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Iran Decides to AcComplete Takeover of Afghanistan

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I was just adding to the member. However, on totally different note about whether it was said by the Iranian official or not; will be sorted out very soon and only by the Iranian official rejecting such a wide spread (alleged) propaganda against Iran. Let's see how it turns out to be.
I'll be honest this is a lot like the Iranians to do something like this, publish one thing in the state newspaper and say another to try and give some plausible deniability. Same occurred with the Prisoner exchange which Pakistan facilitated. While that was being done IRGC media put out headlines of a 'surgical strike' in Pakistan to free their prisoners.
I was just adding to the member. However, on totally different note about whether it was said by the Iranian official or not; will be sorted out very soon and only by the Iranian official rejecting such a wide spread (alleged) propaganda against Iran. Let's see how it turns out to be.
Well that's a well known Iranian tactics. Do the propaganda, then reject it and then do it again.
Most people read the propaganda, but few read the rejection statement
So intended purpose is served.
I have shown you the text from two different official sources of Iran

Those are Tweets not proper news articles. Also, the text in these Tweets does not actually match the words of the spokesperson, as can be heard in a video posted right beneath one of these same Tweets.

Also, do you realize that even the two texts you referenced (one in English, the other in Persian) differ from each other? Further indication that these are not exact transcriptions of the spokesman's words!

Thirdly, in actual news articles on their websites, none of these Twitter sources ascribes these words to the spokesperson.

Here's the one from Tehran Times - no mention of Pakistan:

Yet another indication that the Tweets are using imprecise wording.

The video is incomplete. That poor guy was still talking when the video ended

Yes, however as I indicated, he was no longer talking about the issue when the video ended.

The duration of the video is 2:20. He only addresses this question of purported outside interference from 0:16 to 0:48. So what you're suggesting is that he came back to it at some later point after the video ends, which in my opinion is rather unlikely.

Your lies or poor justifications or clutching at straws whatever they are getting boring now

You can do better than these repetitive ad hominem accusations. I am trying to have a rational discussion here.

We have a clip where the spokesperson can be heard commenting on our topic of interest. In this clip, he first starts talking about something else (0:00-0:15), then deals with the question of foreign intervention (0:16-0:48) and finally changes the subject again for more than one and half minute until the video ends.

Now you're claiming he revisited the foreign intervention topic at some later point, and that it's missing from the video. Well, I'd say here the burden of proof lies on you.

But actually, I have found a recording of the entire press conference from start to finish, straight from the website of Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It's in several parts. Here are the links, in chronological order:


Please point me to where the spokesman is naming Pakistan in this context. Thank you.
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Does anyone actually believe those reports about Pakistani aerial support? Doubt anyone believes that. Yet Iran and India rush to make them seem authentic? For Iran's case, it wants excuse to not recognize Taliban rule and what I always have been saying, they do not want to and will not. They can hope for military intervention of some sort and will do it if Russia gets onboard. Than Iranian members will pretend like no such thing is happening or justify it in other manner.
Those are Tweets not proper news articles. Also, the text in these Tweets does not actually match the words of the spokesperson as can be heard in a video posted right beneath one of these same Tweets.

Also, do you realize that even the two texts you referenced (one in English, the other in Persian) differ from each other? Further indication that these are not exact transcriptions of the spokesman's words!

Yes, however as I indicated, he was no longer talking about the issue when the video ended.

The duration of the video is 2:20. He only addresses this question of purported outside interference from 0:16 to 0:48. So what you're suggesting is that he came back to it at some later point after the video ends, which in my opinion is rather unlikely.

You can do better than these repetitive ad hominem accusations. I am trying to have a rational discussion here.

We have a clip where the spokesperson can be heard commenting on our topic of interest. In this clip, he first begins talking about something else (0:00-0:15), then deals with the question of foreign intervention (0:16-0:48) and then changes the subject for more than one and half minutes until the video ends.

Now you're claiming that he returned to the foreign intervention topic at some later point, which is missing from the video. Well, I'd say that here the burden of proof lies on you.

But actually, I have found a recording of the entire press conference from start to finish, straight from the website of Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It's in several parts. Here are the links, in chronological order:


Please point me to where the spokesman is naming Pakistan in this context. Thank you.

Quit going in tantrums, he mentioned his country his angry over Taliban liberation of Panshjir, and implied a foreign nation was involved in supporting Taliban offensive. And President of Iran and him already hinted they will refuse to recognize Taliban gov't and do not consider it legitimate. Whichever way you try to spin it, Iran is opposed to Taliban, Taliban rule, and Pakistani role in Afghanistan.
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Yes Pakistan not only interfered in Panjsher, it also conquered all of A-Stan. Now, What is Iran going to do about it?? Obviously nothing.
Direct confrontation with a strong opponent is notbtgeir modis opernadi. They wil always be meddlingdoing indirectly. They have a substantial population inside Pakistan under their influence that includes polititians.
Those are Tweets not proper news articles.

Yes. Tweets from official state affiliated agencies of Iran

As for burden of proif. There isn't any burden on me. I have two tweets from official state affiliated agencies of Iran with me

As for the videos. They are not playing on my side

Even if I assume Pakistan isn't mentioned in the video and the text contains it so this again shows disingenuous nature of Iran. Mentioning name of a country in tweets of official news agencies is not shoddy journalism. It shows dubious nature of your country
Quit going in tantrums, he mentioned his country his angry over Taliban liberation of Panshjir,

Not exactly. He objected to the fact that it was achieved through violence and not, as for example in Herat, through negotiated settlement.

and implied a foreign nation was involved in supporting Taliban offensive.

No. He replied to the journalist that these reports about foreign involvement will need to be investigated, ie he is neither confirming nor denying them. Adding that foreign interventions in Afghanistan aren't usually successful. That's all he's declaring on the subject.

And President of Iran and him already hinted they will refuse to recognize Taliban gov't and do not consider it legitimate.

Go ahead and post the relevant quotes.

Iran has been invited by the Taliban to their cabinet announcement event. Iranian attendance will prove this suggestion wrong.

Whichever way you try to spin it, Iran is opposed to Taliban, Taliban rule, and Pakistani role in Afghanistan.

I want assessments to be based on verifiable facts, that's all.

- - - - -

I know buddy. He is simply trying to deflect blame from Iran

There is no confusion

The text is very clear and it's official

Watch the complete press conference I posted links to. He did not make those statements contained in the Tweets, and anyone can verify by viewing the whole thing.
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You are posting junk. Trying hard to cover up intentions of Iran towards Taliban. Iran is opposed to Taliban rule of Afghanistan. Doublespeak won't change that. The guy says in the video we condemn Taliban offensive, and Iran president hinted Taliban rule will not be recognized, and the FM condemned a foreign intervention by foreign country in Panshjir, which is clearly referring to Pakistan. You are playing dumb and wanting us to deeply investigate every word said, investigate hearts of Iranian officials and so forth whenever Iran is in bad light. But, anything vague they say about Israel and suddenly we have to accept your 'facts' of strike on CIA officials and Mossad everywhere. You are a clown with no credibility.
The CULT OF LIARS showing its true colors. Dont forget Irans action have only hard MUSLIM nations for centuries.

For once your FO should grow some balls. If Iran can condemn our interference in TERRORIST AFGHANISTAN then Pakistan should condemn the CULT OF LIARS interference in IRAQ, SYRIA, LEBANON, YEMEN, AFGHANISTAN, ETC...

We need to recognize ISRAEL ASAP.
Not exactly. He objected to the fact that it was achieved through violence and not, as for example in Herat, through negotiated settlement.

No. He replied to the journalist that these reports about foreign involvement will need to be investigated, ie he is neither confirming nor denying them. Adding that foreign interventions Afghanistan are usually successful. That's all he's saying on the subject.

Post the relevant quotes.

Iran has been invited by the Taliban to their cabinet announcement event. Iranian attendance will prove this suggestion wrong.

I want assessments to be based on verifiable facts, that's all.

- - - - -

Watch the complete press conference I posted links to. He did not make those statements contained in the Tweets, and anyone can verify by viewing the whole thing.

Official news agencies of Iran mention Pakistan

Either you prove us they didn't mention Pakistan or else I don't think there is not much to discuss here now
Not exactly. He objected to the fact that it was achieved through violence and not, as for example in Herat, through negotiated settlement.

No. He replied to the journalist that these reports about foreign involvement will need to be investigated, ie he is neither confirming nor denying them. Adding that foreign interventions Afghanistan are usually successful. That's all he's saying on the subject.

Post the relevant quotes.

Iran has been invited by the Taliban to their cabinet announcement event. Iranian attendance will prove this suggestion wrong.

I want assessments to be based on verifiable facts, that's all.

- - - - -

Watch the complete press conference I posted links to. He did not make those statements contained in the Tweets, and anyone can verify by viewing the whole thing.
umh so the dumb journalist asked a question (about reports of foreign involvement) nd this was in reply to that?
Watch the complete press conference I posted links to. He did not make those statements contained in the Tweets, and anyone can verify by viewing the whole thing.

Did you see the video posted? The whole video is him talking about foreign intervention.
No. He replied to the journalist that these reports about foreign involvement will need to be investigated, ie he is neither confirming nor denying them. Adding that foreign interventions Afghanistan are usually successful. That's all he's saying on the subject.

He is saying the opposite of that. He is saying foreigners who intervene in Afghanistan get defeated.
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