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Iran fires mortar shells into Pakistan: Report

Man pakistan doesn't require any external support from any to destroy Iranian military.
Foreign powers would interfere for their own agenda, not because Pakistan need external support. Pakistan has powerful army in it's region and doesnt need any external support. It won't stop other powers to interfere anyway.
There is no "Trump" word in NATO pact, and i talked about Trump.

He was hungrily waiting for any mistake from Iran. Iran's aggression towards Pakistan will give the exact reasoning, and even more if one NATO member interfered in that country :angel:

We won't ask you anyway, cheers
Trump and others like him are just waiting for $ and a good story to lough
This bhangi probably thinks Pakistanis and Iranian are dumber then those low IQ pests ruling them. :lol::lol::lol:
this ignorant fool thinks that he's directing a Bollywood scene and all odds are going to be in his favor . :lol: How dumb one could get ?
There is no such report in our medias, if it's true i am sure that it is coordinated with Pak's government.

For sure no media is reporting this. I think it is not a true news

Oh wait, who did post it? The same people who forged our national passport. It angers me to death when i see someone is abusing our trust.

Is there any official confirmation for this incident? @2800 @AmirPatriot
Neither I said so,what I said is possible outcome of a hypothetical scenario.
You can read my #52
alright , let me take the liberty to discuss another possible scenario . What if Iran and Pak decided to invade British India union and to share the spoils of war proportionately? After all the Persians had historically set many precedents in this regard .
There is no such report in our medias, if it's true i am sure that it is coordinated with Pak's government.

For sure no media is reporting this. I think it is not a true news

Oh wait, who did post it? The same people who forged our national passport. It angers me to death when i see someone is abusing our trust.

Is there any official confirmation for this incident? @2800 @AmirPatriot
I too said that I m skeptikal about this news,but Iran's threaten you guys about this earlier and it even reported by your own press

alright , let me take the liberty to discuss another possible scenario . What if Iran and Pak decided to invade British India union and to share the spoils of war proportionately? After all the Persians had historically set many precedents in this regard .
And for your kind information British Indian union consists of present day federal republic India,Pakistan,and Bangladesh.
I too said that I m skeptikal about this news,but Iran's threaten you guys about this earlier and it even reported by your own press

And for your kind information British Indian union consists of present day federal republic India,Pakistan,and Bangladesh.
Don't believe if sometimes someone get high and says some funny things
There are some high ranked uneducated who just wants to say something
If Iran (or someone else) try to f*** with our brother Pakistan, Turkey would just fully support you guys. I am not sure about Saudi Arabia, maybe they would give economic help and airforce support.

But one NATO member's direct interference will push Trump to send US airforce as well.

We won't need NATO. Pakistan and Turkey have some of the best defence forces in the Muslim world. Combined, we can take on anyone in the vicinity. :-)
I too said that I m skeptikal about this news,but Iran's threaten you guys about this earlier and it even reported by your own press

And for your kind information British Indian union consists of present day federal republic India,Pakistan,and Bangladesh.
so I take your post as the validation of the Pakistan stance that there was no united India before the English arrived :D
a sanghi wanted a nuclear exchange between Pak n Iran. But posters from both the countries were unaware of the fact that how powerful they are respectively to obliterate each other :D

Those who culture their foreign policy from orange news are charming. They are like Koko learning the hard way.
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