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Iran has signed a historic nuclear deal – now it’s Israel’s turn

The Mullah tool that you discussed with earlier @Madali is an Arab hater despite having grown up in the UAE (his own words) and despite his wife and son living there.

You must understand that we find such Iranians annoying. They insult the Arab world yet have lived in it and have relatives there and at the same time they are propagandizing how great Mullah ruled Iran is. Can you see the irony here?

Iran's biggest trading partner by FAR is the UAE too.

Please don't call him an wannabe Arab. It's an insult to non-Mullah Arabs.

Thanks and have a nice day. Most of the 450 million Arabs, including those in the GCC, have no problem with your average Iranian unless they are anti-Arab.

Also for all the Farsi barking, the biggest Persian + Lur diaspora in the world is found in the GCC. Many locals have partial Persian or Lur ancestry just like millions of Iranians across the Gulf and in Iran overall have Arab or partial Arab ancestry.

Iraq is the only Arab country that used to have an Iranian minority historically but it's almost non-existent today. The rest of the Arab world? The Iranians there can be counted on a few hands. Before 1979 there were no main problems outside of some disputes about some largely irrelevant islands in the Gulf between UAE and Iran. KSA alone has over 2500 islands for instance let alone the Arab world which might have 20.000 islands in total, lol. Those are minor issues overall.

The regimes in place in the ME just need those external enemies/bogeymen so their local populations (you know how the average dude is) can occupy himself with that instead of thinking independently and challenging status quo in his own country. It's especially bad in Iran and poorer Arab countries due to the dire economic state of those countries. It's not much a problem in the wealthy GCC.

But ignorance rules the day in most parts of the world.

I'm not an Arab hater you tool. I disagree with some of the idiotic policies some of the Arab leaders have but find one post from me where I have said I hate Arabs.
Israel will try its best push US Congress to dissolve this deal, because this treaty is hanging sword for Isreal. But, even this deal is pass or fail in US congress , West will lift the sanction anyway. Time after time, Iran will push the UN to have same treaty with Israel too, and Israel won't like this...
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I like you. We have had a few interesting debates in the past and you are not a troll unlike some of your countrymen here.

But what you are saying is simply what you have grown up to accept. I am afraid that it's mere propaganda or at least a lot of it is.

The world is an unfair place where the strongest rule and that has always been the case. Nobody is denying that.

I am not sure if you truly believe that Iran "forced" the world to the negotiation table and that all their demands were accepted.

The world tends to believe that it was the other way around. Namely that the Iranian regime was forced to the negotiation table due to the dire economic state in Iran (the biggest danger for the regime in terms of potential uprising - this is exactly what kickstarted the so-called Arab "Spring") and due to the treat of military actions against Iran. Also we both know that this deal was not a deal handwritten by the Iranian regime.

Look at the wider picture. You have lost 100's of billions if not a few trillion dollars all for the sake of being ALLOWED to kickstart a civil nuclear program. Something that other countries in the neighborhood are free to do.

If your hope is to challenge the Western hegemony in the ME then I am afraid that you live on another planet. Either that or you have too much blind faith for the regimes ruling the region. I am afraid that it won't happen anytime soon.

Also it's just a question of time before Iran will be a partner of the West just like any other country in the region. It's inevitable. Once again mind you.

Have you ever wondered why most of the brightest heads in the region are living in the West?!

Let's agree to disagree ...
The right thing to do, by Israel, is to be open about its nuclear powers. But the right thing to do, isn't always the smartest.
Any Israeli government that will "kneel" before a nuclear treaty (before Iran becomes "nuclear-free"), will be grasped as too weak to rule.
Besides, the right-wing government lives off the public fear of Iranian nukes. The public is so convinced in that lie, that it will be even harder to blow the bubble for them.
As the saying goes, "It's easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled".
Israel never follows International rule, no wonder a lot of countries hate them.
The right thing to do, by Israel, is to be open about its nuclear powers. But the right thing to do, isn't always the smartest.
Any Israeli government that will "kneel" before a nuclear treaty (before Iran becomes "nuclear-free"), will be grasped as too weak to rule.
Besides, the right-wing government lives off the public fear of Iranian nukes. The public is so convinced in that lie, that it will be even harder to blow the bubble for them.
As the saying goes, "It's easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled".

Bunch of non-sense , Israeli nukes were developed to be dropped on cairo and damascus as they were prepared in the 1973 yom kippur war , pretty much the same way iran wants to nuke tel aviv and jerusalem in the event that the US decides to attack iran ... So the israeli nuclear program has got nothing to do with iran in its essence , back then iran wasn't hostile to israel , moreover , everyone knows israel possesses nothing more than a bunch of Hiroshima magnitude fission bombs to scare the muslim population they don't even have the H-bomb.
Bunch of non-sense , Israeli nukes were developed to be dropped on cairo and damascus as they were prepared in the 1973 yom kippur war , pretty much the same way iran wants to nuke tel aviv and jerusalem in the event that the US decides to attack iran ... So the israeli nuclear program has got nothing to do with iran in its essence , back then iran wasn't hostile to israel , moreover , everyone knows israel possesses nothing more than a bunch of Hiroshima magnitude fission bombs to scare the muslim population they don't even have the H-bomb.

You tell me I'm talking non-sense, but in which part have I spoke about the reason Israeli nukes were developed? Geez.

We all know the circumstances that led to the creation of Israeli / Iranian nukes, but that's not the topic. The topic is about public admission of nuclear power.
You tell me I'm talking non-sense, but in which part have I spoke about the reason Israeli nukes were developed? Geez.

We all know the circumstances that led to the creation of Israeli / Iranian nukes, but that's not the topic. The topic is about public admission of nuclear power.

Israel has already admitted they don't have nuclear power , i remember back in the mid 2000's a problem broke in the Dimona nuclear power plant , the only one israel has , and the united states was to bring them rescue ; that incident was published on every major news website outside of israel , maybe einstein was an israeli but that doesn't make israel a nuclear power; israel only has fission bombs belonging to the 1960s , french bombs essentially , and no one praises french engineering.
Israel has already admitted they don't have nuclear power , i remember back in the mid 2000's a problem broke in the Dimona nuclear power plant , the only one israel has , and the united states was to bring them rescue ; that incident was published on every major news website outside of israel , maybe einstein was an israeli but that doesn't make israel a nuclear power; israel only has fission bombs belonging to the 1960s , french bombs essentially , and no one praises french engineering.

Could be, I'm not an expert. Other sources claim Israel actually has a lot more.
Does it really matter? If a nuke lands on Tehran, and Iran replies with a better nuke, do you think that the average citizen will wake the next day and say "lol their nukes are so weak, they only destroyed half of Tehran!"

Nukes are an obsolete threat. Governments and media only make them look a relevant threat so they can leverage it for their actual political needs. You are an Iranian, you know why the west doesn't want Iran to have nuclear power - it grants Iran more energetic freedom. Iran may be a big oil mine, yet its distillation is depended on other countries, which leads to more expensive fuel. That part is something a politician can't sell to his voters, so he'd rather go with the bomb paranoia.

As we all saw, western moneymakers rushed to Tehran before the deal's ink dried up. I believe the thing behind the deal is letting Iran having its energetic freedom in exchange for a slow capitalist takeover. We're gonna see a lot of McDonald's in Iran soon.
Always have a room for doubt. But if you don't see Americanization (or westernization) in the next few years, it means the deal's not working (;

i don't see where the train of your thought goes , but the goal of the nuclear talks wasn't to westernize iran , certainly not at this point and time , and if the deal doesn't work that makes me personally happy cause it means a regime change can come even sooner :)
Israel will try its best push US Congress to dissolve this deal, because this treaty is hanging sword for Isreal. But, even this deal is pass or fail in US congress , West will lift the sanction anyway. Time after time, Iran will push the UN to have same treaty with Israel too, and Israel won't like this...
This treaty is sword for poor Syrian and Iraqis who will get double barrel bombs now.
Could be, I'm not an expert. Other sources claim Israel actually has a lot more.
Does it really matter?

it does really matter , iran is a google times the size of israel , all experts western and eastern agree on the fact that it only takes a couple of iranian nukes on a couple of israeli cities for israel to be dismantled and for the jews to be asked to return to europe and the USA ; the same cannot be said for israel , even if israel does indeed have more nukes than iran she lacks the means to deliver them in a quick scope of time , so you see it matters

another factor that comes to mind are the sizebale jewish population of iran , most of whom are concentrated in Tehran , where you ironically want to nuke , one possible scenario is that in the event of an iran-israel war , iran will perform a mini-holocaust inside iran with her jewish population of tehran , shiraz and hamedan ..
This treaty is sword for poor Syrian and Iraqis who will get double barrel bombs now.
Syrian Golan is already occupied and Iraqi reactor is already destroyed......and guess who did the master work...

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