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Iran has signed a historic nuclear deal – now it’s Israel’s turn

Iraqis receive barrel bombs? Well, that's interesting.
Not sure about helicopter dropped barrels, but they massively use rocket propelled barrels (Iranian design):




Massive destruction, zero accuracy.
Not sure about helicopter dropped barrels, but they massively use rocket propelled barrels (Iranian design):

What's the difference of rocket propelled explosives with regular artillery which is used in much more greater number? Nothing of course, except being used by people like you for propaganda. They are used on Daesh positions and not on cities.
What's the difference of rocket propelled explosives with regular artillery which is used in much more greater number? Nothing of course, except being used by people like you for propaganda. They are used on Daesh positions and not on cities.
Regular artillery has mainly fragmentation effect. Its designed to attack enemy army concentrations. Often they also use dual purpose munition with hollow charge for combined anti armor-anti personnel effect (US MLRS).

These Iranian rockets have mainly high explosive effect, designed to level city blocks.

P.S. MLRS also rocket with high explosive warhead called M31. But its GUIDED.
Regular artillery has mainly fragmentation effect. Its designed to attack enemy army concentrations. Often they also use dual purpose munition with hollow charge for combined anti armor-anti personnel effect (US MLRS).

These Iranian rockets have mainly high explosive effect, designed to level city blocks.

P.S. MLRS also rocket with high explosive warhead called M31. But its GUIDED.
It is only a weapon if it targets military targets. These Iranian rockets target civilians. These are weapons of terror imho.
i don't see where the train of your thought goes , but the goal of the nuclear talks wasn't to westernize iran , certainly not at this point and time , and if the deal doesn't work that makes me personally happy cause it means a regime change can come even sooner :)

That of course was not the original goal. The original goal was to keep Iran energetically dependent on other countries so they can keep making money of its back, like they do with many countries worldwide.
My opinion is that once the west realized Iran can't be driven away from nuclear energy, they let it have it in exchange for western business inside Iran. Who knows, perhaps Europe will replace the russian arms supply?
in exchange for western business inside Iran.

Currently the oil contracts are handed over to the french TOTAL , and france is not quite in the western realm when it comes to the oil industry , western oil companies are the american companies, BP and the royal dutch shell , can you ever imagine the royal dutch shell doing business in iran?!

That of course was not the original goal. The original goal was to keep Iran energetically dependent on other countries so they can keep making money of its back, like they do with many countries worldwide.

How exactly iran is gonna be dependent on other countries? it's quite the other way , maybe they are handed contracts to develop iran's oil fields but sooner or later things will change and they'll be all nationalized like back in 1953

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