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Iran deploys S-300 air defense missile systems in emergency


Apr 28, 2011
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The Iranian army began urgently deploying S-300 air defense systems recently received from Russia across the Caspian Sea.
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S-300 Air Defense system (Picture source: Vitaly Kuzmin)

One may assume this deployment is the result of a fire and explosion that recently occurred at one of the secret Iranian plants involved in the military sector, possibly linked to nuclear activity. Several experts then expressed the opinion that this could well be the result of an attack by Israeli aircraft, which is denied by the Iranian government and, of course, not commented by the Israeli one.

Currently, S-300 systems are the most long-range and modern weapons in the arsenal of Iranian air defense. The S-300 (NATO reporting name: SA-10 Grumble) is a series of initially Soviet and later Russian long range surface-to-air missile systems produced by NPO Almaz, based on the initial S-300P version. The S-300 system was developed to defend against aircraft and cruise missiles for the Soviet Air Defense Forces. Subsequent variations were developed to intercept ballistic missiles.

The S-300 system was first deployed by the Soviet Union in 1979, designed for the air defense of large industrial and administrative facilities, military bases and control of airspace against enemy strike aircraft. The system is fully automated, though manual observation and operation are also possible. Components may be near the central command post, or as distant as 40 km. Each radar provides target designation for the central command post. The command post compares the data received from the targeting radars up to 80 km apart, filtering false targets, a difficult task at such great distances.[citation needed] The central command post features both active and passive target detection modes.

The project-managing developer of the S-300 is Almaz-Antey. S-300 uses missiles developed by both MKB "Fakel" and NPO Novator design bureaus (separate government corporations, previously named "OKB-2" and "OKB-8").

Western media desperately tries to divert attention from American fked up society. After all, the beacon of freedom is killing and poisoning protesters with, as Trump said, strongest weapons ever built by human kind. :rofl:

Israel is going to attack Iran from Caspian sea. Even the crows will laugh at this desperation.

Which system you have which has more range than S 300 ???
S300 has an engagement range of 150 KM while Iranian hotLaunch Bavar is upto 200 KM. S300 PMU2 would envy the detection range of Bavar-373 radars.
Did Israel attack from caspian sea? Most probably from Azerbaijan then i guess. Israel already using an airbase in azerbaijan.
Off topic but if Azerbaijan and Israeli relations are that deep, we better be cautious with Azerbaijan. Israel is known for aggressive secret work, they might as well use Azerbaijan to infiltrate us.
Propaganda article. There is already S-300 battalion in the North to protect Tehran. So there is nothing to “deploy”. It’s not like the S-300 were sitting in furlough waiting to be used.

They are actively deployed around Tehran province and South Iran facing across the PG.
Iran is deploying 3rd Khordad (the global hawk killer) in Syria to replace S300. We laugh at S300.

S300 performance is already tested and the propaganda news is for the immatures of the forum.

Yet, I have to give credit where it is due. Media is working well to portray F35 effective.
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Iran is deploying 3rd Khordad (the global hawk killer) in Syria to replace S300. We laugh at S300.

S300 performance is already tested and the propaganda news is for the immatures of the forum.

Yet, I have to give credit where it is due. Media is working well to show F35 effective.
S-300 is OK. The problem is the Russians intervene with the job of the Syrian operators. I doubt there are even ''Syrian'' operators.
S-300 is OK. The problem is the Russians intervene with the job of the Syrian operators. I doubt there are even ''Syrian'' operators.

If Russians ruined their reputation in air defense this way, then I am speechless.
If Russians ruined their reputation in air defense this way, then I am speechless.
For Russia, the safety and prosperity of the Jewish state is extremely important due to obvious reasons. Israel will always be a red line for Russia. They will never allow the Syrians to engage the Israelis in any way.
Iran moving its own AD systems to Syria is a very interesting development though.
For Russia, the safety and prosperity of the Jewish state is extremely important due to obvious reasons. Israel will always be a red line for Russia. They will never allow the Syrians to engage the Israelis in any way.
Iran moving its own AD systems to Syria is a very interesting development though.

That is a possibility but at the cost of humiliation of S300.
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