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Iran is popular in Pakistan, overwhelmingly disliked everywhere else



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Jul 31, 2012
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I read a very interesting article in Washington Post today titled "Iran is popular in Pakistan, overwhelmingly disliked everywhere else".

According to the article, Pakistan is the only country in the whole world that actually likes Iran :)

I am sorry I cannot add link to this post because I have only 5 posts so far and I have to have 15 in order to post links. It would be great if someone can add the link for me.

You can search the article on google and can easily find the link.

Some brief stats from the article,

In Pakistan 76% people like Iran and the second position is held by Lebonan at 39%.

Also only 8% people in Pakistan dislike Iran, with India coming second at 28%, Russia coming third with 38% people disliking Iran.

I hope this article acts as a goodwill message to all Iranians from Pakistan. We are your best friends, believe it or not :lol:
I read a very interesting article in Washington Post today titled "Iran is popular in Pakistan, overwhelmingly disliked everywhere else".

According to the article, Pakistan is the only country in the whole world that actually likes Iran :)

I am sorry I cannot add link to this post because I have only 5 posts so far and I have to have 15 in order to post links. It would be great if someone can add the link for me.

You can search the article on google and can easily find the link.

Some brief stats from the article,

In Pakistan 76% people like Iran and the second position is held by Lebonan at 39%.

Also only 8% people in Pakistan dislike Iran, with India coming second at 28%, Russia coming third with 38% people disliking Iran.

I hope this article acts as a goodwill message to all Iranians from Pakistan. We are your best friends, believe it or not :lol:

Do you know what the NAM is? Iran is the current president of the organisation consisting of over 118 countries or so... All thosse nations love Iranians ;)
Being part of Non-Allied Movement does NOT in any way show that these 118 countries like Iran. These 118 countries just want to remain "non-allied". That is all, it has nothing to do with Iran.

The article I have mentioned is about public opinion, not political alliances and non-alliances. So please take it in the right sense instead of blaberring about presiding NAM.
I have looked at the link. I can't post the link myself because I don't have 15 posts either. But I was particularly interested in how Turkey scored. And it scored 26%.

Lebanon and Tunisia scored 39%, Russia scored 36%, Greece scored 27% with Turkey coming in 6th with 26% out of a total of 21 countries.

To be honest I'm a bit disappointed it didn't score more, but after reading all the posts of Iranian and Turkish members on this forum I am glad it wasn't worse than 26%. Recently (like 2 months ago) I stumbled upon a Iranian forum, similar to this one, and it was full of hate and trolling against Turkey. I'm sure the hate and trolling would've been mutual if there were lots of Turkish users in there as well.

I actually never knew there was so much hate between us. Matter-fact I actually thought Iranians liked Turkey and the other-way around. But after seeing the flaming and trolling, it was really disappointing and depressing for me to read the messages.

I am born and raised in Holland, so I didn't and still don't get exposed to a lot of Iranian content. I did meet a couple of Iranian people, but I never got to really know any of them except for one.

This person I had met was pretty religious (Shia, while I am a Sunni) and I really looked up to him. Because he reminded me of the people that I have grown to respect in the Turkish community (you know how you always respect your elders). Because culturally I didn't feel like he was all that different. I haven't seen him for a while now, which is a shame. But whenever I think of Iranian people I think of people like him and I can't help but feel sympathy towards Iran. (you see how one person can change another person's opinion of a whole nation?)

Since then my sympathy towards Iran has grown even more, since I got exposed to those religious television series produced in Iran. I saw these series on the Turkish satellite channels.

But this trolling between us has an adverse effect on how we view each other and diminishes our sympathy for each other. So it just saddens me to see the trolling among each other.
If an Iranian (or any other Nation) insults Turkey, I just feel sad that he feels like that about my nation and effectively about me, which consciously or subconsciously formulates my opinion of the given country.
However I feel anger if a Turkish person insults Iran (or any other Nation) because that is not the way I want to be represented, and I am aware that the person from Iran will have a negative effect on his opinion about my country and effectively about me.

The way I see it, we are all representatives of our respective nations. And the way we decide to act in, for instance a forum such as this, will form the opinion of how others view us, our countries, our religion and anything else we stand for.

I am sorry to have gone off topic, but I just wanted to share this with you guys because it was on my chest for a while now.
Thank you guys for your patience.
out of the countries researched so don't say "everywhere else," but yeah, Iran, b/c of the regime is unpopular.

It also depends on the research style. India is a country of 1+ billion with a million different sets of beliefs and lvls of education. What their research method was only they know.

And any Western or Westernish nation like Japan would give the obvious negative answer. The Turks/arabs will give an even more obvious answer. They're our age old enemies.

Every era has its boogey man though. The Germans were hated once, the Russians were hated once, the Brits were the most hated etc...
There is possibly only one section of Indians who probably have no love lost for Iran.

I have sen nothing but positive vibes for Iran and Iranians otherwise among the general populace.
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