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Iran invited to Geneva II

I did not read the debate I only replied to your post. When I see bullshit written about KSA I reply. You can do the same about Iraq. I have no problem with this as long as it is factual.
He made stupid posts which I’m reacting to, calling all of us savages based on a vid where someone gets beaten can easily be countered by another vid, actually all the shit coming from him can be countered by ease so let him answer., this isn’t state vs state.

You should not generalize either. Iraq has been one of the most unstable countries in the world in the latest many decades so of course they have many problems. No country is perfect. No need to call a whole country and people for "savage" if that is what you have done. I do not know. This is just what @Doritos11 told.

There is no need for common Arab people or Arab countries to fight among each other on such meaningless issues.
I never heard of any country or any responsible Gov't to allow their citizens to use Mosques as torturing chambers.

Shia militia uses mosque for torture ?
Sunni militias use mosques for operational bases ( military strongholds) and hate speech sessions ( In Syria, Egypt and many more states ) so nice try.

It is just 1 example of a video , there are many vids of Saudis beating others are you going to deny that ? now let your friend answer, bye.

Iraq's savagery against foreign workers is well-documented. People can get away with everything they do. After all, there is no real Gov't out there.


You should not generalize either. Iraq has been one of the most unstable countries in the world in the latest many decades so of course they have many problems. No country is perfect. No need to call a whole country and people for "savage" if that is what you have done. I do not know. This is just what @Doritos11 told.

There is no need for common Arab people or Arab countries to fight among each other on such meaningless issues.

Actually me and him might come to a conclusion and learn something, but since we have you, Yzd and soon some others jumping in turning this into a state vs state hate discussion again theres nothing useful in it.

I never heard of any country or any responsible Gov't to allow their citizens to use Mosques as torturing chambers.

Iraq's savagery is well-documented. People can get away with everything they do. After all, there is no real Gov't out there.

So your blaming government, that means the state of the government is the reason for civil disorder which is correct considering what Iraq has gone through the last decades not to mention the recent regime change and a continuing post war insurgency.

Is that your point ? that wouldn’t mean that we as Iraqis are savages, it means civil disorder which is because of what I just mentioned.
Actually me and him might come to a conclusion and learn something, but since we have you, Yzd and soon some others jumping in turning this into a state vs state hate discussion again theres nothing useful in it.

What are you talking about? I saw your nonsense post about KSA and then replied to it by sticking to facts. You did not like that apparently. Where have I insulted any country or people? What are you talking about? Why should I insult a country that I have ancestral ties to and relatives living? Lastly I never insult any Arab country. Only Qatar when I talk about invading them. But that's just for fun.

I did not see any "conclusion or learn something new" from making nonsense claims and generalizations. Maybe we have another view of what constructive debates are.

I am out.
What are you talking about? I saw your nonsense post about KSA and then replied to it by sticking to facts. You did not like that. Where have I insulted any country or people? What are you talking about? Why should I insult a country that I have ancestral ties to and relatives living? Lastly I never insult any Arab country.

I did not see any "conclusion or learn something new" from making nonsense claims and generalizations. Maybe we have another view of what constructive debates are.

He generalized so I generalized in return just to show him that his point = false, anyway drop it and let him answer.
What an idiot

Many Saudis have a tribal mentality, they do anything their tribal leaders say

Nonsense, can you pull one example for you claim? if you fail to achieve this, you would be a liar in front of everyone.

even if the leader's demands are irrational and little thinking involved

you mean something like this:




wow look how advanced the Turkish civilization is and how the Turkish are so civilized, wooow how the Turks do critical thinking all the time . the Turkish in the picture you see is torturing starving Armenians by Showing them a loaf of bread.

This is because 60 years ago most Saudis were nomadic people organized in tribes

any evidence or statistics? or just another claim of yours. I read a Ph.D. thesis in two books more than 1,200 pages, talking in detail about the laws made up by the Arab tribes , describing them as "nomadic people" is just pure stupidity. When we talk about "Arab tribe" , we are talking about "ethnic" sometimes includes 25 million people.

Saudi Arabia leads the Arab world's economic development because you have more oil than other Arab countries.
eat your heart out. we also have the largest gold mine in the Middle East, And our economy will only go UP, UP , UP.

The Saudi elite is 90% non-tribal Arabian, yeah?

Nonsense, again with your statistics that you pull out of your ***.

watch to this one :

she is a tribal woman.

and this one :

he's name is Nayef Al-Rodhan , he is well-known saudi philosopher, neuroscientist, geostrategist, and author

Nayef Al-Rodhan began his career as a neurosurgeon and neuroscientist. As a medical student, he was mentored and influenced by the renowned neurologist, Lord John Walton of Detchant. He trained in neurosurgery and conducted neuroscience research at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota in the United States. He became Chief Resident in neurosurgery and was influenced by Thoralf M. Sundt, David Piepgrass, and Patrick J Kelly at the Mayo Clinic. He obtained a Ph.D. in 1988 for his work on the Characterization of Opioid and Neurotensin Receptor Subtypes in the Brain with Respect to Antinociception.[2]
In 1993, on a fellowship from the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, he joined the department of neurosurgery at the Yale University School of Medicine as a fellow in epilepsy surgery and molecular neuroscience under the direction of Dennis Spencer.[3]
In 1994, Nayef Al-Rodhan became a fellow at the department of neurosurgery at the Massachusetts General Hospital at Harvard Medical School, where he worked on the study of neuropeptides, molecular genetics, and neuronal regeneration. In 1995, he was appointed to the faculty of the Harvard Medical School and while at Harvard and Massachusetts General Hospital, he founded the neurotechnology program with Nobel Prize winner James E. Muller. Working with Robert Martuza, Al-Rodhan also founded the Laboratories for Cellular Neurosurgery and Neurosurgical Technology at the department of neurosurgery of Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School

he's also a tribal man, a "tribe" is just our last name, we don't take any "orders" from anyone. In fact, 85% of Saudi marriages are mixed tribes. so yeah you stupid Turkish , check your information and don't pull anything out of your ***.

ut the tribal mentality is bad if a tribal leader tells his youth to go suicide bombing, the youth never question the authority of the tribal leade

do you have any kind of evidence for this ?
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Actually me and him might come to a conclusion and learn something, but since we have you, Yzd and soon some others jumping in turning this into a state vs state hate discussion again theres nothing useful in it.

So your blaming government, that means the state of the government is the reason for civil disorder which is correct considering what Iraq has gone through the last decades not to mention the recent regime change and a continuing post war insurgency.

Is that your point ? that wouldn’t mean that we as Iraqis are savages, it means civil disorder which is because of what I just mentioned.

So your blaming government, that means the state of the government is the reason for civil disorder which is correct considering what Iraq has gone through the last decades not to mention the recent regime change and a continuing post war insurgency.

What does my country has to do with Iraqis disobedience of law and order, mis-treatment of their foreign workers? When similar incidents take place out in public such as the video which I showed you, we condemn it, and we deliver the most appropriate punishment which I showed you as well.

Is that your point ? that wouldn’t mean that we as Iraqis are savages, it means civil disorder which is because of what I just mentioned

From what I can see what they're doing in mosques, beating foreigners in public, I don't know what to say.

Anyway, you started it all, now you have to drink from the same poison - of hatred - you tried to let the others drink from.

You're dismissed now. Hope you will learn from your mistakes.

Please calm down. No need to start another trolling feast with the Turkish members now who mostly are good people. Ignore that one individual. I already answered his bullshit.

Do not fall to his level.

Most people here are completely ignorant about KSA and like to talk about KSA all the time without knowing anything. We already know this. We see it every day.
He made stupid posts which I’m reacting to, calling all of us savages based on a vid where someone gets beaten can easily be countered by another vid, actually all the shit coming from him can be countered by ease so let him answer., this isn’t state vs state.

oh please, that video was on every world news websites in 2013. the British guy place down the Shiites flag (something related to يا حسين ) the savages Shiites believed that was insult to (الحسين ) so they attacked the british.

British contractor beaten in Iraq over alleged insult to Islam - CNN.com
your people are so savages with their racist master-slave culture, watch this video.
I remember this video, the Saudi society gone mad over this video and this guy was arrested immediately and the Saudi human rights organization intervened. this is us, we don't tolerate nonsense and violence unlike you, your people celebrate blood and death, even in your religious rituals

my goodness, what the hell are you people doing?
What does my country has to do with Iraqis disobedience of law and order, mis-treatment of their foreign workers? When similar incidents take place out in public such as the video which I showed you, we condemn it, and we deliver the most appropriate punishment which I showed you as well.

From what I can see what they're doing in mosques, beating foreigners in public, I don't know what to say.

Anyway, you started it all, now you have to drink from the same poison - of hatred - you tried to let the others drink from.

You're dismissed now. Hope you will learn from your mistakes.

No & no mistakes either, I will not learn from you.
Awadd said something, I responded if you don’t like it don’t.

I drop my stick

I remember this video, the Saudi society gone mad over this video and this guy was arrested immediately and the Saudi human rights organization intervened. this is us, we don't tolerate nonsense and violence unlike you, your people celebrate blood and death, even in your religious rituals

That’s just 1 video Sheikh Awadd, there are thousands.

my goodness, what the hell are you people doing?

@Alshawi1234 is Shia, he can answer to your complains about Latmiyya and such.

oh please, that video was on every world news websites in 2013. the British guy place down the Shiites flag (something related to يا حسين ) the savages Shiites believed that was insult to (الحسين ) so they attacked the british.

British contractor beaten in Iraq over alleged insult to Islam - CNN.com

The British security contractor shot an oil worker something your friends forgot to register.
These westerners think ME peoples life hold no value, since he shot someone he deserved it.
Syria peace talks: Who's going?
Representatives from more than 30 countries and organisations are heading to Switzerland for talks on finding a peaceful solution to the conflict in Syria. Who's attending Geneva II?


Key: Countries attending
1. Algeria

6. Egypt

11. Iraq

16. Lebanon

21. Russia

26. Switzerland

31. US

2. Brazil

7. France

12. Italy

17. Morocco

22. Saudi Arabia

27. Syria

3. Canada

8. Germany

13. Japan

18. Norway

23. South Africa

28. Turkey

4. China

9. India

14. Jordan

19. Oman

24. Spain

29. UAE

5. Denmark

10. Indonesia

15. Kuwait

20. Qatar

25. Sweden

30. UK

Other organisations and groups attending
UN, EU, Arab League, Organisation of Islamic Co-operation, Syria's opposition National Coalition

India has been invited and Pakistan is not.. very interesting..:what:o_O:azn:
Nonsense, can you pull one example for you claim? if you fail to achieve this, you would be a liar in front of everyone.
Tribal Mentality Poses Threat to Saudi Arabia

Sarasota Herald-Tribune - Google News Archive Search

Saudi tribalism lingers for kingdom's settled Bedouin| Reuters
(Reuters) - The gentle clicking of Sheikh Abu Samir's prayer beads as he lounged against a bolster in his camel-hair tent evoked the wilderness of Saudi Arabia's desert, not a dusty camel market beside a Riyadh motorway.

The kingdom's Bedouin might have forsaken a desert lifestyle that brought more hardship than riches, but their tribal identity retains a lingering influence in modern Saudi life and one that some Saudis believe may be enjoying a revival.

"(Tribal feeling) is growing," said Saad al-Sowayan, a Saudi anthropologist who specialises in Bedouin oral history.

While experts debate whether that is true and why, the authorities, whose success in building a modern state was in part dependent on settling the Bedouin and ending centuries of infighting, have shown themselves concerned enough to take steps to curb any resurgence of tribalism.

The government two years ago closed a television station after it broadcast poems glorifying tribal rivalry, according to local media, and in 2008 told police to remove tribal bumper stickers from cars, according to a U.S. diplomatic cable from the time released by WikiLeaks.

"The tribes are still strong," said Abu Samir, a chief in the Otaiba tribe, as he drank tiny thimbles of Arabic coffee with companions in a tent among the pungent animal pens of the camel market. "But the olden days were better."

Tribal affiliation is overall much weaker now than when the kingdom was founded by Abdulaziz Ibn Saud in 1932. But a revival would likely be seen as potentially disruptive, particularly in view of the civil war in Iraq that involved several major tribes with members in both countries.

That concern may have been behind government intervention to mediate a playground scuffle near the Yemeni border in 2006 for fear it could spread from a pair of schoolboys to their large rival tribes, local media reported at the time.

"You cannot expect tribalism to disappear over one, two or three decades. It takes longer than that," said Khalid al-Dakhil, a political scientist in Riyadh.

"Also, maybe the state itself, although it is anti-tribal, still at the same time as it has always done, uses tribal mechanisms for political ends," he added.


Tribal influence registers in subtle ways, and is often most obviously manifested when tribal members have a problem with the authorities.

Because their positions depend on their level of popular support, tribal chiefs will often work as hard as possible to mediate on behalf of their tribesmen.

"His power comes from showing he has lots of constituents, so he will help people to get into hospital or get a business deal because it will help boost his position with the government," Sowayan said.

Tribal leaders have boasted of their ability to secure more lenient sentences for fellow tribesmen who fall foul of the law, while members of bigger clans have a better chance of escaping the death penalty because there are greater resources to fund blood money payments to victims' families.

"Tribalism plays a key role in modern-day Saudi foreign policy," said a U.S. diplomatic cable sent from Riyadh in March 2008 and released by WikiLeaks, noting examples of how blood ties affected relations with neighbouring Yemen and Iraq.

It also has an important bearing on social relations, even extending to who can wed whom.

Many Saudis were outraged in 2007 when a judge annulled an apparently happy marriage after two years because the wife's brother did not want to be associated with her husband's lowly tribe. Such influence comes at a cost, however.

"What is clear at this point is that the role and influence of the tribal leadership has declined significantly. They can maybe help some relatives to get a job, they can maybe use their connections to minimise legal sentences against one of their relatives, but they will have to pay for it," said Dakhil.


Although Saudi Arabia now celebrates its Bedouin roots with televised camel beauty contests and sword dancing, only a handful of semi-nomads remain in the country's northern deserts where they scratch a living ranching sheep.

"Nomadism as an economic structure is gone... People came to the city for government services and bank loans. The desert is overgrazed and the game is overhunted... Now you can hardly find gazelle," said Sowayan.

As the tribes settled, their military strength evaporated and with it the political might that they once wielded across the Arabian Peninsula.

However, as Sowayan points out, the tribes can still provide a bridge between some ordinary Saudis and the authorities, dominated by the Al Saud ruling family and senior clerics of the official Wahhabi school of Islam.

When online activists threatened a big protest in the kingdom during last year's Arab uprisings, state television aimed to remind viewers that the nation was unified behind King Abdullah by showing tribal leaders paying obeisance.

Abdullah differs from his half brothers in having been born to a Bedouin mother, and has always been seen as closer to the tribes than the rest of his family, who were townfolk.

That connection was strengthened by his role since the early 1960s as head of the Saudi Arabian National Guard, which was formed from Ibn Saud's original tribal army and is still the government body with closest ties to the Bedouin.

That sort of relationship with the authorities has helped the tribes to reconcile their loss of power with the advantages of joining a modern state.

Sitting cross-legged next to Abu Samir, one of his companions tossed a date into his mouth and said: "After King Abdulaziz everything changed. What we have now are the traditions. The love of camels, poetry and love of the desert."

any evidence or statistics? or just another claim of yours. I read a Ph.D. thesis in two books more than 1,200 pages, talking in detail about the laws made up by the Arab tribes
Page 43


describing them as "nomadic people" is just pure stupidity. When we talk about "Arab tribe" , we are talking about "ethnic" sometimes includes 25 million people.
Nomadic people means ''people who move from one place to another, instead of living in one place.''

he's also a tribal man, a "tribe" is just our last name, we don't take any "orders" from anyone. In fact, 85% of Saudi marriages are mixed tribes. so yeah you stupid Turkish , check your information and don't pull anything out of your ***.
85% of Saudi marriages are ''mixed tribes''? Yet there is a high prevalence of babies born with congenital malformations in Saudi Arabia

Congenital malformations in newborns in a ... [J Obstet Gynaecol. 2001] - PubMed - NCBI

Congenital heart diseases due to inbreeding
First-cousin matings and congenital heart di... [Community Genet. 1999] - PubMed - NCBI
Consanguinity and congenital heart disease in... [Am J Med Genet. 2001] - PubMed - NCBI

Consanguineous marriages (marriage between cousins) are common in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia's rate of consanguineous marriages is over 60%, which is the highest in the world

Saudi Arabia’s cousin-marriage epidemic

You can't claim 85% of marriages are mixed tribe because the prevalence of consanguineous marriages and congenital genetic disorders prove otherwise.

Saudi Arabia Awakes to the Perils of Inbreeding - New York Times

Widespread inbreeding in Saudi Arabia has produced several genetic disorders, Saudi public health officials said, including the blood diseases of thalassemia, a potentially fatal hemoglobin deficiency, and sickle cell anemia. Spinal muscular atrophy and diabetes are also common, especially in the regions with the longest traditions of marriage between relatives. Dr. Sakati said she had also found links between inbreeding and deafness and muteness.

Health officials and genetic researchers here say there is no way to stop inbreeding in this deeply conservative Muslim society, where marrying within the family is a tradition that goes back hundreds of years.

Today, when most unions are still arranged by parents, marrying into wealth and influence often means marrying a relative. Social lives are so restricted that it is virtually impossible for men and women to meet one another outside the umbrella of an extended family. Courtships without parental supervision are rare.

Among more educated Saudis, marrying relatives has become less common and younger generations have begun to pull away from the practice. But for the vast majority, the tradition is still deeply embedded in Saudi culture.
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Please calm down. No need to start another trolling feast with the Turkish members now who mostly are good people. Ignore that one individual. I already answered his bullshit.

Do not fall to his level.

Most people here are completely ignorant about KSA and like to talk about KSA all the time without knowing anything. We already know this. We see it every day.

ياخي الهرجة مو اني اهدأ أو اعصب
لكن الناس دي وسسسخة بطبيعتها، ومو جهل بأحوال السعودية (يعني احد يجهل بعضو مجموعة العشرين ، او اقتصاد ترليوني؟ أو البرامج التعليمية الي الكل يتكلم عنها طبعا لا ) لكن يسبوا السعودية حتى يشعروا بشعور جيد عن مكانتهم الخرائية كمغول وأمام النظرة الدونية الي يطالعها لهم الاخرين... يروحوا يعالجوا انفسهم ما يسبوا فينا ... العلاقات الدولية تبنى على أساس الاحترام والمساواة ... أنا ايشلي بالاتراك ادا كانو مو محترمين ؟ اروح لليونانن احسن. بعدين اصلا عندهم مشاكل لليل ورثوها من الامبراطورية السابقة ومكانك سر ما راح تنحل. وبعدين لا تجيب صوفية ما صوفية ، أنا حجازي وأقولك هيا نحن ما بنهتم اصلا بالدين بشكل الي تتصوروا وما بقي من التصوف إلا الاغبياء الي زي علي الجفري وغيروا من المشكلجية الي واجهوا مشكلة الاندماج في مجتمع متجانس عرقيا وراحوا للدين كوسيلة تسهل عليهم الاندماج بس دايما يجيبولنا المصايب زي الخول اسامة وغيره.

، وبخصوص العراقي أنا فعلا عممت على الشيعة وحعمم مرة تانية وتالته إلى أن يتوقفوا عن كونهم قح**ة إيران في المنطقة ، ما عندهم ولاء لا لوطنهم كعراق ولا لإثنيتهم كعرب.

ما بفهم تمسكك بالاتراك لكن حترم موقفك وحقفل النقاش مع الخول الي هنا.

have nice day.
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