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Iran Guards ready to escort Gaza ships

Both Iran and the world know what Israels response will be to an escort by the IRG. Israel has stated that they will continue to search every ship inbound heading for Gaza. Any act of aggression on the part of the IRG could set off a miltary response by the Israeli's. The Iranians are challenging the Israeli's. There are currently 3 nuclear armed submarines sitting off the coast of Iran. Israel has stated previously that as a last resort, they would use nuclear weapons. Any action taken by the IRG would give the Israeli's the green light to attack the Iranian nuclear facilities. The other issue is that the United States has aircraft carrier groups sitting in the waters nearby and they would be moved up into the Persian Gulf prior to the IRG arriving with the flotilla. The United States has a wartime agreement to protect Israel if they come under a major military attack. An Iranian military attack upon Israel would qualify for U.S. military intervention. Needless to say, this would bring the British military in on America's and Israels side. This would become a very big conflict and thousands of lives would be lost.

Funny enough that you guys have actually started to portray the israelies as victims. Any war that starts now or in the future, the israelies will have to take the blame for their antics. For how long will they get away for a planned and calculated genocide of Palestinians.
I think it really shows , that who has got the biggest manhood in all of middle east
However i dont think that iranians have enough resoures to provide adequate escort to the aid ships and safeguard there own maritime border .
since u must also take into account the fact that there is heavy USN presence in the gulf

i would have rather like turkey to make such statement and promises ,rather than just condemming the crazy israeli government

turkey also has the strongest navy in the islamic world , while Iran's biggest ship is a 1400ton destroyer / corvette in international termilogy
The only thing that people forget is that Israel fights her own battles. The Palestinians utilize Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad. Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade and many other militant groups all working under the financing and training of the Iranians. Israel is and has been fighting a proxy war with Iran for years. There are underground tunnels in Egypt for smuggling weapons, ammunition, RPG's and other munitions to use against Israel. Is Israel suppose to just sit there and let rockets fall on their citizens? The actions of Israel are a response to the actions of these militant groups. If the Middle East really wants true peace, stop firing rockets into Israel and just maybe Israel might leave them alone.
Funny enough that you guys have actually started to portray the israelies as victims. Any war that starts now or in the future, the israelies will have to take the blame for their antics. For how long will they get away for a planned and calculated genocide of Palestinians.

The logic of the Israelis and the Americans is that by refusing to accept the Israeli oppression and genocide as something divinely beneficial, the Palestinians are committing a crime against humanity and thus Israel is a victim! The idiotic Palestinians simply don't get the fact that god named America has given Israel the divine right to do whatever pleases it! Peace will prevail when the stupid Palestinians will realise this and accept it as god's will.
It seems you 've lost your wicked wit. Think before you indulge in your love for Israel.

My wit is well intact, my respect for a member that i might not agree with is also intact.

Balance in reply and in argument is my goal to learn and perhaps iluminate. Some times emotion allows me to step beyond the bounds of respect and i will in time appologise. I am man enough to recognise my mistakes.

Learn Rex when you know the beauty of a smoke watching the sun rise wondering not if it is your first our your last but just being alive tell me how to live.
BB before things get further off track a few things to clarify.
One i am not anti Iranian, i think the Iranian people deserve better than thy currently have, i will admit i am anti IRG. I feel they are waving the banner of Islam while stealing the country out from under their own people and raping, torturing and shooting those that have the courage to take to the streets of Tehran to protest.

I dont see my self as pro Israel, i think the current goverment of Israel and especially Bibi are the worst thing to happen there for years.
The response to the flotilla was a disaster, when you send a few people with nothing but side arms onto a ship organised by a hamas "charity" that is known to be al-queda affiliated you are asking for a disaster heads need to roll in both the military and mosad for what was nothing short of stupidity.

What i see is sabre rattling from the hawks in Israel and the same from the IRG in Iran with no thought to the people that will do the dying. It is always the same old men in a madras or a nice comfy parliment seat that can see how evil the other side is and seem to profit from the conflicts they create, it is others that recive their loved ones home in boxes.

I dont hate Iranians or Israelis or any nation for that mater, if i have hatred for any one it is the ones that smile and shake your hand, kneel beside you in prayer then go out that night and plant the bombs that kill the very people they called friend.

My appologies if i was a little heated at first

Please elaborate more on your comments, it seems that you are implying a terrorist plot to trap innocent Israeli commandos who only had sidearms?
So the Israelis should have torpedoes the boats instead?

I know a few people on board the flotilla, respected people and not at all those sympathetic to or having anything to do with terrorists.
The Pakistan media anchor Talat is perhaps the most respected of our media persons who is known for his very factual articles and talk shows and who is extremely vocal about condemning terrorism and militancy.
The people on board resisted in face of aggression by armed Israeli commandos in international waters...yet it is so easy for you to come up with a statement to portray Israel in a better light and malign the people who were on board to genuinely help the Gazans.

The Gaza Strip is on a coastline so the flotilla had a right to land in Gaza traversing through Gazan waters in order to supply food, toys and utility items of everyday life...or does military power alone now determine what is morally right or wrong?
The hundreds and thousands of people suffering daily from the effect of the siege have to be helped, or does the world now forgive such actions which will destroy a people's chance for normalcy?

For a neutral perspective your words seem quite sympathetic to the Israeli regime which has been keeping Gazans under a tight siege sadly reminiscent of the WW2 era Nazi policies against Jews, especially the siege of many ghettos in which Jews were confined and at the mercy of Nazis.

Gaza siege needs to be lifted for sake of innocents, it is a very simple matter when seen from a neutral perspective.
There cannot be any peace without Israel backing off from its merciless and often illegal operations which due to the sheer magnitude of its resources, cause lasting damage.
Israel's responses have been usually extremely disproportionate.
All the while it maintains Gaza siege and has been illegally occupying more and more of Palestinian land...in complete violation of UN policy and resolutions.

There is a reason that Israel does not even allow UN any space to directly monitor events related to Palestinians...going by the nature of the problem, UN presence should have been a welcome one but it will not allow Israel same level of liberty to do what it pleases and then twist the facts till we all sit around and question how a bunch of harmless Israeli commandos were mutilated by a wild terrorist sympathizer crowd and had to fire and kill a few bad guys in self defense.

Israel has been growing in confidence of what it can get away with...
Its hands now even reach Dubai where it assassinated another of its enemies in quite an elaborate operation.
Had same thing been done by another less privileged country, sanctions would have flown left, right and center.

Israel needs to be checked before any hope for peaceful coexistence vanishes... i think it may already be too late.
i have never seen a regime like the one headed by ahmedanijad which is so eager to get beaten up.
Please elaborate more on your comments, it seems that you are implying a terrorist plot to trap innocent Israeli commandos who only had sidearms?
So the Israelis should have torpedoes the boats instead?

I know a few people on board the flotilla, respected people and not at all those sympathetic to or having anything to do with terrorists.
The Pakistan media anchor Talat is perhaps the most respected of our media persons who is known for his very factual articles and talk shows and who is extremely vocal about condemning terrorism and militancy.
The people on board resisted in face of aggression by armed Israeli commandos in international waters...yet it is so easy for you to come up with a statement to portray Israel in a better light and malign the people who were on board to genuinely help the Gazans.

The Gaza Strip is on a coastline so the flotilla had a right to land in Gaza traversing through Gazan waters in order to supply food, toys and utility items of everyday life...or does military power alone now determine what is morally right or wrong?
The hundreds and thousands of people suffering daily from the effect of the siege have to be helped, or does the world now forgive such actions which will destroy a people's chance for normalcy?

For a neutral perspective your words seem quite sympathetic to the Israeli regime which has been keeping Gazans under a tight siege sadly reminiscent of the WW2 era Nazi policies against Jews, especially the siege of many ghettos in which Jews were confined and at the mercy of Nazis.

Gaza siege needs to be lifted for sake of innocents, it is a very simple matter when seen from a neutral perspective.
There cannot be any peace without Israel backing off from its merciless and often illegal operations which due to the sheer magnitude of its resources, cause lasting damage.
Israel's responses have been usually extremely disproportionate.
All the while it maintains Gaza siege and has been illegally occupying more and more of Palestinian land...in complete violation of UN policy and resolutions.

There is a reason that Israel does not even allow UN any space to directly monitor events related to Palestinians...going by the nature of the problem, UN presence should have been a welcome one but it will not allow Israel same level of liberty to do what it pleases and then twist the facts till we all sit around and question how a bunch of harmless Israeli commandos were mutilated by a wild terrorist sympathizer crowd and had to fire and kill a few bad guys in self defense.

Israel has been growing in confidence of what it can get away with...
Its hands now even reach Dubai where it assassinated another of its enemies in quite an elaborate operation.
Had same thing been done by another less privileged country, sanctions would have flown left, right and center.

Israel needs to be checked before any hope for peaceful coexistence vanishes... i think it may already be too late.

your last point first and yes i agree 10 years ago a setlement on the 62 lines seemed possible but was rejected and that was sad ego over rid sense and a chance was lost it seems now forever.

The assasination in Dubai was sloppy 24 agents to take out one person, wander all over malls and make sure you are seen changeing by multiple security cameras. A sanction takes two people and a car park in dubai ask the russians. To quote a friend if you see them i didnt train them.
Two theories one hamas taking out a double dealing arms trader two Israel saying we can do it any where.
Short version an assasin got assainated tazer to the privates druged, iterrogated and killed i dont imagine he will be missed.
As for if another country come on Dubai is a cespit of greed and coruption if your rich and arab any thing goes if your a poor Pakistani worker that hasent been paid for a year screw you.

The UN is all over Gaza how else could a UN compound have been beside an Israeli arty attack? LOL harmless commandos, yes that was a disaster, 600 people on a ship and you land two men with paint guns and side arms.

Rule one in the face of strong forces in a political situation you respons with a:no force b: overwhelming in your face just try it bastard force
Israel f-ed up and did half way. two coast guard officers un armed inspecting the ship would have been brave bastards but the right response.

Two semi armed commandos just allowed the gaza or death crowd on board thier wish.

The Gaza seige i agree is wrong and only helps Hamas, the more limits Israel applies the more excuses the arab world and hamas have for gaza being a cesspit. Provide free transit to gaza and the west bank, all the aid they desire free passage to all muslim countries of all palestinians that want to relocate.

First question last and sorry for the long reply, yes 600 people from a Hamas "aid" organisation on a peace mission yep torpedo it and blame it on the noth koreans.

Seriously, you have civilian un armed police/coast guard board the boat with if posible UN/neutral observers to search for weapons drugs or contraband while the vessel is with in your economic zone.
With respect to the honorable friends abord there were also people armed and looking for a fight that got what they wanted.

Seriously i live by an old addage dont bring a knife to a gun fight, the turks did. I am sorry for the 9 people that died and i assume not all were the people attacking the Israeli commandoes but 5 vessels were boarded with out incident then one turned into a fire fight. The logical assumption is that on that vessel the armed officers were attacked as the turkish photos show.

As for it was a plot, yes in big letters. You do not need 600 civilians to tranport aid. Yes Israel was stupid to respond in the way it did but if your only objecive is to tranport aid why not que a line of trucks at the Egyptian border and stage a hunger strike?

Jerusalem, June 3 (IANS/AKI): Israel has said about 40 of the activists arrested in the attack on the Gaza-bound aid flotilla may have had links to Al-Qaeda.

According to the Israeli defence forces (IDF), a special meeting of the security cabinet late Tuesday heard that a group of 40 people on board the Mavi Marmara ship with no identification papers belonged to Al Qaeda.

"The terrorists were equipped with bullet proof vests, night-vision goggles, and weapons. On board the Mavi Marmara ship that arrived as part of the flotilla to Gaza was a group of about 40 people with no identification papers, who are mercenaries belonging to the Al Qaeda terror organisation," the IDF said on its website.

As international debate continues over Israel's deadly raid on the humanitarian vessels, the IDF released a number of videos to show the military's version of the attack during which soldiers shot and killed nine international activists bound for the Gaza Strip.

One video, put up Wednesday on several websites including the site of Israeli daily Haaretz, shows passengers on the Mavi Marmara hurling stun grenades and plates and spraying water at the commandos as they lowered themselves onto the ship.

The activists are also seen armed with iron bars and batons which they reportedly used against the soldiers.

Thank you AG for your response i hope i have at least answered a few of your questions in my ramble
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Another publicity stunt by iran. Keep Iran away from the Palestine conflict and you may see something better.
but I wonder Iran serious about that, because I still don't know about Iranian Navy power, their war ship, navy force and comparison between Iran Navy and Israel Navy

Iran regime hardly care about its soldiers which are brain washed any way.

This move of Iran is clearly, in the interest of Israel other wise it was difficult to find reason to shoot peaceful aid workers, in the presence of Turk naval boats.

This is how Iran always serve Israeli interests.

Congrats. Iran Israel connection just got busted. :tdown:

To counter this clever Israeli move Turkey should call back its aid convoy and let Iran lead.
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i think the revolutionary guards r totally fed up with their naval ships,they just want to loose some and here comes a nice excuse:whistle:
No, according to the Iranians and some members here, it is called "having balls". :usflag:

well, it has been working great for us for 2500 years! We have balls made of titanium. Even when our back is broken, as it has been in the past 31 years, we keep our heads high and never give up. You don't need fancy jets to defend your own country, you need courage and you can find a lot of that in Iran.
**** with us long enough and you will taste our salty titanium balls and then you can tell me if it tastes better then the Jewish set you're sucking right now ;)
i think the revolutionary guards r totally fed up with their naval ships,they just want to loose some and here comes a nice excuse:whistle:
this one is funny :rofl: :tup:

about some comments here...
could you understand there is a propaganda blabla ...
and most important we already said in last topics about humanitarian ship attacked by Israeli forces that these boats refuse any help from Iran
ok understand it?
well, it has been working great for us for 2500 years! We have balls made of titanium. Even when our back is broken, as it has been in the past 31 years, we keep our heads high and never give up. You don't need fancy jets to defend your own country, you need courage and you can find a lot of that in Iran.
**** with us long enough and you will taste our salty titanium balls and then you can tell me if it tastes better then the Jewish set you're sucking right now ;)

That's right, courage is the way. :)

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