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Iran fires nine mortar shells across Pakistan’s border

First calm down, it's not good for you to be this angry.

Secondly, No we are not, educate yourself please.

if you are not then you will be soon..


Stop acting like a drama queen, the word terrorist was used referring to real terror groups like Jundullah, not people of Pakistan. The very fact that you are trying to twist my words to make your point shows you have no arguments.

and who are these Jundullah scums? Why you let them run into Pakistan? why not you control them in you territory as they are not Pakistanis but Iranians. bomb them in your territory..
We have the right to defend our borders from terrorists hiding within Pakistan territories by all means.instead of blaming us, let's carry out a joint operation against those terrorists.

you cant bomb territory of other sovereign state. you should stop these Iranian terrorists in Iranian soil. dont let them enter Pakistan. if you have information then share with our authorities.. no need to act as rough state.

Pakistan badly need a mad leader who can take these lunatic Mullahs to ride.
you cant bomb territory of other sovereign state. you should stop these Iranian terrorists in Iranian soil. dont let them enter Pakistan.
I know your feeling dude but take a look at the terrain.it's really a very long border with mountainous terrain and very low population intensity.they do assaults at towns or roads then scape to Pakistan with a off-road car in minutes.what can be done? We are already targeting them with drones inside our territory and their casualties are high but yet some of them manage to escape.we will appreciate of you help us in the war against terrorism.it will be in favour of both sides along the border line.
we will appreciate of you help us in the war against terrorism.it will be in favour of both sides along the border line.

Pakistan never declined to help Iran instead we arrested many top leaders and handed over to you guys.. we are more then happy to help and cooperate for mutual security as these Jandullah scums are also threat to Pakistan's security. but bombing someone else territory is not the way, sharing information should be the way forward.

no one report the border violation on mountain. media report when mortar falls in cities or villages near border.
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They also hinted that a third party may have fired the rounds to create misunderstanding between the two brotherly countries.
Third party? IS this a bloody joke. Iranians regularly accuse us of not controlling our territory while Mortars are being fired from a third party within Iranian territory. It would be better if Iran actually starts controlling these so called third party before we start responding in kind.

How am I asteen ka sanp because I don't comply with GCC rules. Because I speak against Baloch insurgents. Because I want better border management in Baluchistan. Because I am happy that Radd-ul-fassad is killing terrorists?
None of the above but because you are actually encouraging a foreign country to strike inside Pakistani territory and on top of that you are disguising it as better border management which i can assure you its not. Its some trigger happy mullahs who want to see tough and the only response should be to fire back at their territory and tell them next time we will pounce on your positions.
you cant bomb territory of other sovereign state. you should stop these Iranian terrorists in Iranian soil. dont let them enter Pakistan. if you have information then share with our authorities.. no need to act as rough state.

Pakistan badly need a mad leader who can take these lunatic Mullahs to ride.

American terrorist drones also do that ... So it's a free zone :D

Iran is the friend who steals your girlfriend

@Nilgiri :D
The title say Iran fired the text say Iran did not so correct me where I am wrong please.

since when you become expert in matters, where you have no knowledge... the fact mortar shells landed inside your territory... instead you dragging India without valid point.. We don't have military ops from Iran side...
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