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Iran has the highest nominal GDP in the Middle East: post JCPOA potential

Iranians have some of the most astute engineering and artistic brains based on the small sample I've interacted with. Whatever progress Iran makes is under two heavy handicaps viz. international and domestic sanctions.

Apart from o&g they probably export dry fruits and nuts I'd guess - found them in Dubai clearly marked as Iranian - don't know how big or small that is. The pistachios were super delicious.
Thanks man
. .
@drmeson , @Cancerous Tumor

Another NON GDP way to look at any countries development is by looking at "Electricity generation"...the amount of Electrical power generated in any given country closely correlates with general development of that country..

This 60 second video tells you how the world countries developed in the last 50 years...very interesting how we start with almost all European/north American crowed and by 2018 new players have arrived..Iran is one of those..
Note :Saudi power generation is mostly to run those 33 desalination plants that use gigantic amount of electricity (90% of their drinkable water!).

and by the 2020.
@drmeson , @Cancerous Tumor

Another NON GDP way to look at any countries development is by looking at "Electricity generation"...the amount of Electrical power generated in any given country closely correlates with general development of that country..

This 60 second video tells you how the world countries developed in the last 50 years...very interesting how we start with almost all European/north American crowed and by 2018 new players have arrived..Iran is one of those..
Note :Saudi power generation is mostly to run those 33 desalination plants that use gigantic amount of electricity (90% of their drinkable water!).

and by the 2020.
View attachment 857207

I was thinking about another way to compare Iran to a similar country that has same capabilities of Iran(or greater than Iran). It couldn't be an EU country due to their union stuff.

Turkiye is a good example and a lot of similarities but not unfortunately oil and gas producer.

Egypt similar to Turkiye case.

Mexico is almost perfect example that has good oil and gas production and similar agriculture and even better industry but they rely so much on their trade with US.

Brazil :

Population 214 million (Iran 85 m)
GDP $1.44 T (Iran $200 b Worldbank data)
Exports $280 billion (Iran $180-200)
Foreign reserves $327 billion (Iran $85-230 b)

Brazil is self efficient in food production and exporter of food.

Similar characteristic (almost same numbers)

* They put infrastructure under category of industry (same 17% in Iran)

Oil production 3 million barrel of Brazil vs 2.5 million barrel of Iran
Gas production of Brazil is almost at 1/8 of Iran's.
brazil iran.jpg

Differences :
Iran's gini coefficient is 42 vs Brazil's 53
Iran doesn't have textiles , aircraft and lumber industries.(others with lower outputs).

By the looks of it Iran should have 50-75% of Brazil's economy.(50% is worst case scenario )
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@drmeson , @Cancerous Tumor

Another NON GDP way to look at any countries development is by looking at "Electricity generation"...the amount of Electrical power generated in any given country closely correlates with general development of that country..

This 60 second video tells you how the world countries developed in the last 50 years...very interesting how we start with almost all European/north American crowed and by 2018 new players have arrived..Iran is one of those..
Note :Saudi power generation is mostly to run those 33 desalination plants that use gigantic amount of electricity (90% of their drinkable water!).

and by the 2020.
View attachment 857207
China is nothing short of a miracle.. just amazing.
@drmeson , @Cancerous Tumor

Another NON GDP way to look at any countries development is by looking at "Electricity generation"...the amount of Electrical power generated in any given country closely correlates with general development of that country..

This 60 second video tells you how the world countries developed in the last 50 years...very interesting how we start with almost all European/north American crowed and by 2018 new players have arrived..Iran is one of those..
Note :Saudi power generation is mostly to run those 33 desalination plants that use gigantic amount of electricity (90% of their drinkable water!).

and by the 2020.
View attachment 857207
India did well to achieve the meteoric leap to 3 rd position, very impressive.
The most stringent sanctions and the mullahs know how to survive and thrive .their wisdom is unmatched compared to seculer cleanshaves despots ruling the wider muslims world. inshaAllah you will see even Afghanistan thriving in time compared to Pakistan which is infested with pro colonial setup .
. .
Now back to worldbank data again,they put Brazil at rank 8 with $3.1 T and Iran at rank 22 with $1.1 T which is 1/3 of Brazil's GDP (PPP). and here they were too kind to Iran :wub:

Now back to worldbank data again,they put Brazil at rank 8 with $3.1 T and Iran at rank 22 with $1.1 T which is 1/3 of Brazil's GDP (PPP). and here they were too kind to Iran :wub:
View attachment 857397

To compare countries development against each other they use "Nominal" GDP as the most accurate parameter .In recent years the Human Development Index "HDI" is used which has the GDP as one parameter in it..I think the last HDI that I saw on Iran was 0.783 which is the border line between developed and Highly developed.. I do not recall HDI for Brazil....Mexico seems to me a better match for Iran with a GDP nominal of 1.4 trillion and an HDI of slightly lower 0.779. And by the way they are neck and neck with Iran on the Electricity generation video..which nicely correlates with GDP..
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To compare countries development against each other they use "Nominal" GDP as the most accurate parameter .In recent years the Human Development Index "HDI" is used which has the GDP as one parameter in it..I think the last HDI that I saw on Iran was 0.783 which is the border line between developed and Highly developed.. I do not recall HDI for Brazil..
0.765 (2019) belongs to Brazil.

Brazil data^
To compare countries development against each other they use "Nominal" GDP as the most accurate parameter .In recent years the Human Development Index "HDI" is used which has the GDP as one parameter in it..I think the last HDI that I saw on Iran was 0.783 which is the border line between developed and Highly developed.. I do not recall HDI for Brazil....Mexico seems to me a better match for Iran with a GDP nominal of 1.4 trillion and an HDI of slightly lower 0.779. And by the way they are neck and neck with Iran on the Electricity generation video..which nicely correlates with GDP..
Compared to their "Nominal" data they put Iran at $200 B and Brazil at $1.44 T which is almost 1 to 7 ratio :D.

Good thing about bigger countries like Brazil is that they have more data available and it makes this comparison easier.in next post I will go into detail of each GDP section and we will see if :
Iran has 1/7 of Brazil capabilities ?
or is it 1/3 ?

or it's 1/2 to 3/4 of Brazil's capabilities ?
Compared to their "Nominal" data they put Iran at $200 B and Brazil at $1.44 T which is almost 1 to 7 ratio :D.

Good thing about bigger countries like Brazil is that they have more data available and it makes this comparison easier.in next post I will go into detail of each GDP section and we will see if :
Iran has 1/7 of Brazil capabilities ?
or is it 1/3 ?

or it's 1/2 to 3/4 of Brazil's capabilities ?

While the oil/gas production itself was USD 200 Bln lol

These clowns.
Fao Brazil.jpg
Fao Iran.jpg

It's strong section of Brazil (but numbers are not that much in favor of Brazil as it should be )

Agriculture Total @2020 Brazil $135 billion vs Iran $91 billion.

Fao value agriculture.jpg

FAO sheep goat duck chicken.jpg

Fao meat total.jpg

Brazil produces ~9.5 times more meat compared to Iran :D.with assumption of ~$4.5 per kg ($5.3 beef and $2 chicken). $131 billion meat for Brazil and $14 billion for Iran.

Brazil agriculture output:

worldbank view of Iran's agriculture $23 billion:no:

Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (current US$) - Iran, Islamic Rep.

worldbank 23 bill.jpg
GDP only measures how much money is flowing around, it says nothing about wealth at all. Reportedly the richest country in the world by nominal GDP

https://youtu.be/ YB6gwOBClwE?list=FL4vz9bh_De7bgzPrKAESMLQ

Everywhere in the USA it looks like this today

GDP comparisons based on purchasing power parities are more meaningful for assessing the domestic market than comparisons based on nominal GDP. Turkey has by far the largest economy in the Middle East, at least twice the size of Iran, which actually has no industry (perhaps due to sanctions), while Turkey now has a strong, competitive industry, even in contrast to France, Spain or Italy. Unfortunately, even if some here might see things differently, a weak Turkey, Iran or another neighboring country is very bad for the region. Everyone has to see the effects, but sooner or later the Turks and the Iranians will see it too. Instead of berating each other, put the differences aside and band together for what is to come. You are only strong together.

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