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Iran fired cruise missiles in attack on Saudi oil facility: Senior US official

Well nobody here give a fk about ethnicity or DNA, Now We are Pakistan and your are Iran.

Yes but where do you think your DNA came from ?

are you an Indian who turned muslim or you are an Iranian neolithic farmer descendant from great IVC ? whats your identity because your nation came into being few decades ago ... and so is mine (IRI was born in 1979) ... so what is your ethnic identity then ? DNA studies conducted on lots of you says your nation is like 60-70 % atleast male lineage wise Iranic. May be you do as an individual not belong to that %

LOL. You little piece of shite. WE are the people of Indus, the first civilization of mankind, the elite. WE civilized your lands that you now called Persia before you shitholes even existed. Our sperms run in all that live under the sun in this region and beyond, so take a hike you low level scumbag. You hate Pakistan, you are hating your fathers, the land where it all begin.

@Dubious take care of this Persian troll and his filth on this forum.

LOL INDUS VALLEY was formed by Iranian neolithic farmers. You need better education.
Indus valley came far later then european, Anatoian and Iranic cline. IVC came from mixing of Iranian neolithic farmers Males with ASI females, that haplogroup marker still runs among autosomal DNA of pakistanis today.


and btw I am an Azeri Turk (some Georgian mixing in me)
Yes but where do you think your DNA came from ?

are you an Indian who turned muslim or you are an Iranian neolithic farmer descendant from great IVC ? whats your identity because your nation came into being few decades ago ... and so is mine (IRI was born in 1979) ... so what is your ethnic identity then ? DNA studies conducted on lots of you says your nation is like 60-70 % atleast male lineage wise Iranic. May be you do as an individual not belong to that %

What it got to with topic, i am clearly not interested in this ethnic blabbering yet you want to shove it down my throat? I am Happy with my current Identity a Pakistani Muslim. You can consider me anything you want.
Behind the scenes, Iran and some world powers have some kind of agreement to weaken Islam and give enough reason to make the entire middle east, Afghanistan and Pakistan a battle ground.

I was neutral on Iran until February this year when their general issued a threat in sync with India.

Somehow Indians and Israelis realized that they can't overwhelm Pakistan for now, so Iran also stopped issuing threats.

The moment Pakistan/ India war starts, Iran and Northern Alliance of Afghanistan will try to annex significant chunks of Pakistani land in Balochistan and KPK respectively. Remember, RAW has established a powerful network in Iran with full Irani support (for reference, Hussain Mubarak Patel).

Simultaneously, KSA will also face internal and external attacks from Iran and its allies.

But until India attacks Pakistan, this will continue like how it is being conducted as of now. And India is in no position to attack Pakistan until it is sure it will not get significant blows from Pakistan.

Iran is a cunning state and Pakistanis who are supporting Iran are naive.. this is all I can say for now. If we want Iran to be neutral, we will have to take back all the assurances that we will provide security to KSA generally and harmain specifically.
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Yes but where do you think your DNA came from ?

are you an Indian who turned muslim or you are an Iranian neolithic farmer descendant from great IVC ? whats your identity because your nation came into being few decades ago ... and so is mine (IRI was born in 1979) ... so what is your ethnic identity then ? DNA studies conducted on lots of you says your nation is like 60-70 % atleast male lineage wise Iranic. May be you do as an individual not belong to that %

LOL INDUS VALLEY was formed by Iranian neolithic farmers. You need better education.
Indus valley came far later then european, Anatoian and Iranic cline. IVC came from mixing of Iranian neolithic farmers Males with ASI females, that haplogroup marker still runs among autosomal DNA of pakistanis today.


and btw I am an Azeri Turk (some Georgian mixing in me)

LOL, the world OLDEST civilization will come from some random people from distant lands who didn't even have their own civilization in the lands their originally inhabited. LOL. Tell this BS to anyone and will laugh at your face. OUR land, the Indus basin is the MOST ancient of all, and we have archaeology to prove it. All ancient civlizations/empires were based around proper river systems, you shithole dont have any which can be compared to Indus, Euphrates and Nile. Even from Islamic point of view, When God send Adam to earth from heaven, he was placed in this region of sub continent , which in turn support the Indus being the world oldest civilization. There is a reason why Indus is called the melting pot of the civilization because it predates both Babylon and Egypt. So you shithole called Persians or Iranic or what not, need to get your head out from our bottom and understand the reality. We, the Pakistanis, sit right on top of the food chain, we don't owe anyone anything.

Don't give a flying fk as to who you are. There is no "Persian or Iranian civilization". There are only three, The might Indus, the Babylon and Egypt. KNOW YOUR PLACE.

Pakistan should help saudia if it wants Arabs to take stand on kashmir.right time for us to abandon iran.it is Iran who is facilitating Taliban India meetings and it's iran who successfully integrated in our system and finally managed to sideline is from Arab world.we should send army to saudia now.attack iraq and iran.don't care about sympathizers here.we must do whatever is best for country.
Behind the scenes, Iran and some world powers have some kind of agreement to weaken Islam and give enough reason to make the entire middle east, Afghanistan and Pakistan a battle ground.

I was neutral on Iran until February this year when their general issued a threat in sync with India.

Somehow Indians and Israelis realized that they can overwhelm Pakistan for now, so Iran also stopped issuing threats.

The moment Pakistan/ India war starts, Iran and Northern Alliance of Afghanistan will try to annex significant chunks of Pakistani land in Balochistan and KPK respectively. Remember, RAW has established a powerful network in Iran with full Irani support (for reference, Hussain Mubarak Patel).

Simultaneously, KSA will also face internal and external attacks from Iran and its allies.

But until India attacks Pakistan, this will continue like how it is being conducted as of now. And India is in no position to attack Pakistan until it is sure it will not get significant blows from Pakistan.

Iran is a cunning state and Pakistanis who are supporting Iran are naive.. this is all I can say for now. If we want Iran to be neutral, we will have to take back all the assurances that we will provide security to KSA generally and harmain specifically.

Iran is simply cleverer than you.

It not only employs ethnic blackmail but also sectarian blackmail to push her agenda.

Remember if it werent for British you would be speaking Persian.
Jinnah chose Urdu. Blame him
Where did I said anything about urdu I am saying if you can type in English then what is wrong in typing in Persian
And For your information Urdu is being used in this area since centuries
Jinnah didn't invented it
anyone seen Mr 8 minutes?!
LOL, the world OLDEST civilization will come from some random people from distant lands who didn't even have their own civilization in the lands their originally inhabited. LOL. Tell this BS to anyone and will laugh at your face. OUR land, the Indus basin is the MOST ancient of all, and we have archaeology to prove it. All ancient civlizations/empires were based around proper river systems, you shithole dont have any which can be compared to Indus, Euphrates and Nile. Even from Islamic point of view, When God send Adam to earth from heaven, he was placed in this region of sub continent , which in turn support the Indus being the world oldest civilization. There is a reason why Indus is called the melting pot of the civilization because it predates both Babylon and Egypt. So you shithole called Persians or Iranic or what not, need to get your head out from our bottom and understand the reality. We, the Pakistanis, sit right on top of the food chain, we don't owe anyone anything.

Don't give a flying fk as to who you are. There is no "Persian or Iranian civilization". There are only three, The might Indus, the Babylon and Egypt. KNOW YOUR PLACE.

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Iran is simply cleverer than you.

It not only employs ethnic blackmail but also sectarian blackmail to push her agenda.

Remember if it werent for British you would be speaking Persian.
Iran is cleverer than not just me, but you, our government, establishment and entire middle east.

Iran gets all the discounts and exemptions when it wants to sell its oil to unholy ally, India.. We Pakistanis are so stupid that we don't understand the alliance between Iran and India.

We see only Arab bashing here. Iran appeasers never said a word when Kullu Bhos was arrested having Iranian visa, Uzair Baloch and Baba Ladla were arrested with Iranian passports, Iranian generals threatened Pakistan, Iran recruited thousands of Pakistanis for its Zainabiyon brigade without Pakistani government's approval (while we are still bashing Arabs for asking our little help in Yemen), when Irani terrorists were caught in Bahrain on Pakistani passports (causing Bahrain to suspend visas to Pakistanis) etc..
Of course they will. Give me 1 million dollars, I will take the responsibility too. In fact I will also provide the story that how I did that.
Money talks.
Are you saying houthis are sellouts given that such statement comes from a top leadership and anyone acting individually or betraying will be killed asap.
Trump shouldn't have fired John Bolton, this guy will get his war with Iran, doesn't matter if he is in the gov office or not!
Are you saying houthis are sellouts given that such statement comes from a top leadership and anyone acting individually or betraying will be killed asap.
I am say, that moon is round, and I like drinking tea in moonlight.
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