear headscarve as European woman, what happens?
what ever you like in Iran people of southern Iran are known for being warm blooded and by the way turkey has more tourist than Iran because of something else not hospitality.
Every Iranian I met is super nice and friendly. They stay away from trouble and don't give a damn about non-sense. Almost all of them were professional in their behavior as well, not barbaric hooligans.
Although I like Iran, we Indians must realise that if we go their, they will hang us for being Hindu/Sikh/Buddhist.
Why on earth will they hang anybody just because of his/her religion:o:!Iranians are a civilized lot not some barbaric hordes of the middle east,they have got their own laws of the land and as long as you don't break their laws there is absolutely no reason for you to be afraid.Don't believe in those western paid medias who are doing propagandas against Iran round the clock.The west is actually desperate to prove Iran as the new "boogeyman" of Asia..:coffee:
by the way turkey has more tourist than Iran because of something else not hospitality.

What is that ? I'm just wondering....

- Secular country
- No ban for alcohol.
- Good tourism policies
- Some of the best beaches in the world.
- Wide variety interests for tourists.
- Being geographically close to Europe and Russia.
- Turkish Cuisine

i have a question, how would a trip for me and my girl work? We are not married so i would expect some problems? like different hotel rooms amd so on? How would that work in general? I'm italian and catholic and have a small cross hang around my neck on my chest. Is that ok or must i carry it under my shirt?
i have a question, how would a trip for me and my girl work? We are not married so i would expect some problems? like different hotel rooms amd so on? How would that work in general? I'm italian and catholic and have a small cross hang around my neck on my chest. Is that ok or must i carry it under my shirt?

Like you will ever travel to Iran... :)

You German guys like hot weather, sea & beach, unlimited alcohol. I don't see Germans, visiting natural and historical places in Turkey.


Elhamdü lillahi rabbil alemin. :)

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