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Iran inaguarates 130 mm High-Explosive Rocket-Assisted Shell production facility
Below is some background information on HERA cartridges:
105 mm M927 HERA cartridge (United States), Field artillery
The 105 mm M927 High-Explosive Rocket-Assisted (HERA) cartridge was developed specifically to provide the US Army's M101/M101A1 and M102 howitzers with a 40 per cent enhanced range capability. The 105 mm M927 HERA is a direct variant of the 105 mm M913 HERA (see separate entry) and uses the same HERA projectile as the 105 mm M913 HERA round, intended for use with the 105 mm M119A1 towed howitzer, but retaining the less-powerful M67 seven-increment charge system. The 105 mm M927 HERA round may also be fired from the 105 mm M119A1 towed howitzer.The US Army type-classified the 105 mm M927 HERA in October 1994. The only major funding to date was a total of USD5 million made available during FY99 for 1,717 rounds and a second batch of 1,949 funded in FY01 for USD3 million, primarily for issue to the National Guard for its M102 howitzers and for delivery commencing in April 2001. This was accomplished through a combination of new production and conversion of M913 cartridges. A further USD10 million was included in the FY08 war supplemental request for 5,000 rounds. These would be purchased as complete rounds from GD-OTS for an anticipated USD1,450 each with delivery scheduled for July 2009.The M927 was developed by a team of contractors headed by Day & Zimmerman Inc (DZI), including Mason & Hanger (completion of Load, Assemble and Pack (LAP) operations), Talley Defense Systems (provision of the rocket-propellant grain and pyrotechnic delay assembly), Ferrulmatic Operations of Alliant Techsystems
The 105 mm M927 HERA cartridge is semi-fixed, with the projectile loose-fitting in the cartridge case to allow access to the charge increments and the rocket separator cap. The 105 mm M927 HERA projectile is the same as that employed with the 105 mm M913 HERA and thus consists of a relatively thin-walled shell body with a streamlined ogive and constructed using HF-1 high-fragmentation steel. The explosive filling is 2.63 kg of TNT.Attached to the shell-body base is a rocket-motor body constructed using 4340 steel with a welded band. Extending from the base of the rocket-motor body is a housing containing a pyrotechnic delay and with the end enclosed by a rocket separator cap; the cap is removed when the rocket-assistance capability is required. The rocket motor is filled with an aluminised Hydroxyl Terminated PolyButadiene (HTPB) composite propellant, designed to survive highg forces and high spin rates. The rocket motor grain is produced by Talley Defense Systems of Mesa, Arizona.The rocket-motor pyrotechnic ignition delay is initiated by the propellant gases as the projectile is fired. The delay operates for 15.5 seconds before the rocket motor is ignited, and the resultant thrust augments the projectile velocity, thus providing the enhanced range performance which, when fired from the M101/M101A1 howitzer, can be 16,300 m. The M927 may be fired from the M102 howitzer and from the M119A1 towed howitzer. For the M102, the maximum range is 17,000 m. For the M119, the maximum range is 17,100 m.The M14B4 cartridge.
105 mm M927 HERA cartridge (United States) - Jane's Ammunition Handbook
M913 ESIP Projectile, 105MM, HERA
Images from the inauguration:
نسخه چاپي ارسال به دوستان
با حضور وزير دفاع و پشتيباني نيروهاي مسلح انجام شد
افتتاح خط توليد دوربردترين مهمات توپخانه با عملكردي شبيه موشك بالستيك
خبرگزاري فارس: در ششمين روز از هفته دولت، خط توليد مهمات پيشرفته 130 ميليمتري بيس*بليد راكتي (HERA)، دوربردترين مهمات توپخانه كشور با حضور وزير دفاع و پشتيباني نيروهاي مسلح افتتاح شد.
به گزارش خبرگزاري فارس به نقل از اداره كل تبليغات دفاعي وزارت دفاع، سردار احمد وحيدي وزير دفاع و پشتيباني نيروهاي مسلح در مراسم افتتاح خط توليد دوربردترين مهمات توپخانه كشور در محل صنايع مهمات*سازي سازمان صنايع دفاع در جمع خبرنگاران اظهار داشت: مهمات دوربرد پيشرفته 130 ميليمتري با برد 42 كيلومتر براي تخريب مواضع و استحكامات دشمن در فواصل دور دست مورد بهره*برداري قرار مي*گيرد.
وحيدي افزود: اين مهمات مثل يك موشك بالستيك عمل مي كند و سوخت آن جامد است.
وزير دفاع در ادامه تصريح كرد: متخصصين زبده و مجرب صنايع مهمات*سازي وزارت دفاع، براي افزايش برد اين مهمات از 27 كيلومتر به 42 كيلومتر با بهره*گيري از راه*هاي ميان*بر و استفاده از مهمات بيس*بليد به اين موفقيت بسيار مهم دست پيدا كردند.
وي ادامه داد: با توليد انبوه و تحويل اين مهمات به يگان*هاي توپخانه*اي نيروهاي مسلح توان رزمي و عملياتي آن به نحو چشمگيري افزايش مي*يابد.
وزير دفاع تصريح كرد: يكي ديگر از آثار مهم توليد اين مهمات، خودكفايي كشور در اين حوزه و بي*اثر كردن تحريم*هاي دشمنان پيشرفت و تعالي ملت ايران است.
وحيدي تلاش فراوان، همت و كار مضاعف مديران و متخصصان صنايع مهمات*سازي سازمان صنايع دفاع را ستود و تاكيد كرد: قطعاً مديران و متخصصان وزارت دفاع به اين حد اكتفا نخواهند كرد و با كار و تلاش بيشتر دستاوردهاي جديدتري را در اين حوزه براي نيروهاي مسلح و ملت شريف ايران به ارمغان خواهند آورد.
وزير دفاع، پشتيباني موثر از نيروهاي مسلح براي دفاع همه*جانبه از مرزهاي هوايي، دريايي و زميني كشورمان را يكي از راهبردهاي مهم وزارت دفاع ذكر كرد و گفت: توليد مهمات 130 ميليمتري بيس*بليد راكتي (HERA)، در همين راستا صورت گرفته است.
انتهاي پيام/ك
Fars News Agency : ÇÝÊÊÇÍ ÎØ ÊæáíÏ ÏæÑÈÑÏÊÑíä ãåãÇÊ ÊæÎÇäå ÈÇ ÚãáßÑÏí ÔÈíå ãæÔß ÈÇáÓÊíß
Below is some background information on HERA cartridges:
105 mm M927 HERA cartridge (United States), Field artillery
The 105 mm M927 High-Explosive Rocket-Assisted (HERA) cartridge was developed specifically to provide the US Army's M101/M101A1 and M102 howitzers with a 40 per cent enhanced range capability. The 105 mm M927 HERA is a direct variant of the 105 mm M913 HERA (see separate entry) and uses the same HERA projectile as the 105 mm M913 HERA round, intended for use with the 105 mm M119A1 towed howitzer, but retaining the less-powerful M67 seven-increment charge system. The 105 mm M927 HERA round may also be fired from the 105 mm M119A1 towed howitzer.The US Army type-classified the 105 mm M927 HERA in October 1994. The only major funding to date was a total of USD5 million made available during FY99 for 1,717 rounds and a second batch of 1,949 funded in FY01 for USD3 million, primarily for issue to the National Guard for its M102 howitzers and for delivery commencing in April 2001. This was accomplished through a combination of new production and conversion of M913 cartridges. A further USD10 million was included in the FY08 war supplemental request for 5,000 rounds. These would be purchased as complete rounds from GD-OTS for an anticipated USD1,450 each with delivery scheduled for July 2009.The M927 was developed by a team of contractors headed by Day & Zimmerman Inc (DZI), including Mason & Hanger (completion of Load, Assemble and Pack (LAP) operations), Talley Defense Systems (provision of the rocket-propellant grain and pyrotechnic delay assembly), Ferrulmatic Operations of Alliant Techsystems
The 105 mm M927 HERA cartridge is semi-fixed, with the projectile loose-fitting in the cartridge case to allow access to the charge increments and the rocket separator cap. The 105 mm M927 HERA projectile is the same as that employed with the 105 mm M913 HERA and thus consists of a relatively thin-walled shell body with a streamlined ogive and constructed using HF-1 high-fragmentation steel. The explosive filling is 2.63 kg of TNT.Attached to the shell-body base is a rocket-motor body constructed using 4340 steel with a welded band. Extending from the base of the rocket-motor body is a housing containing a pyrotechnic delay and with the end enclosed by a rocket separator cap; the cap is removed when the rocket-assistance capability is required. The rocket motor is filled with an aluminised Hydroxyl Terminated PolyButadiene (HTPB) composite propellant, designed to survive highg forces and high spin rates. The rocket motor grain is produced by Talley Defense Systems of Mesa, Arizona.The rocket-motor pyrotechnic ignition delay is initiated by the propellant gases as the projectile is fired. The delay operates for 15.5 seconds before the rocket motor is ignited, and the resultant thrust augments the projectile velocity, thus providing the enhanced range performance which, when fired from the M101/M101A1 howitzer, can be 16,300 m. The M927 may be fired from the M102 howitzer and from the M119A1 towed howitzer. For the M102, the maximum range is 17,000 m. For the M119, the maximum range is 17,100 m.The M14B4 cartridge.
105 mm M927 HERA cartridge (United States) - Jane's Ammunition Handbook
M913 ESIP Projectile, 105MM, HERA
Images from the inauguration: